
  • 网络Basic Abilities;Abilities;basic competence;Basic capabilities
  1. 日中·中日同传中的基本能力与技巧

    Basic Abilities and Skills in Japanese-Chinese and Chinese-Japanese Simultaneous Interpretation

  2. 浅谈电视新闻编辑应具备的基本能力

    On the Basic Abilities of TV News Editors

  3. IBMRational已经开发了一个确认(其中)一组基本能力的准备模型,用于将项目组合管理用作组织的规程。

    IBM Rational has developed a readiness model that identifies ( among other things ) a set of foundational capabilities for the adoption of portfolio management as an organizational discipline .

  4. EDA技术已成为现代电子系统设计和电子产品研制开发的有效工具,成为电子工程师应具备的基本能力。

    EDA Technology has become the efficient tool in the fields of modern electronic system design and electronic product research .

  5. BCEL使您能够同样具备Javassist提供的分析、编辑和创建Java二进制类的所有基本能力。

    BCEL gives you all the same basic capabilities as Javassist to inspect , edit , and create Java binary classes .

  6. 不过,去年宣布了一个名为WebToolsPlatform(WTP)的新Eclipse工具项目,其目的是提供开发J2EE™Web应用程序所需的基本能力。

    However , a new Eclipse tools project known as the Web Tools Platform ( WTP ) was announced last year , with a goal of providing the base capabilities required to develop J2EE ™ Web applications .

  7. 分析Sternberg双重任务作业成绩、飞行基本能力、情绪稳定性以及HRV的关系。

    The relationship between the performance of Sternberg dual task , flying ability , emotional stability and heart rate variability was studied .

  8. 结果:Sternberg双重任务作业成绩好组与作业成绩差组基本能力无显著性差别。

    RESULTS : No significant difference was found in the flying ability between the individuals with good and poor Sternberg dual task performance .

  9. 论医院管理者的职业理念与基本能力

    Discuss the Occupational Theory and Basal Ability of the Hospital Manager

  10. 培养阅览设备图说与专业技师沟通之基本能力。

    The ability of drawing reading and the communication with engineers .

  11. 创编徒手体操是师范学生的基本能力之一,它对体育教学和健身具有重要的意义。

    Plait setting-up exercises are basic ability to normal school students .

  12. 课堂教学能力是教师必须具备的基本能力。

    Class teaching ability is the basic ability for teacher .

  13. 讲好普通话是教师的职业要求,教好普通话是语文教师的基本能力之一。

    Teachers ' career calls for the ability to speak standard Chinese .

  14. 21世纪体育教师基本能力要素问题的探讨

    Elements and Prediction of Prospects about P.E.Teachers ' Basic Ability in 21st Century

  15. 通过建模来确认这些基本能力是可行的。

    It is possible to identify these foundational capabilities by means of modeling .

  16. 谈职校生英语基本能力的培养

    On Cultivating Basic English Abilities of Vocational School Students

  17. 对采矿类专科人才基本能力的研究

    The Requirements of Mining Talent Persons ' Basic Capability

  18. 其中包括关键的职责和基本能力。

    These include key responsibilities and basic competencies .

  19. 论教学中的基本能力浅谈英语教师的基本教学能力

    Discussion on English Teachers ' Basic Teaching Abilities

  20. 立足于基本能力的锻炼,着眼创新能力和创新精神的培养;

    Basing on training fundamental ability , focusing on developing creativity and creative spirit ;

  21. 这引出了一些问题:我如何确认所需的基本能力?

    This raises the questions : How do I identify the needed foundational capabilities ?

  22. 语言文字应用能力是高等教育所培养的人才必须具备的一种基本能力。

    Language ability is one of the basic skills higher education talented must have .

  23. 指出其主要包括写作的基本能力和情意因素两大方面。

    It points out that the writing attainment includes basic writing abilities and emotional factors .

  24. 基本能力的当前状态。

    Current state of foundational capabilities .

  25. 数学基本能力的培养途径

    Approach to Develop Basic Maths Ability

  26. 我们首先应该获取或使之成熟的基本能力是什么(或第二,或第三)?

    What foundational capabilities should we either acquire or mature first ( or second or third )?

  27. 更应当是元素,语文能力本身也是学生从事职业活动的一项基本能力。

    In short , Chinese ability is a basic factor for students ' future professional activity .

  28. 学会学习:21世纪大学生必备的基本能力

    To master studying : an essential and indispensable ability for university students of the 21st century

  29. 英美报刊阅读是一门培养学生掌握阅读英美报刊基本能力的课程。

    English press reading is a course that trains students to read the English press skillfully .

  30. 教材的分析评价能力是英语教师必须具备的基本能力之一。

    The ability of analyzing and evaluating the textbooks is one of the fundamental abilities of teachers .