
jì shù zī liào
  • technical data;technical documentation;technological data
  1. 于是我们搜集了国内能找到的一切有关技术资料。

    Then we collected all relevant technical data available in the country .

  2. 甘蔗糖业技术资料的Access数据库管理

    Management of Sugarcane Industry Technical Data with MS Access Database System

  3. 基于Delphi的变电站技术资料管理系统的设计

    Design of the Management System of Substations'Technical Information Based on Delphi

  4. 阅读USB技术资料,详细分析和讨论USB协议,着重研究嵌入式USBHost技术及文件系统技术;

    Read lots of USB technology data or papers , especially about USB host system and Flash File System ;

  5. 您将获取关于让Linux适用于该系统的大量技术资料和特别建议。

    You will find loads of technical data as well as anecdotal advice on getting Linux to work on that system specifically .

  6. Vba程序在技术资料管理中的应用

    Application of Vba Program in Technical Data Management

  7. 该文主要研究利用遥感技术资料,基于GIS技术,通过作物缺水指数模型监测旱情的方法。

    A method to monitor drought using crop water stress index which is based on GIS technology combined with remote sensing data , graph and meteorological data was presented .

  8. 我国发展计算机综合自动化制造系统(CIMS)的分析与预测制造车间技术资料与劳动人事管理的信息集成

    Analysis and Forecast of Developing CIMS in China Information Integration of Technological Data with Labor and Personnel Management in Machine Shops

  9. 装备技术资料信息化系统研制,选用Delphi6.0作为系统开发工具,数据库则选取Paradox。

    The Delphi 6.0 was chosen as the system development tool and Paradox was used as the database by development of equipment technique material information system .

  10. 本文首先查阅了大量的技术资料,在研究了RFID在国内外发展的最新动态后,描述了RFID系统的组成、工作原理等。

    It introduces RFID system background meaning at the beginning after researched RFID latest domestic and overseas trends based on lots of technology data . Afterwards it describes RFID system composition , principle and so on .

  11. 通过对PDCA循环应用过程中各环节进行分析,提出现阶段大型项目技术资料管理的建议。

    Then , the suggestions of technological data management are put forward in large project at present by analyzing various phases of PDCA circle during the process of utility .

  12. 附录X1提供了一些适用于特殊等级不锈钢钝化处理选择的非强制性的技术资料并提供了总的指导方针。

    Appendix X1 gives some nonmandatory information and provides some general guidelines regarding the selection of passivation treatment appropriate to particular grades of stainless steel .

  13. 作者通过查阅技术资料及调研,总结了电化学法COD检测现状,提出了检测COD的先进方法,指出本课题所研究的三电极检测方法在国内具有较先进的水平。

    And through access to technical information on research , summed up the COD electrochemical detection is presented to the advanced methods of detection of COD that studied this issue three-electrode detection in the country has a more advanced level .

  14. AAAS的这项计画,是为了解决最高法院面对道伯特一案所遭遇的问题:法官如何评估对大多数非科学家来说感到压迫的技术资料?

    The AAAS project is one approach to the problem the high court tackled in Daubert : How can judges evaluate technical data that are intimidating to most non scientists ?

  15. 论文结合生产厂商的技术资料和实际测量的SLD光源的功率谱密度,采用高斯分布近似其功率谱密度,建立了光源振幅的色散模型。

    Based on the technical document and the measured power spectral distribution , Gauss distribution model is employed to approximate the real source . Consequently , the amplitude distribution is also a Gauss distribution .

  16. 本课题附带的效益是,该USB-RS232接口转换器开发中所总结的技术资料以及开发经验,可以作为开发其他需配备USB接口的新型仪器仪表、控制终端、远程终端等设备的参考。

    Those technique results and developing experiences , summarized from this USB-RS232 commutator design , are valuable benefits , such that could be helpful to develop some new instruments with USB interface in the future .

  17. 通过研究大量的国内外AMT技术资料,介绍了AMT技术的发展和目前的应用状况。

    By Studying the domestic and overseas datums of AMT technology , this paper introduces the development and the actual appliance status of AMT , and analyses the appliance meanings and foreground that the AMT technology was applied on heavy duty truck .

  18. 具体内容包括:1.吸收模块背景技术资料;2.CUDA并行编程技术;3.使用CUDA技术对吸收模块并行化改进的具体实现。

    The specific contents include the following : 1 . The absorption module backup material ; 2 . The CUDAtechniques ; 3 . The achievement of absorption module with CUDA ;

  19. 本论文在消化吸收国内外相关技术资料的基础上,针对吉利自由舰MR7131A前减振器的异响发生情况进行了详细研究。

    In this thesis , by means of synthesizing a number of technique materials home and abroad , the generation condition of MR7131A front shock absorber has been studied in detail .

  20. 目的对江西省艾滋病病毒1型(HIV1)感染者进行基因亚型分析,了解HIV1的流行情况、亚型种类、毒株来源及其变异特征等,为政府部门预防控制决策提供技术资料。

    Objective To study HIV-1 gene subtype of HIV infected individuals in Jiangxi Province , to analyze epidemic situation , subtype , origin of strain , and variation of HIV and provide valuable information for the government .

  21. 传统的档案管理方式在今天的飞行技术资料管理中仍占据重要地位。

    Traditional management of flight technique files is also important today .

  22. 对技术资料的数字化工程具有实用价值。

    It has directive significance for digitized project of technical data .

  23. 科技成果管理中技术资料的归档

    Prize the Management of Data of Science and Technology on File

  24. 浅谈某技术资料档案楼空调设计

    On air conditioning design in a certain technical information archive building

  25. 浅谈建筑施工中加强技术资料管理的重要性

    Statement of essentiality of technique information management in building construction

  26. 从下列网页中了解尺寸等其他技术资料。

    See dimensions and additional Techinical Information on following pages .

  27. 面向检修的水电厂设备技术资料多媒体管理系统

    Maintenance-oriented multimedia management system of technical documents for hydropower plants

  28. 对建筑工程技术资料管理若干问题的分析和建议

    Analysis and Advices on Problems in Technical Data Management of Building Construction

  29. 为企业提供信息和技术资料。

    To provide information and technique literatures for the enterprise .

  30. 黄埔发电厂工程图纸及技术资料管理系统

    Management system for engineering drawings and technical data in Huangpu Power Plant