
  1. 学习困难学生对词语思维加工的元认知实验研究

    The Meta-Cognition of Word-Thinking Processing of Students with Learning Disabilities

  2. 另一方面,两种任务涉及的思维加工阶段不同。

    On the other hand , thinking processing involved in the two tasks is different .

  3. 结果表明,学困生对词语思维加工的自我调节、自我监视和自我控制能力显著低于学习优秀学生。

    Students with learning disabilities generally demonstrate significantly poorer performance in self-regulation , self-monitoring and self-control of word-thinking processing .

  4. 通过对问卷的统计分析和思维加工,文章发现城市非正规部门中的就业人员和就业环境都存在不少问题。

    The article found many problems on employee and employment environment in the informal-sector in city by the statistic and analysis on the questionnaire .

  5. 本论文试图运用分析、综合、比较、归纳与演绎等方法,对文献资料进行思维加工。

    This paper attempts to use analysis , synthesis , comparison , induction and deduction and other methods of thinking of literature data processing .

  6. 本研究将创造性思维加工策略界定为在自我监控条件下对已经获得的信息在头脑中进行新颖、独特改造的一般的、普遍的、有效的思维方法。

    In this research , creative thinking processing strategy is a general , effective method by which the information of brain will be reconstructed during self-monitoring .

  7. 篮球场地意识形成与发展的需要由观察、思维加工和行动三个过程构成。

    The requirement of the formation and development of basketball players ' field consciousness consists of 3 processes , observing , thinking processing and action . 4 .

  8. 所以法律事实是经过思维加工后被法官所认定的事实,其与真实的客观事实不一定一致。

    After therefore the legal fact is the process thought processing the fact which was recognized by judge , it is not necessarily consistent with real fact .

  9. 运用分析和综合,归纳和演绎等方法,对以上文献资料、专家访谈、田野调查所搜集的资料进行思维加工。

    He leaded the above document and expert interview and field survey to a process of thinking by the methods of analysis and comprehensive , induction and deductive .

  10. 意象不仅包括视觉意象,还包括其他感官所获得的意象,以及经过思维加工后的意象。

    Imagery includes not only visual imagery , but also imagery attained from other sensory organs , and the imagery which has been digested by mind as well .

  11. 多媒体在概念引入、思维加工、建立概念和巩固深化四个阶段都有优化作用,其中在思维加工阶段的优化作用尤为显着。

    Multi-media can optimize all the procedures of junior physics concept instruction : concept introducing , thought working , establishing concept , consolidating and deepening , remarkably thought working .

  12. 在创造性思维加工策略的建构阶段,主要采用文献分析法,综合国内外大量研究文献,建立了创造性思维加工策略分类系统。

    We studied a lot of research inside and outside the country , then built the assortment system of creative thinking processing strategy by literature analytical method in the first phase .

  13. 当感觉表象被感性思维加工成与客观事物对应的知觉表象(感性经验)时,与感觉表象对应的符号就联结成自然符号结构,并与客观事物建立了对应关系。

    When feeling representation constitute perceptual representation ( perceptual experience ) by perceptual thinking process , the sign with sensory representation correspondingly coupling into natural symbol structure and Establish corresponding relation with objective things .

  14. 由于我们的认识只能意识到被思维加工的经验,因此原始经验的存在只是一个逻辑预设,它使描述历史经验与历史思维的共生状态成为可能。

    Since we can only recognize the experience being processed by thinking , the original experience is merely a logical hypothesis . This makes it possible to describe the intergrowth state of historical experience and historical thinking .

  15. 在实施创造性思维加工策略测试方案阶段,主要采用测量法根据所建构的分类系统编制了一套初中生创造性思维加工策略测试方案,并以初二学生为被试进行了初步研究。

    We worked out a test of creative thinking processing strategy by measurement method that is for the junior middle school students in the second phase . We also test grade two students to begin the pilot study .

