
  • 网络national protection movement
护国运动 [hù guó yùn dòng]
  • [Campaign to Defend the Republic] 1915年袁世凯伪造民意,复辟帝制,遭到全国人民的猛烈反对,孙中山和各地人民积极进行反袁斗争。蔡锷潜赴云南、会同李烈钧、唐继尧组织护国军,兴师讨袁。1916年初,出兵贵州、四川和两广。贵州、广西、广东先后独立,袁世凯派兵入川镇压,不能取胜,被迫取消帝制,但仍想保持大总统职位,要求停战。5月岑春煊、梁启超在肇庆设军务院,提出以袁退位为讲和条件。四川、湖南相继宣布独立。北洋军将领冯国璋、段祺瑞与袁貌合神离,按兵不动,日本帝国主义决心抛弃袁世凯。袁世凯内忧外惧,于6月6日死去。此后,进步党联络西南各派实力,勾结北洋军阀段祺瑞,以黎元洪继任总统和恢复国会为条件,结束了护国运动

  1. 护国运动时期云南军政府的外交策略

    Diplomatic Tactics of Yunnan Military Government in National Protection Movement

  2. 护国运动结束后,全国呈现出多元的政治格局,财政散乱,分税制被中断。

    After the national protection movement , the whole country presented a plural political pattern . Finance fell into a mess , so the tax-sharing system was interrupted .

  3. 黄兴也是护国运动的主要领导者

    HUANG Xing is the Main-leader of the Protection Nation Movement

  4. 也论历史人物评价的标准问题&以护国运动中的唐继尧为例

    The Standard Problems of Evaluating Historical People On Tang Ji-yao in Campaign to Defend the Republic

  5. 但对护国运动的若干史实,以及主要领导人物唐继尧的评价等问题,至今仍众说不一。

    But there have been some open problems about the historical facts of " The Defending Republicanism movement " and the appraisal of Tang Giyao as a chief leader of " The Defending Republicanism Movement " .