
xìng sāo rǎo
  • sexually harass;sexual harassment;sexual disturbance
性骚扰[xìng sāo rǎo]
  1. 1984年平等机会法案禁止性骚扰他人。

    It is unlawful under the Equal Opportunity Act 1984 to sexually harass a person .

  2. 北航方面表示,这一决定是在学校进行调查后做出的,调查发现陈小武性骚扰女生事件属实。

    The university said that the decision was made after an investigation conducted by the school found that " Chen did sexually harass female students . "

  3. 她声称在工作中受到性骚扰。

    She claims she has been sexually harassed at work .

  4. 他们对性骚扰采取绝不容忍的政策。

    They have a policy of zero tolerance for sexual harassment .

  5. 修订案将迫使参议员们表明自己对性骚扰问题的立场。

    The amendment will force senators to show where they stand on the issue of sexual harassment

  6. 她们投诉说受到性骚扰。

    They have complained of sexual harassment .

  7. 年的今天,迈克尔·杰克逊因被警方指控有儿童性骚扰行为而被捕

    Michael Jackson is arrested by police on charges of child molestation . 2003

  8. 其他目的包括:提高工作效率,对性骚扰、职场暴力以及歧视行为提出预警,衡量各类新举措的成效。

    Other uses for exit interviews include improving work productivity , providing an early warning about sexual harassment2 , workplace violence and discrimination issues and measuring the success of diversity initiatives .

  9. 这项改变的推荐人是艺术与科学学院性骚扰政策和程序委员会(FacultyofArtsandSciencesCommitteeonSexualMisconductPolicyandProcedures)。

    The change was recommended by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences Committee on Sexual Misconduct Policy and Procedures .

  10. 根据多元化运动组织OpportunityNow在10月公布的数据,银行和金融服务业略超过十分之一的女性员工表示,她们遭受过性骚扰。

    According to figures published in October by diversity campaign group Opportunity Now , a little more than a 10th of women working across banking and financial services said they had suffered sexual harassment .

  11. 六月份,惠普前经销商乔蒂·费希尔(JodieFisher)指控赫德实施性骚扰。

    In June the former marketing contractor , Jodie Fisher , accused Mr. Hurd of sexual .

  12. 英国BBC电视台的一名男记者在10月22日自杀身亡。他的家人在10月25日声称,他是因为不堪一名女性同事的性骚扰,向上司投诉无效才想不开轻生的。

    A BBC reporter killed himself after he complained of being sexually harassed by a woman colleague , his family claimed yesterday .

  13. 一年前,被多人指控性骚扰的某人曾接受采访,采访者如今在《今日秀》(Today)节目中也被多方指控性骚扰,还被授予《时代周刊》2016年度人物。

    One year ago , a man widely accused of sexual misconduct was interviewed by a man who has now himself been accused of widespread sexual misconducton the Today show about being named Time 's 2016 Person of the Year .

  14. 大三学生康宸玮记录了过去10年北京师范大学(BeijingNormalUniversity)发生的60起涉嫌性骚扰的案例。北师大是中国顶尖学府之一,也是为数不多的女生占多数的高校之一。

    Kang Chenwei , a third-year student , documented 60 alleged instances of sexual harassment over the past decade at Beijing Normal University , one of China 's top universities and one of the few with a majority female student population .

  15. 为取代因性骚扰丑闻而等待审判的斯特劳斯·卡恩,官方为寻找IMF继任者的努力才刚刚开始。

    OFFICIALLY the search for a new head of the IMF , to replace Dominique Strauss-Kahn , who awaits trial on charges of sexual assault , has barely begun .

  16. 基斯•拉博伊斯,这位快速增长的移动支付公司Square的二号人物因为受到与其关系密切的一位员工提出的性骚扰指控而辞职。

    Keith rabois , the No. 2 executive at square , the fast growing mobile payments startup , resigned from the company amid sexual harassment accusations made by an employee with whom he had an intimate relationship .

  17. 2010年惠普在对时任CEO马克•赫德展开性骚扰调查后决定让他走人,为此向赫德支付了1200万美元的现金补偿和一些股票。

    In 2010 , when HP showed former CEO Mark Hurd the door following an investigation into his behavior , Hurd was given $ 12 million cash plus vesting of some stock .

  18. 国际货币基金组织(InternationalMonetaryFund)也同样如此,多米尼克•斯特劳斯-卡恩被控对酒店女员工实施性骚扰而卸任,其后IMF在克里斯丁娜•拉加德总裁的带领下实现了平稳过渡。

    The same is true for the International Monetary Fund , which made a fairly smooth leadership transition under managing director Christine Lagarde after Dominique Strauss-Kahn resigned from the position amid accusations that he sexually assaulted a hotel housekeeper .

