
  • 网络Consciousness Body
  1. 在来这里以前,你是个意识体,也是个觉悟体。

    You are a Consciousness and an Awareness before you come into this life .

  2. 我们也要说的是,地球母亲作为一个意识体自身有着人类可能会很惊讶于发现的妙计。

    We will also say that the Earth Mother as a consciousness has her own tricks up her sleeves that humans may be surprised to discover .

  3. 为了解决传统的多人运动编辑繁琐等问题,在研究相关工作的基础上,本文主要开展了如下工作1.研究了如何创建群体动画的问题,实现了基于自主意识体的群体模拟方法。

    To resolve these complicated problems mentioned above , we carry out the work as follows : 1 . Research on group motion creation , and implement consciousness-based simulation algorithm .

  4. 我们的生命是身体与意识的统一体,或者说身与神的统一体。

    Our existence is a unity of Mind Body or Spirit Body .

  5. 你是力量,是一个无限意识的存在体。

    In Truth you are the power and presence of infinite consciousness .

  6. 方法对235名门诊健康查体人员进行了查体人员自身因素、查体意识、查体费用来源的问卷调查。

    Method To make the roll examination investigation for the 235 health-examination people for self factor , intention of health-examination , money resource for the examination .

  7. 然而,通过你对自身的探索,你将发现你的意识与其它意识体是一体的。

    However , through traveling within yourself , you will discover the unity of your consciousness with other consciousnesses .

  8. 人是一个有意识的生命存在体,认识、关心和珍惜生命已成为人类永恒的主题。

    Man is a conscious living existence . It has become an eternal subject of mankind to recognize , concern and treasure life .

  9. 生命意识是对生命体的一种感性与理性的认识以及具有的生命情感与意志,具有广泛的文化基础。

    Life awareness is a kind of sensibility and logos cognition with life sensibility and will , which has a wide cultural basis .

  10. 结论癔症以情感爆发、类抽搐样发作、意识朦胧、附体体验、身份障碍、症状易受暗示、多变等为临床表现特征。

    Conclusions Hysteria is featured by the clinical behaviors of outburst of emotion , somatic seizure , twilight , possession state , identity disorder , as well as the easiness of symptom behaviours being suggested and varied .

  11. 随着感觉和肉体意识的消退而开始,意识在松果体区域中被集中。

    Beginning with the withdrawal of the senses and the physical consciousness , the consciousness is centered in the region of the pineal gland .

  12. 北宋词具有浓郁的审美悲剧意识,其生存样态包括词人的生命悲剧意识、词体的生存悲剧意识、词学主体的情感悲剧意识。

    In Ci poetry of the Northern Song Dynasty presents a strong aesthetic consciousness of tragedy , which is embodied in the author 's consciousness of life tragedy , the style 's consciousness of survival tragedy and the poetry 's consciousness of emotional tragedy .

  13. 在社会受容体中研究犯罪人意识、公众容忍度、媒体态度、公众配合意识等意识体,在社会作用力中研究专门机关行为和公众排斥犯罪行为。

    Is studied in the society Accommodation the perpetrator to realize , the public tolerance , the media manner , the public to coordinate consciousness and so on to realize the body , studies the Special organ behavior and the public in the social action repels the criminality .

  14. 其悲剧意识主要有三种范型,即词人的生命悲剧意识、词体的生存悲剧意识、词学主体的情感悲剧意识;

    Their tragic consciousness lies in three aspects : tragic consciousness of life of the Ci writers , tragic consciousness of the survival of Ci itself , tragic consciousness of feelings of Ci study .