
tóu zī jī jīn
  • funded reserve;investment fund
  1. 斯威夫特说,生物科技领域的投资人越来越精明了,这也为我们获得一个更专业的投资基金提供了机会。

    Swift said the growing sophistication among biotech investors presented an opportunity for a more specialist investment fund .

  2. BigSocietyCapital是一家成立于2012年的投资基金,他们有6亿英镑用于帮助建立市场。

    Big Society Capital , an investment fund launched in 2012 , has £ 600m to help create a market .

  3. 银河银泰理财分红证券投资基金更新招募说明书

    Galaxy Yintai fiscal dividend securities investment funds to update placement prospectuses .

  4. 投资基金风险管理VaR模型与支持系统研究

    Study on VaR Model and Its Support System for Risk Management of Investment Funds

  5. 基于VaR的证券投资基金风险度量及业绩评价研究

    The Research on Risk Measurement and Performance Valuation of Security Investment Fund Based on VaR

  6. 来自TrueCapital零售公司投资基金的马特.楚曼相信,所有这些都预示着网络和传统零售商将“相互融合”。

    All this suggests that online and traditional retailers are " migrating to a middle ground , " believes Matt Truman of True Capital , a fund that invests in consumer companies .

  7. 通过对策DEA模型对投资基金业绩进行评估,无需对市场组合进行选择,因而克服了因市场组合选择不同而带来的评估结果失真的问题。

    The evaluation of investment funds via game-DEA models does not need to select market combinations , so it makes the results of evaluation more reliable .

  8. 自1868年世界上第一家投资基金海外和殖民地政府信托(TheForeignandColonialGovernmentTrust)在英国成立,投资基金已经经过了100多年的发展。

    Investment funds have a long history of over 100 years , which began in 1868 when the Foreign and Colonial Government Trust , the first investment fund of the world , was established in England .

  9. 文中提出了一个资产配置模型,即证券投资基金的风险管理者在确定持有期内,如何构建满足VAR限制条件下求解期望收益最优化时达到的投资组合结构模型,即我们要求的资产配置。

    The thesis proposed a model of asset allocation we required , How to establish the portfolio model which can achieve the maximum profits given a restrictive VaR value .

  10. 将Bayesian统计推断理论引入证券投资基金业绩评价过程,提出一种从投资者角度评价基金业绩的Bayesian方法。

    The paper specially introduces the theory of Bayesian Statistical Inference into performance evaluation procedure for securities investment funds and proposes a Bayesian method of performance evaluation from an investor'perspective .

  11. 笔者参照国外经验,提出了投资基金组建的形式、方法和原则,及有关spv的市场进入、经营、退出的法规与政策制定的参考。

    Therefore , we should develop investment funds , and establish the law about spv market enter , keep and quit affair .

  12. 相比证券投资基金,REIT投资应更注重对单个物业资产的评估。

    Compared to securities fund , manager should pay more attention to analysis of individual assets .

  13. 相对于国内证券投资基金,QFⅡ具有更强的行业分析能力和广阔的国际化视野。

    Relative to the domestic securities investment funds , QFII has stronger ability and broad industry analysts view .

  14. 基于以上理论和实证分析,论文最后尝试构建了我国证券投资基金的VaR风险管理支持系统。

    On the grounds of theory and empirical analysis , at last , the paper tries to establish a support system of VaR risk management , which is used by securities funds .

  15. LendInvest的首席执行官克里斯蒂安•费斯(ChristianFaes)表示,他花了大量时间接洽风险投资基金,试图找到合适的合作伙伴。

    Christian Faes , chief executive , said he had spent a lot of time talking to venture capital funds trying to find the right partner .

  16. 他曾经是高盛新加坡办事处的联合总裁,在那里,他曾给一些有影响的客户提供咨询,其中包括这个城市国家的投资基金&淡马锡(Temasek)。

    He was previously co - president of the Singapore office , where he advised powerful clients , including Temasek , the city-state 's investment fund .

  17. 去年,华人文化产业投资基金宣布,计划与华纳兄弟和全球广告巨头WPP等企业共同创立一个“全球内容投资基金”。

    Last year , China Media Capital announced plans to create a " global content investment fund " with Warner Bros. and the global advertising giant WPP , among others .

  18. 迄今为止,这些精英企业的创始人难以抗拒风险投资基金的意愿,但米尔纳开创的交易ElevationPartners最近向Yelp提供投资时已模仿了这一套路给了这些企业更大的话语权。

    Until now , the founders of such elite enterprises have struggled to resist the wishes of venture funds , but the deals pioneered by Mr Milner – and already mimicked by Elevation Partners in a recent financing of Yelp – give them greater power .

  19. 证券投资基金是最典型的集合理财产品。

    Securities investment fund is the most typical collective financing product .

  20. 我国证券投资基金业的市场结构行为绩效分析

    Research on the Market Structure-Conduct-Performance of China 's Securities Investment Funds

  21. 证券投资基金产品创新设计研究

    The Research on the Approach of Innovation of Securities Investment Fund

  22. 中国证券投资基金市场:现状、问题与对策

    China 's Investment Funds Market : Situation , Problems and Suggestions

  23. 证券投资基金自诞生至今已逾百年。

    Securities investment fund from birth until now already over hundred years .

  24. 商业银行制度与投资基金制度:一个比较分析框架

    Commercial Bank System and Investment Fund System : A Comparative Analytical Framework

  25. 浅析我国证券投资基金托管制度及其完善

    On Chinese Securities Investment Fund Trust System and Its Improvement

  26. 现在我们正在处理的主流投资基金,他说。

    Now we are dealing with mainstream investment funds , he said .

  27. 我国证券投资基金择股能力分析

    Analysis on Stock Selection Ability of Investment Funds in China

  28. 风险投资基金的监督博弈分析

    The Analysis of Venture Capital Funds Based in Game Theory

  29. 浅议《证券投资基金法》对证券市场的影响

    Analysis of Market Influence of the Law of Chinese Security Investment Funds

  30. 第一部分不动产投资基金的历史形成及其发展。

    The evolvement and historical development of the real estate investment fund .