
  • Pharmaceutical Engineering;pharmaceutical industry;Pharmaceutical Technology;Pharmacy Engineering
  1. 多相流和颗粒流态化技术在制药工程领域中的应用

    Application of Multiphase Flow and Granule Fluidization Technologies to Pharmaceutical Industry

  2. 中药制药工程理论研究与实践

    Theoretical Study and Practice in Pharmaceutical Engineering of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  3. 制药工程专业认识实习的实践与思考

    Practice and thinking on cognition practice of the pharmaceutical engineering specialty

  4. 地方高校如何建设制药工程专业

    On the Construction of Pharmaceutical Engineering in Local Colleges and Universities

  5. 在生物与制药工程专业中加强实践教学方法的探讨

    Study on Practical Teaching Method in Bio-engineering and Pharmaceutical Engineering Specialities

  6. 制药工程专业《药物化学》理论课教学探索

    Study on Reform of Medical Chemistry Theory Teaching for Pharmaceutical Engineering

  7. 独立学院制药工程专业毕业生就业问题分析

    Investigation on the Graduates of Pharmaceutical Engineering Specialty in Independent College

  8. 浅谈制药工程专业学生生态道德意识的培养

    Fostering moral consciousness of ecological environment for the students of pharmacy

  9. 独立学院制药工程专业课程体系改革探索和实践

    The Study on Curriculum System of Pharmaceutical Engineering Specialty in Independent Colleges

  10. 制药工程生产实习动员会议教学研究

    Teaching Research on Production Practice Mobilization Meeting of Pharmaceutical Engineering

  11. 制药工程专业实验和实践环节教学改革的探讨

    Reform in the Instruction of Experiment and Practice of Pharmaceutical Engineering Specialty

  12. 制药工程专业毕业设计模式的创新及实践

    Innovation Practice of the Graduation Design Pattern for Pharmaceutical Engineering

  13. 我们致力于成为中国最好的制药工程专业提供商。

    Our company is dedicated to provide total solution in pharmaceutical fields .

  14. 制药工程专业药物分析课程教学探讨

    Discussion on the Course Instruction of Pharmaceutical Analysis for Pharmaceutical Engineering Specialty

  15. 中药制药工程教学应注意的基本概念

    Essential concepts that should be noticed in teaching pharmaceutical engineering of Chinese pharmacy

  16. 三维打印成形技术在制药工程中的应用

    The Application of 3D Printing Technology in Pharmaceutical Engineering

  17. 中药制药工程原理与设备教学方法探讨

    Explorations on the method of teaching principle and equipment of Chinese pharmaceutical engineering

  18. 药学和制药工程专业开放实验的实践和思考

    Practice and Thinking of the Open Experiments of Pharmaceutical and Pharmaceutical Engineering Specialities

  19. 制药工程专业英语教学改革的研究与实践

    Research and Practice for Teaching Reform of Subject Based English of Pharmaceutical Engineering

  20. 制药工程专业大学生创新教育的研究与实践

    Research and Practice on the University Students ' Innovation Training of Pharmaceutical Engineering

  21. 制药工程专业药理学课程的教学探索

    Exploration on Teaching Pharmacology for Pharmaceutical Engineering Specialty

  22. 制药工程专业产学研教育模式研究

    Study on Industry-learning-research Education Model of Pharmaceutical Engineering

  23. 制药工程专业生物化学教学随笔

    Essay on the Biochemistry Teaching in Pharmaceutical Engineering

  24. 地方工科院校制药工程专业建设的研究与实践

    Study and Practice on the Construction of Pharmaceutical Engineering Major of the Local University

  25. 制药工程专业本科教育课程建设的总结

    Summary of pharmaceutical engineering for undergraduate education curriculum

  26. 动物制药工程专业培养目标与专业课程体系设置的实践研究

    Major Cultivation Aim and Curriculum System Construction and Professional Practice of Animal Pharmic Engineer

  27. 制药工程专业课程设置的改进

    Improvement of Curriculum Setting for Pharmaceutical Engineering

  28. 地方高校制药工程专业课程体系的构建

    The Construction of Course Systems in Pharmaceutical Engineering in the Local Institutions of Higher Learning

  29. 制药工程专业实验室建设研究

    Research on Laboratory Construction of Pharmaceutical Engineering

  30. 制药工程专业药物化学教材存在问题及对策

    On the Existing Problems and Countermeasures of the Textbook of Medicinal Chemistry for Pharmaceutical Engineering Major