
  • 网络investment
  1. Inspiteofskewedvaluation,regulatorsareunwillingorpoliticallyunabletoallowcompaniestobesoldatdeepdiscountstotheinflatedstockmarketprices.高盛及其投资对象昨日均不予置评。

    Neither Goldman nor any of its investment targets would comment yesterday .

  2. 她表示,她为公司推荐了潜在的投资对象Twitter。

    She said that she had discovered Twitter as a potential investment for the venture capital firm .

  3. 我在FirstRoundCapital工作时的特长就是能先人一步发现投资对象并,据为己有。

    What I had been good at while at first round capital was finding deals early and planting my flag .

  4. C用国际金融界广泛采用的VAR量化,选择V最大的为投资对象。

    C is quantified by VAR which is common used in international finance field . And select v as the investing object .

  5. 大家也许觉得LinkedIn在2004年是一个不可错过的投资对象。

    You may think LinkedIn was an obvious investment in 2004 .

  6. 公司尚未上市的投资对象还包括地理定位社交网络Foursquare以及Twitter。

    Still-private investments include foursquare and twitter .

  7. 其他追逐机会的公司还包括资深新兴市场基金经理麦嘉华(MarcFaber)任董事长的LeopardCapital。该公司计划为两只以缅甸为主要投资对象的基金筹资1.5亿美元。

    Others in the hunt include Leopard Capital , whose chairman is veteran emerging-markets fund manager Marc Faber , which is seeking to raise $ 150 million for two Myanmar-focused funds .

  8. 该公司的第一个投资对象是RossIntelligence,一家成立才1年多一点、位于加州帕洛阿尔托(PaloAlto)的创业型公司,创始人是希莫•奥比亚赫莱(JimohOvbiagele)和安德鲁•阿鲁达(AndrewArruda)。

    Its first investment was Ross Intelligence , a Palo Alto-based start-up launched just over a year ago by Jimoh Ovbiagele and Andrew Arruda .

  9. 但是,一方面现在的股市动荡不安,另一方面,投资者也开始意识到,这些年轻的社交网络公司可能并不是那么炙手可热的投资对象,因此,IPO的前景可能将并不如Yelp所愿。

    But that outcome may be derailed by a turbulent stock market and a growing sense among investors that the IPOs of young social-web startups may not be such hot investments after all .

  10. 她的投资对象也是硅谷最时髦的:Twitter联合创始人杰克•多尔西(JackDorsey)执掌下的支付公司Square,Facebook前总裁肖恩•帕克(SeanParker)新创立的视频聊天服务Airtime,以及高端商务网站OneKingsLane。

    Her investments are among Silicon Valley 's hippest : Square , the payment company led by Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey , ex-president of Facebook Sean Parker 's new video-chat service Airtime , and high-end ecommerce site One Kings Lane .

  11. 在最近这次信贷泡沫中,想法就是把债务分开拆碎,然后分发到世界各地,垃圾债券能就这样奇迹般地转变为3A级投资对象。

    And in the recent credit bubble , the idea was that by slicing and dicing debt , and distributing it widely around the world , junk debt could be miraculously converted into triple-A investments .

  12. 本文在Black-Scholes模型假设的市场条件下,假定投资者的投资对象中含有一个欧式看涨期权,讨论了在该情形下投资者如何进行投资和消费的问题。

    Under the market conditions supposed in Black-Scholes model and assumption that an investment object is a European call option , in this paper an investment-consumption problem is investigated . A utility maximization model is constructed .

  13. 存在比欧洲对华出口商更差的投资对象。

    There have been investments worse than European exporters to China .

  14. 股票基金是以上市交易的股票为主要投资对象的基金。

    The stock fund views stocks on public as main investment objectives .

  15. 对其投资对象选择的研究很有必要。

    The study of the choice of its investee is quite necessary .

  16. 深冻冰箱是家政所需的一大投资对象。

    A deep freeze is a major housekeeping investment .

  17. 其中对投资对象的选择和评价是一个最关键的因素。

    Hereinto , the choice and evaluation of investment object are the most important .

  18. 非常讲究投资对象

    is very particular about where we invest ,

  19. 没有好的投资对象,别在欧洲投资(7%)

    None , avoid Europe ( 7 % )

  20. 它们的投资对象并不仅限于银行。

    Their investments are not limited to banks .

  21. 那么我妈妈会是你的最佳投资对象。

    Then knowing my mother , will be the best investment you 've ever made .

  22. 除了作为一种投资对象之外,美国国债还是国际债务市场的基石。

    Beyond being an investment , US Treasuries are the bedrock of international debt markets .

  23. 三因素模型回归系数是测度投资对象系统风险的重要指标。

    The coefficient of three-factor model is an important systemic risk guideline of investment object .

  24. 我们的数据显示,绿色科技领域的所有次级领域都将成为投资对象。

    Our data show that the green technology All areas of sub-areas will be the investment .

  25. 全球股票基金的资金流入额为400亿美元,这些基金的一部分投资对象是新兴市场。

    Inflows to global equities funds , which include exposure to emerging markets , were $ 40bn .

  26. 二是投资人对投资对象的价值认同以及由此产生的投资行为。

    Second , investor admit to investment value of target and investment behavior that produce from this .

  27. 其次,以林业投资对象为主体,对其微观经济行为的成本与收益问题进行了分析;

    Then , focused on investment subjects , it makes cost - benefit analysis of their microeconomic activities .

  28. 这样投资者就可以根据自己的偏好从中选择一支基金作为理想的投资对象。

    In this way investors can select a fund as an ideal investment according to their own preferences .

  29. 但这也意味着基金的价格独立于投资对象的价格(或资产净值)。

    But it does mean that share prices trade independently of underlying investments , or net asset value .

  30. 他们选择的投资对象,是(有望)能够在几年之后开始产生回报的长期基金。

    They are committing to long-term funds that will ( hopefully ) begin generating returns several years out .