
  1. 关于确定提单仲裁条款效力的适用法问题,列举了意思自治说、仲裁地法说和法院地法说。

    About the bill of lading to determine the effectiveness of arbitration under the terms of the applicable law , cited the autonomy that the law of arbitration and the courts said the law said .

  2. 本文共三万余字,在主体结构上分为三个部分,分别论述了国际商事仲裁理论基础的界定,国际商事仲裁理论基础之观念层面意思自治说,国际商事仲裁理论基础之目标层面价值分析。

    This article will be develop in three folds , namely , the definition of theoretical base for international commercial arbitration , the conception aspect of the theoretical base-party autonomy , the aspect of goal of the theoretical base-value analyses .