
  • 网络investment analyst;Investment Strategist;CIIA
  1. 上海投资分析师ChrisPeng较为乐观。

    Chris Peng , an investment analyst in Shanghai , is more sanguine .

  2. VanguardGroup的投资分析师约翰•阿默里克斯(JohnAmeriks)指出,女性的情商高于男性。

    ' Women have greater emotional intelligence than men , 'notes John Ameriks , an investment analyst at Vanguard Group .

  3. 35岁的斯考特·伯格(ScottBerger)是一个投资分析师。2008年10月他被对冲基金公司LaurusCapitalManagement解雇后,就不再刮胡子了。

    Scott Berger , a35-year-old investment analyst , stopped shaving in October after being laid off from hedge fund Laurus Capital Management .

  4. 上海投资分析师chrispeng则质疑,有关中国内地股市过于乐观的说法是否公平。

    Chris Peng , an investment analyst in Shanghai , questions whether it is fair to suggest the mainland equity markets are too exuberant .

  5. 不过,芝加哥ICAP能源公司的投资分析师斯考特·舍拉迪(ScottShelladay)认为,真正的政府违约是根本不可能的。

    But Scott Shellady , who watches investments for ICAP Energy in Chicago , says a true default is highly unlikely .

  6. 沃伦•巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)正遭到投资分析师的批评,他们正对其市值高达3700亿美元的伯克希尔哈撒韦(BerkshireHathaway)财报披露的质量提出批评。

    Warren Buffett is under fire from investment analysts who cover his $ 370bn company , Berkshire Hathaway , over the quality of its financial disclosures .

  7. 与此同时,如果ipo被视为成功的,且投行雇用的投资分析师在帮他们上市之后,仍将提供长期支持,大多数公司都不会有太大的抱怨。

    Meanwhile , most companies will not complain too much if an IPO is seen to be successful and they gain long-term backing from investment analysts employed by the banks that brought them to market .

  8. 广告家住宾夕法尼亚州普鲁士王市的投资分析师弗兰克•乔休(FrankGiaccio)最近在意大利旅行时就选择了火车。

    Frank Giaccio , a60-year-old investment analyst from King of Prussia , Pa. , did the latter during a recent trip to Italy .

  9. 投资分析师安德鲁•梅特卡夫(AndrewMetcalf)表示:“缺水终于开始造成财务影响。”他在去年为信用评级机构穆迪(Moody’s)撰写的一份报告中表示,这个问题已经对采矿业产生了“负面信用影响”。

    Andrew Metcalf , an investment analyst , said : " Water scarcity is finally starting to bite financially . " It already has " credit-negative implications " for the mining industry , he said in a report last year for Moody 's , the credit rating agency .

  10. 马修,某顶级银行资深投资分析师

    Matthew , a senior investment analyst at a top-tier bank

  11. 这些工作包含:企管顾问、投资分析师、企业家以及产品经理人等等。

    Examples include consultants , investment analysts , entrepreneurs , and product managers .

  12. 投资分析师认为,中国的教育甚至可能会被证明为免受衰退影响的行业。

    Investment analysts think education in China could even prove to be a recession-proof business .

  13. 不过最受热门的提议来自于伦敦投资分析师爱德华·里奇。

    But the hottest tip came from Edward Ritchie , an investment analyst in London .

  14. 注册国际投资分析师考试是中国证券业专业水平体系的重要组成部分。

    The CIIA examination is an important part of the professional examination system of the securities industry of China .

  15. 我们的成就使追综我公司业绩的4名重要投资分析师信服,他们建议投资者购买我公司的股票。

    These efforts have persuaded fourteen key analysts , who follow the company , to recommend that investor buy our stock .

  16. 上海黄金投资分析师杨飞称,黄金是一种金融产品,但它同样是一种商品,所以它的价格取决于需求量。

    Yang Fei , Shanghai-based gold investment analyst said that although gold is seen as a financial product , it is also a commodity and as such its prices depend on demand .

