
zhí niù
  • stubborn;obstinate;willful;wilful;obduracy;pig headed;pigheaded
执拗 [zhí niù]
  • [obstinate;pig headed;willful] 坚持己见,固执任性

  • 人言安石奸邪,则毁之太过;但不晓事,又执拗耳。--《续资治通鉴.宋神宗熙宁二年》

  • 脾气执拗

执拗[zhí niù]
  1. 笑意全收,甜蜜地执拗。

    All suggestion of a smile faded , and she was sweetly stubborn .

  2. 这个小孩脾气执拗。

    The child has a stubborn temper .

  3. 他的犟劲儿一上来,简直执拗得要命!

    He can be very obstinate when he wants to be !

  4. 她是个淘气又执拗的孩子。

    She was a wicked and obstinate child .

  5. “你是个很执拗的人,”她说道。“你这是批评呢,”我说,“还是只是发表评论而已?”

    ' You 're an obstinate man , ' she said . ' Is that a criticism , ' I said , ' or just an observation ? ' .

  6. 他的执拗性格与马斯内执掌NAP时倡导的“共享激情”企业文化形成了鲜明对比,马斯内的巨大声望以及魅力型领导风格是NAP成功的法宝。

    His bullish attitude stood in stark contrast to the culture of shared passion engendered by Ms Massenet at Net-a-Porter , where her popularity and charismatic leadership style were considered integral to the company 's success .

  7. 你这么执拗的时候,谁能和你理论?

    Who can reason with you when you are so contrary ?

  8. 我想我是太执拗于自己的生活。

    I guess I get wrapped up in my own drama .

  9. 可是他们也知道董事长的脾气就是那样专断,那样执拗。

    But they knew also the chairman 's domineering temper and tenacity .

  10. 却偏要执拗地装出他们喜欢住在乡村的样子。

    Obstinately pretend that they would prefer to live in the country .

  11. 执拗,顽梗执拗的行为或事例;锲而不舍。

    The act or an instance of persevering ; perseverance .

  12. 他躺在那里,对自己的执拗感到惊奇。

    He lay there , amazed at his own rigidity .

  13. 波利柯狗是执拗的约克夏野狗。

    For your Pollicle dog is a dour Yorkshire tyke .

  14. 我过去在阿伦敦时就懂得,顽固执拗是够糟糕的了。

    Bigotry is bad enough , as I had learned in Allentown .

  15. 所有的护士都非常清楚他的执拗。

    His stubbornness was well known to all the nurses .

  16. 执拗的少年;万事都包含着难控制的个体天赋。

    A recalcitrant teenager ; everything revolves around a refractory individual genius .

  17. 为了避免这种痛苦,他执拗地坚持着。

    To avoid this hurt , he hung on .

  18. 第四波就是心理学家所谓的表现执拗。

    The fourth component here is that regret is what psychologists call perseverative .

  19. 他还执拗地谋求总统职位变成了全国的笑柄。

    His dogged pursuit of the presidency was turning into a national joke .

  20. 他仍然执拗地不肯签字。

    He remained obdurate in his refusal to sign .

  21. 亨利不只是一个顽固执拗的人,他还是个伪君子。

    Henry was more than a bigot . He was also a hypocrite .

  22. 悲剧性存在境遇中的执拗和超越

    The Obduracy and Surmounter in the Tragical Existence

  23. 表现执拗就是不断地强迫性地重复同一件事情。

    To perseverate means to focus obsessively and repeatedly on the exact same thing .

  24. 而是媒体的那种不断地执拗于问题

    But something about the media 's constant doom-mongering

  25. 辛迪一发怒,常常使他坚持自见,并达到执拗的地步。

    Cindy 's anger usually made him stand firm to the point of obstinacy .

  26. 他的主要任务是说服执拗的共和党人来支持他们共和党自己的总统。

    His main task was to persuade reluctant House Republicans to back their own president .

  27. 幼年的他饱尝了人间爱与恨,形成了倔强而又执拗的性格。

    He suffers from the love and hatred , and shapes the characteristic of stubbornness .

  28. 她执拗地要等一辆出租车。

    She waited obdurately for a taxi .

  29. 甚至在树顶高高在上的黄蜂,也和这些执拗的蚂蚁不和。

    Even fearsome wasps high in treetops , are not match for the implacable ants .

  30. 为此,你们要心受割损,不要再执拗。

    Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your heart , and stiffen your neck no more .