
  1. 职业教育是面向技术型人才的一种教育形式。

    Vocational education is an educational form catering to technical personnel .

  2. 宽带薪酬以绩效、市场和员工能力为基础,适用于技术型人才薪酬体系的设计。

    Broadbanding salary bases on performance , market and staff capacity .

  3. 重视和加强技术型人才的人文素质培养

    Laying Much Stress on the Development of Technological Students ' Humanistic Quality

  4. 培养目标观应当以技术型人才为主;

    Aim cultivating concept & depending on the technical talent ;

  5. 安全工程专业技术型人才培养模式探索

    Research on training mode on persons with technique of safety engineering profession

  6. 中等职业教育主要为社会培养技术型人才。

    Secondary vocational education is mainly cultivating technical talent for the society .

  7. 通信工程专业工程技术型人才培养方案探索

    An exploration on education programme for technical engineering talents in communication engineering speciality

  8. 新形势下对技术型人才的重新审视

    The Fresh and Clone Look at the Technical Talents Under the New Situation

  9. 房地产专业应用技术型人才培养模式研究

    Research of Personnel Training Mode of Technical Talent for Application of Real Estate Professionals

  10. 我国目前的高职教育的培养目标应定位于培养高素质技术型人才。

    Our present higher vocational educational aim should foster technical qualified personnel with higher quality .

  11. 试论技术型人才及其教育

    Technical Type Talent and its Education

  12. 单一的“专业”可以满足技术型人才培养,但不利于综合型理论人才培养。

    A single specialty can meet the needs of cultivating technical talents instead of all-round talents .

  13. 现代旅游业的发展进步,旅游市场的激烈竞争,迫切需要培养高层次的应用技术型人才。

    The development of modern tourism and the keen competition of tourism market demand the high-level applied personnel .

  14. 面对网络营销时代,相对于技术型人才来说,企业更需要的其实是网络营销人才。

    During the age of E-marketing , enterprises want more people engaged in E-marketing than people involved in technology .

  15. 高职院校的培养目标一般定位为培养具有较高综合素质的高级应用技术型人才。

    The higher vocational training objectives generally defined as a culture with high overall quality of the advanced application technology talents .

  16. 因此,大力发展职业教育和职业培训,培养一大批高素质应用技术型人才己刻不容缓。

    Thus , it is of great necessity to promote professional education and training so as to cultivate quality technical talents .

  17. 随着社会经济与科技的高速发展,高级技术型人才的重要性日益凸显。

    With the rapid development of economy and technology , the significance of qualified personnel with advanced technology becomes more and more obvious .

  18. 而在成长阶段,最优秀的领导人很清楚,何时应该引进拥有专业知识,并有能力推动公司规模化扩张的技术型人才。

    In the growth stage , the best leaders recognize when to bring in skill players with functional expertise and capacity to scale .

  19. 然而,没有人-尤其是天才的技术型人才,规则和官僚作风会减慢事情的进度。

    However , no one-especially talented technical types-likes rules or bureaucracy , and in the short run things may slow down a bit .

  20. 公办高职院校是我国高等职业教育的主体,承担着培养高级专门技术型人才的重大任务。

    Public high vocational institutes are the main body of premium vocational education in our country , and take on important responsibilities of cultivating premium technical experts .

  21. 高职院校既要肩负着为经济和社会的发展培养大批急需的技术型人才的重任,又要承担起作为高等教育所必须完成的积累生产技术发展成果的任务。

    The higher vocational colleges take the responsibilities on not only cultivating talents for the development of economy and society but also accumulating achievement of product technology .

  22. 高等职业教育是为地方经济和社会发展,培养应用型、技术型人才,致力于提高劳动者的综合素质。

    It is shown that higher vocational education trains applicative and technical talents for the local economy , social development , and targets on improving workers ' comprehensive qualities .

  23. 文中分析、说明了我国高等职业教育的内涵、性质,以及社会发展对高等职业教育的要求,认为高等职业教育的主要目标是为社会培养实用技术型人才(即技能的学习与掌握)。

    The paper illustrates the higher professional education connotation and character . It believes that the higher professional education aim is to train the practicing engineers for society , and .

  24. 高职教育在我国教育体系当中扮演着十分重要的角色,每年都为我国培养大量的技术型人才。

    Vocational education in our educational system plays an important part in training a lot of technology talents , for it trained lots of technical students each year for us .

  25. 技术型人才的产生和发展是一种有规律的历史现象,社会经济发展与科技进步是主要动因。

    The emergence and development of technical talents is a regular historical phenomenon , the development of society and economy , the progress of science and technology is the main tick-tock .

  26. 高职教育是培养具有必要的理论知识和较强的实践能力并在生产、建设、服务、管理等第一线从事实际工作的高级技术型人才。

    The objective of high professional education is to train qualified personnels , who have necessary academic knowledge and advanced technology , and are engaged directly in practical work of manufacture , service and administration .

  27. 中国作为世界制造大国,却因高级技术型人才的严重短缺,而遭受着低质量、低生产率的困扰,不良产品造成的损失每年高达2000亿。

    Although China is a big manufacturing country of the world , it suffers the puzzle from low quantity and productivity , and the loss that bad products result in is up to annually 200,000,000,000 .

  28. 然后,针对关键影响要素,从制定科学的录用制度、构建合理的薪酬体系、完善培训机制、塑造企业文化和职业生涯管理角度提出一些减少技术型人才流失的对策。

    Then , we will suggestion enterprises to making scientific recruitment system , building the reasonable salary system , perfecting training mechanism , shaping corporate culture and occupation career management to reduce the employee turnover .

  29. 社会需要大批适应生产、建设、管理、服务第一线需要的德智体美等方面全面发展的高级技术型人才。

    The society needs a large quantity of advanced technical talents who adapt themselves to production , construction , management and first-line service and fully develope in moral , intellectual , physical and aesthetics education .

  30. 很显然,改革教育体制将是印度政府的工作之一,但公司也必须发挥自己的作用,需要与政府合作打造一个强大的管道,以不断输出接受过教育的技术型人才。

    While reforming the country 's education system is clearly a job for the government , business must play a role and work with the government to ensure a strong pipeline of educated and skilled talent .