  17. 在我们所熟知世界,亚洲的投资分析师和基金经理在离开办公室之后,通常都会熬到深夜,从当前的交易模式和华尔街的举止中,判断本地股市第二天可能的走向。

    In the world we knew , Asian-based investment analysts and fund managers typically stayed up late at night after leaving the office to gauge the possible direction of tomorrow 's stock markets from the current trading patterns and behaviours on Wall Street .

  18. wins投资信托分析师西蒙埃利奥特(simonelliott)表示,对于希望融资的投资信托基金而言,这仍是一个“非常严峻的市场”。

    Simon Elliott , an investment trust analyst at wins , says it remains a " very difficult market " for investment trusts to raise funds in .

  19. PiperJaffray投资银行分析师吉恩•蒙斯特认为,亚马逊为Prime服务目前投入的钱要比赚的钱还多,平均在每位用户身上要投入11美元。

    Piper Jaffray ( pjc ) analyst gene Munster believes Amazon is spending more money than it earns on the program & by as much as $ 11 per user .

  20. “市场如此起伏不定,所以我们想知道,每次起起落落时,谁是输家,谁又会成为受益人,”oriel的投资信托分析师艾恩斯库勒(iainscouller)说。

    " Markets have been so volatile that we wanted to see who will be the losers and the beneficiaries of any rise or fall , " says Iain scouller , investment trust analyst at oriel .

  21. 他表示,投资银行分析师层次的招聘活动又回到了2007年的水平。

    Investment bank recruiting at analyst level is back at 2007 rates , he reports .

  22. 单词解释:购买投资投资分析师的工作就是调查市场和公司状况,然后提出合理的建议。

    eg.The job of investment analyst involves examining markets and companies , in order to give a reasonable opinion on them .

  23. 例如,投资银行分析师估计,乌克兰明年需要从外部筹资约550亿至6000亿美元。

    Investment bank analysts estimate , for example , that Ukraine needs to raise some $ 55bn - $ 60bn next year in external financing .

  24. 本周二,在俄罗斯叶卡捷琳堡召开了首届金砖四国峰会,这几乎可以说是首个由一家投资银行分析师及销售团队创造的多边国家集团。

    The Bric summit , which convenes for the first time today in Yekaterinburg , Russia , is almost certainly the first multilateral nation bloc to be created by an investment bank 's research analysts and their sales team .

  25. 国会、证券交易委员会(SEC)、最高法院(theSupremeCourt)、投资经理和分析师都没有尽到自己的责任。

    Congress , the SEC , the Supreme Court , money managers , and analysts have all let us down .

  26. 首尔NH投资证券公司分析师李世哲(LeeSe-cheol,音)表示,如果第四季度停止销售盖乐世Note7,会带来6.3亿美元的收入损失,致使三星更加依赖半导体业务盈利。

    Lee Se-cheol , an analyst at NH Investment & Securities in Seoul , said that if the sales of the Samsung model were to be suspended for the fourth quarter , it would cost $ 630 million in lost revenue , making the company more dependent on its semiconductor business for profit .

  27. 他们的题目包括首席执行官、副总裁、资深投资经理、分析师和战略家。

    Their titles include chief executive officer , vice president , senior investment manager , analyst and strategist .

  28. 尽管如此,战略空想家的幻想得到了管理顾问、投资银行家和分析师的推波助澜。

    Still , the fantasy of the strategic visionary is vigorously promoted by management consultants , investment bankers and analysts .

  29. 但由于中国的增长过度依赖投资,很多分析师担心,收紧货币政策将导致经济增长更大幅度的放缓。

    But with Chinese growth so overly dependent on investment , many analysts worry that tighter monetary conditions will cause growth to slow even more .

  30. 但大多数人都“从未料到这会发生在鲁伯特默多克尚在人世的时候”(美国宏桥信托投资集团研究分析师理查德格林菲尔德)。

    But most " never anticipated it would happen while Rupert Murdoch is alive " , says Richard Greenfield , an analyst at btig research .