
  1. 我们希望通过立法来使这一程序合法化。

    We want to legitimate this process by passing a law .

  2. 其次,日志证据的收集程序合法。

    Secondly , collection process of the log evidence must be legal .

  3. 土地征用的程序合法性;

    The procedure of expropriation should be legal ;

  4. 刑事程序合法性原则论纲

    One the Principle of Criminal Procedural Legality

  5. 司法鉴定程序合法,才能保证鉴定结论本身的正当性,对鉴定结论的质证、认证也才具有现实的意义。

    The legal judicial identifying procedure can ensure the conclusion 's legalization has never been mentioned .

  6. 一名纽约联邦法官判决美国国家安全局的电话追踪程序合法。

    A federal judge in New York has ruled the NSA 's phone-tracking program is legal .

  7. 刑事程序合法性原则是宪法性原则在刑事诉讼法上的直接体现。

    The principle of procedural legality is the direct representation of the constitutional principle in criminal procedural law .

  8. 加强对侦查程序合法性审查,减少并杜绝对犯罪嫌疑人、被告人合法权益的侵犯;

    Strengthen legality examination of investigation procedure , and reduce encroachment of suspects ' and defendants ' legal right ;

  9. 一是,合法原则中,分别对主体合法、依据合法、程序合法进行论述。

    First , the principle of legality , the subject legitimate basis for legitimate , legal procedures are discussed .

  10. 程序合法性也与政治体系容忍和应对异见的能力存在内在联系。

    Process legitimacy is also intrinsically linked to the ability of the political system to permit and respond to dissent .

  11. 特别是土地划拨制度的规范模糊,缺乏程序合法化等诸多问题,造成了不公平竞争。

    Especially land allocation system substantive norms blur , lack of procedural legalization and many other issues , resulting in unfair competition .

  12. 它包括课税要素法定原则、课税要素明确原则和程序合法原则。

    The tax legalism includes the legal principle , the principle of explicitness and the principle of legal proceedings among levy taxes .

  13. 决策程序合法原则、决策利益衡平原则和决策责任自负原则是行政决策法制化的基本原则。

    The tenets of justice on decision-making procedure , of decision-making equity and of decision-making liability are the basic principle about legalization of administrative decision-making .

  14. 执法主体合法,适用法律内容合法和处理程序合法是构成合法执法的三大要件。

    Enforce the law corpus legality , apply a law contents legal and processing procedure legal is constitute legal enforce the law of three outline piece .

  15. 保证证据的有效性,应做到取得证据的程序合法、手段合法及证据本身有效。

    To assure the effectiveness of evidence , we should guarantee the process of obtaining evidence , the means of getting it and the evidence itself legal .

  16. 行政程序合法是行政行为合法的必备要件,因此,应对违法的行政程序进行司法审查。

    The legality of the administrative procedure is the essential condition of administrative acts . So it should engage in the judicial review of the unlawful administrative procedure .

  17. 这一医学文书作为知情同意程序合法的证明文件,在司法实践中本应具有约定责任划分的证明作用。

    The medical instrument , as legal documents of informed consent procedure , should be agreed upon proof of the role of the division of responsibility in judicial practice .

  18. 本文以小灵通退市所引发的法律问题为出发点,重点谈论了:一、政府电信管理部门的管制程序合法性与合理性问题;二、小灵通退市对电信市场竞争机制的负面作用。

    Firstly , the legality of control procedures in the telecommunications department of government ; Secondly , the negative effect on the telecommunication market brought by the Chinese PHS issue .

  19. 程序合法性关注的是法治如何实施,决策过程的透明如何确保,媒体自由如何保护,以及政策制定过程中民众参与度如何保证。

    It concerns the way the rule of law is applied , transparency in decision making is implemented , media freedoms are protected and wider participation in policy making is ensured .

  20. 资产重组作为我国企业改革和资产经营的一种重要实现形式,其具体运作过程必须纳入法制轨道,坚持资产重组的合法性原则,做到实体合法和程序合法。

    As an important realizing form of the enterprise reform and assets management of our country , the reorganization of assets should have its specific operating process legitimatized both in its entity and its procedure .

  21. 行政契约的合法要件主要有契约方式使用合法、契约主体适格、意思表示真实、契约内容合法、契约缔结程序合法。

    A legitimate administrative contract should meet following requirements : lawful means to sign contract , illegibility of contract parties , real declaration of will , lawful content of contract and lawful procedure of entering a contract .

  22. 司法正义的标准包括:案件事实清楚、客观;适用法律准确;程序合法,说理透彻;裁判结果公正和裁判及时等。

    The standard of the justice includes : the fact of cases must be clear and objective ; the applicable laws must be exact ; the procedure legal , the argument lucid ; the judge result just and on time , and so on .

  23. 科米也因为质疑电子监控程序的合法性在乔治·W·布什总统的白宫时期一跃而升。

    Comey also stood up to people in the George W. Bush White House over an electronic surveillance program of questionable legality .

  24. 正当行政程序具有合法性、合理性与人道性的基本特征。

    Legitimacy , rationale and humanity are basic elements of administrative due process .

  25. 办案程序是否合法。

    Whether the procedures for handling cases are lawful .

  26. 在互连网上传播这个安装程序是否合法?

    Is there a recommended procedure for replicating an install across a network ?

  27. 办案程序是否合法。办案员/法律代言人

    Whether the procedures for handling cases are lawful . Case Worker / Legal Advocate

  28. 对人大释法的权限与程序的合法性进行法律分析,人大三次释法符合一国两制下的法律解释体系的要求。

    By analysis , the NPC has the power to interpret the Basic Law .

  29. 来控制应用程序的合法使用人数?

    To control legal crowd for application ?

  30. 对于程序的合法性,公诉方负举证责任。

    The burden of proof rests on the public prosecutor for the legality of the procedure .