  19. 这周的媒体报道表明,至少三名曾为Cain工作的女性指控他曾在20世纪90年代年进行性骚扰。

    Press reports emerged this week that at least three women who worked with Mr Cain had accused him of sexual harassment in the1990s .

  20. 但是根据技术新闻网站Recode表示,琼斯选择离开是因为Uber饱受性别歧视与性骚扰问题。

    But according to technology news site Recode , Mr Jones left because of Uber 's continued struggle with issues around sexism and sexual harassment .

  21. 最高法院大法官ClarenceThomas的妻子要求AnitaHill道歉。在90年代初期Thomas的提名确认听证期间,AnitaHill曾指控Thomas性骚扰。

    The wife of the Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas is asking for an apology from Anita Hill , a woman who accused Thomas of sexual harassment during his confirmation hearings in the early 90s .

  22. 为网络杂志《菩提树下的议院》(BodhiCommons)撰稿的阿伦•阿修罗•纳罗丁(ArunArushiNarodin)报道称,印度90%的城镇女性都有被性骚扰的经历。

    Arun Arushi Narodin , who writes for the online magazine Bodhi Commons , reports that 90 % of urban women in India experience harassment .

  23. 法国财长拉加德女士(ChristineLagarde)被认为是取代卡恩的最佳人选。上月,卡恩在纽约被控告性骚扰而辞职。

    French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde is widely seen as the front-runner to replace Dominique Strauss-Kahn - who resigned last month after being charged in New York with sexual assault .

  24. 当美国电视主持人格蕾琴•卡尔森(GretchenCarlson)发起针对福克斯新闻(FoxNews)老板罗杰•艾尔斯(RogerAiles)的性骚扰诉讼时,她最初被描述为拜金女。

    Gretchen Carlson , the US television presenter , was initially painted as a washed-up gold-digger when she filed a sexual harassment lawsuit against Roger Ailes , the Fox News boss .

  25. 2017年,Uber经受了一系列的争议,最饱受诟病的是其性别歧视文化,以及公司遭受到的有关性骚扰的指控。

    Uber has suffered a spate of controversies in 2017 , the most serious being ongoing rows over a culture of sexism , and accusations of sexual harassment at the firm .

  26. 当福克斯新闻频道(FoxNewsChannel)前主持人格蕾琴•卡尔森(GretchenCarlson)指控她受到老板罗杰•艾尔斯(RogerAiles)性骚扰的时候,其他女性纷纷站出来指控其他高管的类似做法。

    When Gretchen Carlson , a former Fox News Channel presenter , alleged that she had been sexually harassed by Roger Ailes , who ran the network , other women came forward alleging similar treatment by other executives .

  27. 在经历了杰瑞·桑达斯基的性骚扰丑闻后,宾夕法尼亚州政府计划对全国大学生体育协会NCAA提起诉讼。

    Pennsylvania 's governor plans to file a lawsuit against the NCAA over the sanctions imposed against Penn State in the aftermath of the Jerry Sandusky sexual molestation trial .

  28. 据文章披露,致命的桃色关系,以及性骚扰指控,迫使纳努拉在七月份辞去了私募股权公司柯罗尼资本集团(ColonyCapital)与米拉麦克斯电影公司(Miramax,纳努拉担任该公司董事长)的职务。

    According to the LA Times story , the fateful entanglements , along with a sexual harassment charge , led nanula , 53 , to resign in July from private equity firm colony capital and the Miramax film company , where he was chairman .

  29. 其它合规问题的举报,如性骚扰或安全违规等,基本与过去持平或有所下降,但欺诈问题“呈现加速与扩大势头”,thenetwork首席执行官路易斯拉莫斯(luisramos)说。

    Tip-offs about other types of compliance issues , such as sexual harassment or safety breaches , have remained flat or have fallen , but fraud has been " gaining speed and momentum " , said Luis Ramos , chief executive of the network .

  30. 去年,田纳西大学查塔努加校区(UniversityofTennessee-Chattanooga)的学生科里·莫克(CoreyMock)被一个女人指控性骚扰,他无法证明自己获得了原告的口头同意,所以校方判定他进行不当性行为,将他开除。

    Last year , Corey Mock , a student at the University of Tennessee-Chattanooga , was expelled after officials there found him guilty of sexual misconduct because he could not prove he had obtained verbal consent from a woman who accused him of sexual assault .