
xìnɡ bié kònɡ zhì
  • sex control
  1. 目前哺乳动物的性别控制的方法很多,主要是通过XY精子分离和早期胚胎性别鉴定来实现。

    Methods of sex control were mainly realized by XY spermatozoa isolation and embryo sex identification .

  2. 分离X、Y精子,用于人工授精或体外受精,是目前实现哺乳动物性别控制的最有效手段。

    The most effective approach for achieving sex control in mammals at the present time is separating X-from Y-bearing sperm followed by artificial insemination ( AI ) or in vitro fertilization ( IVF ) .

  3. X精子和Y精子的分离是家畜性别控制的关键

    Separating X-and Y-chromosome-bearing spermatozoa is the key to control of animal sexes

  4. 盖里特利假定,性别控制基因由“m”和“f”组成,它们有三种组合方式。

    Gellatly hypothesizes that the gender-controlling gene comes in a " male " and " female " version , with three possible combinations of the two .

  5. 但如果结合标记辅助选择法(MAS)、性别控制、及转基因与克隆技术将有助于快速提高双胎率,提高生产效益。

    In future , combining marker assistant selection ( MAS ) , sex-controlling , transfer gene and clone technology will be help to improve twinning rate and cattle production efficiency .

  6. sch基因在家蚕性别控制及单养雄蚕品种选育上的应用研究

    Research on the Application of sch Gene in the Sex Control of Silkworm and the Improvement of Sex limited Male Silkworm Variety

  7. 本文通过利用模式生物&斑马鱼(Daniorerio)进行了雄核发育(Androgenesis)及其通过雄核发育进行鱼类性别控制的基础理论研究。

    The theoretics of androgenesis and sex control in zebrafish ( Danio rerio ), which was the latest model animal , were studied .

  8. 重要水产养殖虾蟹类的多倍体诱导及性别控制研究

    Polyploid Induction and Sex Control in Several Economically Important Crustacean Species

  9. 分离Y精子在茸鹿性别控制中的应用研究

    Application of Separated Y Sperm on Sex Control of the Deer

  10. 性别控制液应用于母牛配种的试验报告

    The application test of sex controlling liquid on the cow 's breeding

  11. 罗非鱼性别控制的初步研究

    A Preliminary Study on the Sex Control in Tilapia mossambica

  12. 家蚕性别控制种质资源库的构建与利用

    Construction and Utilization of the Germplasm Resources Pool of the Sex-controlled Silkworm

  13. 奶牛超数排卵与性别控制的试验研究

    The Experiment Study of Cow Superovulation and the Sex Indentification

  14. 四种鲆鲽鱼类雌核发育及性别控制技术研究

    Study on Gynogenesis and Sex Control in Four Flounder Fish

  15. 配子水平上对家畜性别控制的研究进展

    Research Advancement of Domestic Animals Sex Control in Gametal Level

  16. 部分水产养殖动物性别控制基因的研究进展

    Research Progress of Sex-Determining Genes in Some Aquatic Animals

  17. 性别控制液在奶牛繁殖上的应用

    The Application of Sex Controlling Liquid to Cow Reproduction

  18. 家兔的性别控制研究金属加工液油雾的控制

    Sex Control in Rabbit Mist Suppression of Metalworking Fluids

  19. 桑蚕的性别控制与专养雄蚕的研究

    Study on the Sex - control of Silkworm and the Single Male Rearing

  20. 施氏鲟的性腺发育及人工性别控制研究

    Studies on Gonad and Sex Control in Amur Sturgeon

  21. 用分离精子进行性别控制研究的现状

    The Current Status in Sex Controlling Using Sexing Sperm

  22. 这一研究同时还研究了不同性别控制面部表情的能力。

    The same study also uncovered significant sex differences .

  23. 水产动物性别控制研究和实践

    Studies and practice of sex control in aquatic animals

  24. 性别控制技术与选择标记在牙鲆育种中的应用研究

    Application of Sex Control Technology and Molecular Markers in the Breeding of Paralichthys Olivaceus

  25. 鱼类、甲壳类性别控制的研究技术

    The Sex Control Technique for Fish and Crustacean

  26. 哺乳类性别控制的实践与进展

    Practice and Recent Advance of Mammalian Gender Pre-selection

  27. 家畜性别控制技术的研究进展

    Research Progress in the Technique of Animal Sex-control

  28. 家蚕性别控制的研究

    Studies on Sex Control in the Silkworm

  29. 家蚕性别控制化学诱导物的研究

    Chemical Inducer of Sex Determination in Silkworm

  30. 哺乳动物性别控制相关问题的研究

    Studies Related to Sex Control in Mammals