
zhí xínɡ zhě
  • performer;executor;executive;executant
  1. 返回到流程图,Wilby可以向活动添加执行者,以展示哪个团队负责哪个活动。

    Returning to the process map , Wilby can add a performer to an activity to show which team is responsible for which activity .

  2. 长期以来,我国一直把公共事业作为公益性事业来运作,但由于政府既是政策的制定者、执行者和监督者,又是具体业务的实际经营者,这种状况直接导致了公共事业的种种弊端。

    Our country has operated the public utilities as the public welfare enterprise for a long time , however , The government was not only the policy decision maker , but also the performer or actual operator . This situation had caused public utilities sorts of defects .

  3. 他们是政党的“执行者”,通过恩威并施的方式让党内成员按照该政党的官方政策进行投票,同时确保在有重要投票时党内代表都能参加。

    Whips are a party 's " enforcers " , who typically offer inducements and threaten punishments for party members to ensure that they vote according to the official party policy . A whip 's role is also to ensure that the elected representatives of their party are in attendance when important votes are taken .

  4. 内部融资的RD投资中,由于信息不对称,项目执行者是否诚实地提供项目类型的信息将对RD投资效率至关重要。

    Due to information asymmetry , whether the executer honestly provides information about the project type will be critical to the profit or loss of the R & D investment .

  5. 管理者和执行者自顶向下地检查所有权的全部成本(TCO)。

    Managers and executives examine total cost of ownership ( TCO ) from the top down .

  6. 在这种思想指导下,项目执行者缺乏全局的观念,并且CPM假设资源无限,只考虑在资源不受限的工序间的相互关系。

    So , a project manager with this thought lacks an overall concept and only considers the inter-relationship with unlimited resource assumed by CPM .

  7. 最后,在工作平台中,以导出的格式(例如HTML)抽取分析结果并生成报告让开发人员、经理,和执行者能够评估整体的代码质量。

    Finally , extracting analysis results and generating reports both in the workbench and in exported forms , such as HTML , enables developers , managers and executives to assess overall code quality .

  8. 我将提供一个能够帮助执行者更好地了解从潜在的PPM厂商那里能期待到什么的框架,以便他们可以为成功实现PPM做更好的准备。

    I will provide a framework that will help executives have a better idea of what to expect from a potential PPM vendor so they can prepare themselves better for a successful PPM implementation .

  9. 目的:以BIS为控制变量,安装吸入麻醉执行者软件的PC机为控制器,TCI注射泵为执行器的吸入麻醉闭环靶控麻醉系统。该系统基于。

    Objective A close-loop anesthesia system of inhalation anesthetic was built using BIS as the control variable , a proportional-integral-differential incorporated with adaptive control algorithm , and a target-controlled infusion system as the control actuator .

  10. MPT在细胞应激状态(如氧化应激、生长因子去除或暴露于细胞质分裂酶)时起到中央执行者的作用。

    MPT may act as a " central executioner " of cells subjected to a range of insults ( such as oxidative stress , growth factor removal , or exposures to cytokines ) .

  11. 死刑执行者及审判官也穿戴面具,预防被罪犯报复。

    Executioners and judges have worn masks to avoid retaliation .

  12. 如何实现从执行者到企业家思维的转变?

    How to transit from the executive to entrepreneur mindset ?

  13. 执行者的输入是某个事件对象。

    The input to the actuator is an event object .

  14. 执行者组成某个工作组或调查组。

    The executive forms some working group or investigation team .

  15. 执行者在评价最佳实践时总是会低估它们。

    Best practices are frequently overlooked when left to the practitioners to evaluate .

  16. 执行者的模型管理被分为基于角色的两个部分

    Model management for the practitioner is divided into two sections based on role

  17. 清晰地表明减缓措施执行者的责任。

    Clear designation of the party ( ies ) responsible for implementing mitigation .

  18. 教学干事是教学质量监控体系中一线的管理者、执行者、监督者。

    Teaching secretary is the front-line governor executants and supervisor of the monitoring system .

  19. 向所有项目执行者传播其他的执行者变更

    Propagating other practitioner changes to all project practitioners

  20. 向执行者展示项目组合评估结果

    Presentation of the portfolio assessment results to executives

  21. 在人类历史上,自从有了组织的活动,就有了管理活动,管理活动的出发者、执行者是管理主体。

    The main body in management is the starter and executor of managerial activity .

  22. 执行者组件对环境采取行动。

    The Actuator component acts upon the environment .

  23. 构建企业执行力-企业管理者与执行者之间的博弈均衡研究

    Construction of Enterprise Executing Ability : Study on Game Equilibrium between Managers and Executors

  24. 行刑人执行者,特指死刑执行者。

    One who executes , especially one who puts a condemned person to death .

  25. 成为行动的第一执行者和带头人。

    To be the one who takes action first and to take the lead .

  26. 执行者::一个项目中的私人建模人员,业务分析员,或者开发员。

    Practitioner : An individual modeler , business analyst , or developer within a project .

  27. 项目和执行者模型的生命周期

    Life cycle of project and practitioner models

  28. 当执行者进入这一领域时,很多人会问“我们该怎么做呢?”

    When practitioners enter this area , many ask " How can we do this ?"

  29. 整个过程,让我清楚地看到了计划的制定者与执行者之间的区别。

    I saw clearly the difference between the leaders and the executors from the whole process .

  30. 执行器接受控制器的控制信号,改变控制变量,是控制任务的最终执行者。

    The actuator receives control signals , changes the control variables , and executes the control tasks finally .