  16. 艾米:是没错,但要是我成功了,我就能绘制和再现你演算出统一场理论的思维加工过程。因此,你的结论也得纳入我的范式。

    Amy : Yes , but if I 'm successful , I will be able to map and reproduce your thought processes in deriving a grand unified theory , and therefore , subsume your conclusions under my paradigm .

  17. 问卷调查研究经历收集资料、设计、论证、修改问卷,发放、回收问卷,审查、整理、分析资料,思维加工,后期审核、评估等五个环节,数据真实、可靠、全面。

    The survey experienced five procedures , collecting data , designing , proving and revising the questionnaire ; giving out and collecting questionnaire ; checking , classifying and analyzing the materials , processing in mind ; examining and assessing the results .

  18. θ波活动开始于位于大脑后部的恐惧中心杏仁核然后在前往思维加工区域,大脑额叶之前,与大脑记忆中心海马体相互作用。

    Theta wave activity starts in the back of the brain , in it 's fear center the amygdala and then interacts with brain 's memory center the hippocampus before traveling to the frontal lobe where thought processing areas are engaged .

  19. 合理想象测验主要是通过具体形象进行的,它具有自由联想和类比的性质,因此更多测试的是个体创造力的初级思维加工。

    One is primary thinking processing , and the other is secondary thinking process . Some experiment proved primary thinking ability of the high creative people was stronger . Reasonable imagination task mainly involves specific image and has the features of free association and the analogy .

  20. 当感觉表象被理性思维加工成客观世界中不存在的知觉形象(概念)时,人类就需要创造人工符号来表征它,并使建立在概念基础上的理性经验与人工符号结构形成对应关系。

    When feeling representation constitute a perceptual image ( concept ) not existing in the world by rational thinking process , human beings need create artificial symbols to represent the image and establish corresponding relation between the rational experience based on the concept and artificial symbol structure .

  21. 文章将从抽象思维认识加工过程的两个阶段,结合语文阅读教学过程,探讨中学语文阅读教学中进行抽象思维训练的方法。

    The article will combine with the process of reading teaching and the two-stage thinking , providing the methods of abstract thinking training in Chinese reading teaching of secondary school .

  22. 许多前人研究表明,大脑中存在有处理语言和认知的不同脑区,而且,语言和认知思维的加工是在许多独立又相互联系的脑区中进行并完成的。

    Much research shows that there are separate areas in the brain responsible for the language and cognition respectively , and that language is processed by a series of independent yet connected language areas , so is cognition .

  23. 机械零件设计思维的信息加工模型

    An Information Processing Model of Machine Designing Ideology

  24. 思维是编辑加工过程中最高层次的心理活动,是一种积极主动再创造的思维方式和心理动势。

    Thinking is the highest psychology activity in editing process and a positive recreating thinking way and psychology trend .

  25. 并且,力图建立人的学习和思维的心理加工过程的模型,以便于用计算机模拟,发展人工智能。

    It also attempts to establish a model of mental processing for learning and thinking in the hope of the application in analogue computer and artificial intelligence .

  26. 突出思维能力、信息加工能力、自学能力、创造能力等的考查,尤其是注重创造能力的考查。

    The test questions also emphasize the examination of thinking ability , of the information processing ability , of self - study ability and of creating ability and so on .

  27. 本文应用认识心理学的理论和方法,剖析了人类专家进行机械零件设计的思维规律,提出了用思维的信息加工理论来解释复杂的人类设计活动。

    This paper applies the theory and method of cognitive psychology to analyse the laws of thinking of human beings in machine design . It tries to use the information processing theory to explain the complicated human acti - Vities in machine design .

  28. 在心理学的视野中,刑事裁判思维仅仅是法官处理刑事案件的一个心理加工通道而已,案件事实与法律从入口处进去,经过思维通道的加工,最后输出裁决。

    As viewed from psychology , the thinking mode of criminal judgment is only the judge 's mental process channel to dispose criminal cases . Facts and laws are input through the entry , and mentally processed through the channel , finally judgments are output .