
shì ɡuǎn yīnɡ ér
  • test tube baby
试管婴儿 [shì guǎn yīng ér]
  • [test-tube baby] 由人工授精生育的婴儿

  1. 试管婴儿孕妇住院期间的心理分析及对策

    Psychoanalysis and Nursing Measures of Test Tube Baby Pregnant Women During Hospital

  2. 试管婴儿及GIFT婴儿诞生

    Births of a test tube baby and a gift baby

  3. 试管婴儿诊所使用一种名为胚胎镜的技术,为受精的胚胎拍照。

    IVF clinics - using a technique called Embryoscope - take images of fertilised embryos2 .

  4. 这个和做IVF试管婴儿的药是一样的。

    To do this and in vitro fertilization IVF drugs are the same .

  5. 该法官表示在2002年成功完成试管婴儿(IVF)治疗后,剩余的冰冻胚胎并没有归还给该名母亲。

    The judgment means spare embryos frozen after successful in vitro fertilisation ( IVF ) in2002 will not be returned to the mother .

  6. 目的探讨早产试管婴儿呼吸窘迫综合征(RDS)的临床特点及影响预后的相关因素。

    Objective To study clinical characteristics and prognostic factors of respiratory distress syndrome ( RDS ) in premature test tube baby .

  7. 目的了解试管婴儿(IVF-ET)与自然受孕儿出生时身体状况的差异,客观地对试管婴儿的安全性进行分析。

    Objective To understand the difference in newborn IVF-ET and spontaneous pregnant baby 's body heath index , then analyze the safety of IVF-ET.

  8. 各医院试管婴儿成功率的发布机构――美国辅助生殖技术协会(SocietyforAssistedReproductiveTechnology)表示,该机构将在2014年的数据中首次公布微刺激方案的成功率。该数据将于2016年出炉。

    For the first time , the organization that publishes clinics ' success rates , the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology says it will break out success rates for minimal-stimulation cycles in its 2014 statistics , which will be released in 2016 .

  9. 埃尔顿·约翰和丈夫大卫·弗内什(DavidFurnish)拥有两个通过试管婴儿方式生下的孩子,他呼吁抵制杜嘉班纳,这个品牌他已经穿了很久。

    Elton John , who has two children via in-vitro fertilization with his husband , David Furnish , called for a boycott of Dolce Gabbana , a brand he has long worn .

  10. 1996年我国首例ICSI试管婴儿在中山大学附属第一医院生殖医学中心诞生。

    In1996 , our country 's first ICSI test-tube baby in sun yat-sen university , the first hospital affiliated reproductive medicine center was born .

  11. ASRM的数据显示,2012年试管婴儿数量占到新生儿总数的1.5%。

    Babies conceived using IVF made up 1.5 % of all births in 2012 , according to the ASRM .

  12. 方法取试管婴儿助孕技术后异常受精的3原核胚胎,于2~10细胞期进行固定,采用TUNEL法检测3原核胚胎中的凋亡征象。

    Methods : The three pronuclear ( 3PN ) human preimplantation embryos were fixed at 2-10 cell stage . TdT-mediated nick end labeling ( TUNEL ) and laser confocal scanning microscopy were used to detect apoptosis signs in embryos .

  13. 方法:采用显微受精试管婴儿(卵胞浆内单精子显微注射,ICSI)治疗男性不孕症,同时进行了系列基础研究:显微激光薄化人胚胎透明带进行辅助孵出的效果研究;

    Methods : To treat the male infertility by ICSI ( introcytoplasmic sperm injection ), at the same time carry through the series basic reseach : the hatching efficacy of human embryos subjected to laser zona pellucida thinning ;

  14. 总部位于英国NHS信托基金会南安普顿大学医院的完全生育诊所从明年新年开始将提供这一技术,它比标准试管婴儿技术的价格(3800镑,约36608元)要贵几百镑。

    It will be available at the Complete Fertility clinic , based at University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust , from the New Year and will cost a few hundred pounds more than the 3800 pounds cost of standard IVF .

  15. 计算机辅助分析精子运动能力在试管婴儿术中的应用

    The Application of Computer Assisted Sperm Analysis on in vitro Fertilization

  16. 试管婴儿消化道复杂畸形术后监护1例报道

    Report on postoperative care for one test-tube baby with digestive tract abnormality

  17. 短短5年,全世界有150位试管婴儿诞生。

    Within five years , 150 test-tube babies had been born worldwide .

  18. 试管婴儿的医学术语称体外受精-胚胎移植。

    Test-tube baby 's medicine terminologycalls the external fertilization-embryonic implantation .

  19. 因此,胚胎移植是试管婴儿的关键。

    Therefore , in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer is the key .

  20. 结论:试管婴儿多胎、早产、体重轻、感染等并发症多。

    Conclusion : Test tube baby has more complication .

  21. 试管婴儿12例临床观察与护理

    Clinical observation and nursing of 12 test tube babies

  22. 亲爱的,我有了试管婴儿与自然受孕儿出生情况分析

    Newborn Situation Analysis of IVF-ET and Spontaneous Pregnant Babies

  23. 通过培养皿的培养,他们有了一个试管婴儿

    Grown in a dish . they would have an in vitro child .

  24. 双(多)胎试管婴儿生存质量分析

    Analysis of Living Quality Twins Test Tube Baby

  25. 试管婴儿三胞胎顺利诞生

    Births of triplet ' test tube ' babies

  26. 已婚的德亚希望试管婴儿项目完成后自己能怀孕。

    The married patient hopes to conceive after completing a test tube baby programme .

  27. 早产试管婴儿呼吸窘迫综合征临床特点及预后因素

    Clinical Characteristics and Prognostic Factors of Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Premature Test Tube Baby

  28. 我爸从未带我去过因为我是试管婴儿

    My father never took me ' cause I was a test tube baby .

  29. 试管婴儿往往需要经过反复的、昂贵的而且是揪心的尝试。

    More often than not , IVF takes repeated , costly and heart-wrenching attempts .

  30. 传统试管婴儿方案的卵子采集目标要更高。

    Conventional IVF aims for more eggs .