首页 / 词典 / good

  • grasp;hold;guard;watch
  • handle;bundle;bunch
  • used before objects with handles or things to take hold of;a handful of;used before abstract things;used in things done with hands
  • about;or so

  • grip;handle;stem;subject for ridicule
  • 拿,抓住:~酒(拿着酒杯)。~玩(拿着赏玩)。

  • 控制,掌握:~握。~舵。

  • 看守:~守。~门儿。

  • 自行车、手推车等的手柄:车~。

  • 可以用手拿的小捆:秫秸~儿。

  • 专权,一手独揽:~持大权。

  • 从后托起小孩两腿使之大小便的动作:~尿。

  • 介词,义为拿,处置,致使:你能~他怎么样。

  • 量词。

  • 结盟:拜~子。~兄弟。

  • 物体上便于手拿的部分:刀~儿。

  • 被人作为说笑资料的言行:话~儿。


(执; 握住) grasp; hold:

  • 把卷

    hold a book in hand;

  • 紧紧把着枪

    grasp the gun tightly;

  • 把住栏杆

    hold on to a railing


(看守; 把守) guard; watch; keep:

  • 把大门

    guard a gate


(掌握; 控制; 把持; 把揽 ) control; dominate; monopolize:

  • 把好舵

    be firm at the helm;

  • 把着不放手

    keep a tight control on things


(帮助小孩大小便) assist child in natural functions:

  • 把屎把尿

    hold a baby while he relieves himself


[方] (用做; 当做; 含“拿”的意思) use sth. as; regard as:

  • 把来做伞

    use as a substitute for an umbrella ;

  • 把这当一回事

    take [regard] the matter seriously


[方] (给) give:

  • 一向没把得你

    have not given it to you so far


(约束住使不裂开) chain; lock:

  • 把住裂缝

    mend the crack


[口] (紧靠) lean against; lean on:

  • 把墙角站着

    lean against a corner formed by two walls


(把手) handle:

  • 自行车把

    the handlebar of a bicycle


(扎在一起的捆子) bundle; bunch:

  • 草把

    a bundle of straw;

  • 秫秸把

    a bundle of stalk


(用于有柄的器具) used before objects with handles or things to take hold of:

  • 一把椅子

    a chair;

  • 一把雨伞

    an umbrella


(指可以一手抓起的数量) a handful of:

  • 一把麻绳

    a handful of hemp;

  • 一把花

    a bunch of flowers;

  • 一把筷子

    a bundle of chopsticks;

  • 一把米

    a handful of rice;

  • 一把瓜子

    a handful of melon seeds


(用于抽象事物) used before abstract things:

  • 一把好手

    be adept at; a past master; a good hand in;

  • 上了一把年纪

    be getting on in years;

  • 有把力气

    be quite strong;

  • 加把劲

    put on a spurt


(用于手的动作) used in things done with hands:

  • 帮他一把

    give [lend] him a hand;

  • 拉他一把

    give him a tug


(用于数字或度量后, 表示“大约; 左右”) about; or so:

  • 百把人

    about a hundred persons; some hundred people;

  • 年把日子

    about a year long;

  • 个把月

    a month or so; about a month


(宾语是后面动词的承受者, 意思和“将”一样):

  • 把门关上

    close the door;

  • 把任务完成

    fulfill the task;

  • 把头一扭

    toss one's head;

  • 把工作重点转移到社会主义现代化建设上来

    shift the focus of our work to socialist modernization;

  • 把国民经济搞上去

    push the national economy forward;

  • 把发展生产力作为全部工作的中心

    put the expansion of the productive forces at the centre of all our work;

  • 把生的希望让给别人,把死的危险留给自己

    run a risk of death on oneself and leave the hope of survival to others


(后面的动词是“忙、累、急、气”等加上表示结果的补语, 有“致使”之意):

  • 把他乐坏了

    excited him very much;

  • 这一趟可真把他累坏了。

    That trip really tired him out.


(宾语是后面动词的执行者, 表示不如意之事):

  • 偏偏把他拉在后面

    just left himself far behind


(器具上便于用手拿的部分) grip; handle:

  • 缸子把儿

    the handle of a mug;

  • 掸子把儿

    duster grip;

  • 枪把儿

    rifle butt


(花、叶或果实的柄) stem (of a leaf, flower or fruit):

  • 花把


  • 梨把

    stem of a pear


(被人做为谈笑资料的言行) subject for ridicule; handle:

  • 话把儿

    target or material for gossip

  1. 教育者要把握住教育的真谛,讲究教育策略

    Educators should grasp its essence , and pay attention to the educational tactics

  2. 把命运掌握在自己手中;

    Grasp destiny in one 's own hands .

  3. 你不应该把他的话当作圣经。

    You shouldn 't take what he says as Holy Writ .

  4. 用铁锹背面把土拍平。

    Press the soil flat with the back of a spade .

  5. 衣领特别紧,把她脖子磨痛了。

    The collar was far too tight and chafed her neck .

  6. 要不要用块面包把这酱料蘸蘸吃了?

    Do you want some bread to mop up that sauce ?

  7. 我正准备告诉你,你突然把话打断了。

    I was just going to tell you when you interrupted .

  8. 把它拿到亮的地方,好让我看见。

    Bring it into the light so I can see it .

  9. 把衬衫好好泡一泡再洗。

    Give the shirt a good soak before you wash it .

  10. 把这个放进盒子里,再用带子系牢。

    Put it in a box and tape it up securely .

  11. 把这些坚果放在高温烤架下面烤熟。

    Place under a hot grill until the nuts have toasted .

  12. 把这份合同争取到手让我们费了很大力气。

    Getting this contract has been quite a coup for us .

  13. 新政策不再把重点放在抑制通货膨胀上。

    The new policy shifted the emphasis away from fighting inflation .

  14. 有人不小心轻轻碰了一下她的胳膊肘儿,把咖啡弄洒了。

    Someone jogged her elbow , making her spill her coffee .

  15. 这家公司把大量工作包给了个体人员。

    The company farms out a lot of work to freelancers .

  16. 你不把这事做完就不准出去。

    You 're not going out until you 've finished this .

  17. 他凌空一脚把球踢入网窝。

    He volleyed the ball into the back of the net .

  18. 他把那块木头削成了一个简易的玩具。

    He whittled a simple toy from the piece of wood .

  19. 我不得不把我的计划暂时搁置起来。

    I 've had to put my plans into cold storage .

  20. 老汉把幼小的婴儿轻轻抱在怀里。

    The old man cradled the tiny baby in his arms .

  21. 今夜可能有霜冻,把花草搬进屋来吧。

    It may freeze tonight , so bring those plants inside .

  22. 任务太重,把我们都吓倒了。

    We were overwhelmed by the sheer immensity of the task .

  23. 他正要离开旅馆,记者们把他拦截住了。

    Reporters intercepted him as he tried to leave the hotel .

  24. 这匹马起跳完全不是时候,把骑手摔了下来。

    The horse completely mistimed the jump and threw its rider .

  25. 把答案写在明信片上,寄到上述地址。

    Send your answers on a postcard to the above address .

  26. 我们将不得不把会议推迟到下周举行。

    We 'll have to postpone the meeting until next week .

  27. 把这再都写出来似乎不必要。

    It didn 't seem worthwhile writing it all out again .

  28. 他们想把心中的种种不满公开讲出来。

    They intend to bring their complaints out into the open .

  29. 他叫保安人员把他们轰出了俱乐部。

    He had the bouncers throw them out of the club .

  30. 他喜欢把家具擦得亮亮的,一切都安排得井井有条。

    He liked polishing the furniture and making everything just so .