
  1. 正确引导群众树立社会主义市场经济观念

    Establishment of Mass Concept of Socialist Market Economy

  2. 其着重点在于树立社会主义市场经济观念;

    Setting the opinion of socialist market economy ;

  3. 随着市场经济观念逐步深入人心,各级政府逐渐放松了对烟叶和烟草制品的管制。

    Along with market economy idea gradually win support among the people , various governments gradually relaxed the control on tobacco and tobacco products .

  4. 文章从基本素质、市场经济观念、理财原则三个方面论述了市场经济对财务专家的要求。

    The paper discusses market economy demand for financial specialist form three aspects of basic quality , market economy sense and managing money matters .

  5. 随着市场经济观念的确立,现代化的发展,带动了城市化进程的步伐,体育运动成为大众文化消费的主体内容之一。

    With the establishment of the ideas of market economy and the development of urbanization process , sports has become one of main contents of popular cultural consumption .

  6. 农村经过三十年的发展特别是市场经济观念的广泛渗入,使我国农村发生了翻天覆地的变化,影响是巨大的,深远的。

    With the development of economy for over thirty years , especially the socialist market economy percolated wide , earthshaking changes have taken place in rural area in China .

  7. 因而,必须引导农民树立现代市场经济观念、法制观念、科学观念,使农民实现从传统人格向现代人格的转变。

    Therefore , we must guide farmers to foster modern market economy idea , legality idea and scientific idea and make farmers realize the change from traditional personality to modern personality .

  8. 为此,建议采取有效措施解决退耕还林后农民的生计问题,帮助农民树立市场经济观念,提供配套改革政策,提高农村人口整体素质及生活质量。

    Therefore , the article suggest that the government should effectively solve peasants ' livelihood problems after resuming forest , help peasants establish marketing economy view , provide them with matching reform policy , and enhance entire quality and living quality for countryside population .

  9. 这就需要我们能够突破狭隘的思想束缚,树立真正的市场经济观念,跟上市场经济深化改革的步伐,解决好发展动力、增长方式问题,坚持和完善社会主义市场经济体制。

    This needs us to break through the narrow thoughts , establish the real market-economy idea , keep up with paces of deepening reform in market economy , settle well problems of developing motive force and growth ways , stick to and perfect the socialist market-economy system .

  10. 这种模式是在研究所长期处于传统的计划经济管理方式下,依靠民品企业自身努力,不断增强实力,战胜落后的管理体制,最终赢得市场经济观念的胜利,实现现代企业制度的管理。

    It is also the result of that institute , which is under the traditional economical planning management , continue improving self-competition and innovating the management system so as to establish the market economical ideas and the modern management system , depending on the civilian commodity developing of their company .

  11. 市场经济法律观念探析

    On the Concept of Laws under the Circumstances of Market Economy

  12. 地勘财会工作应树立市场经济新观念

    The geological prospecting trade should acquire a new idea of financial and accounting work to get in line wiht market economy

  13. 在简述当代中国先进文化内涵和基本特征的基础上,重点分析了先进文化在西部农村社会发展中的重要作用即有利于西部农民解放思想,接受市场经济新观念;

    Based on briefly presenting the characteristics and connotation of contemporary Chinese advanced culture , the paper mainly analyzed the important function of advanced culture in western rural region .

  14. 契约精神是商品经济发展的产物,现代契约精神是市场经济在观念形态上的集中表现,是市民社会新的政治理念的浓缩与集中表现。

    Spirit of contract is a product of the development of commodity economy , modern spirit of contract on the ideology of the market in concentrated form , is a concentration of new political ideas of civil society and in concentrated form .

  15. 如何评估市场经济对道德观念的影响

    How to evaluate the influence of market - orientated economy on the moral conception

  16. 市场经济与价值观念转变

    Market Economy and the Change of Value Sense

  17. 社会主义市场经济赋予人才观念以新的内涵,是人才战略的主观基础。

    Socialism market economy entrusts to the talent views new contents that is subjective idea base of the talent strategy .

  18. 同时,军队干部受到社会利益关系调整变化、市场经济各种价值观念的影响,对转业安置的后顾之忧明显增加。

    Furthermore , the military officers affected by the varied social benefit relationship and various values in market economy , their minds are with the worries behind .

  19. 回到农村的返乡农民工,带着技术和市场经济的新观念,促进社会主义新农村建设。

    Back to the return of migrant workers in rural areas , with technology and new concepts of market economy , promote the building of new socialist countryside .

  20. 把教育作为一种产业,是社会主义市场经济条件下观念上的大突破,是知识经济的要求和特点。

    Education as an industry is not only an ideological breakthrough under the circumstance of socialist market economy , but a demand and character of knowledge economy as well .

  21. 现代法权关系根源于市民社会,对市民社会的解剖是市场经济转变法权观念,构建现代法权制度的理论基础;

    Modern right roots in civil society , by whose characteristics the transformation of right in market economy and the foundation of modern right rule can be found their theoretical basis .

  22. 抓住机遇,对老工业基地进行结构调整和改造,必须以市场经济的新观念、新制度和新技术来加快产业结构的升级换代。

    In seizing the opportunity and accelerating structural adjustment and transformation , we should press ahead to optimize and upgrade the industrial structure with the new sense of market economy , institution and technology .

  23. 沿着当代词语演变的轨迹还可以发现:市场经济的价值观念正在逐步成为我国社会文化的核心内容,并在当代社会关系的调整中发挥着愈益重要的作用。

    Changes in the vocabulary of the Chinese language well indicate the fact that people 's concept of market economy is assuming a central position in our culture and is playing an increasingly important role in the on_going adjustment to the contemporary social relations .

  24. 引导农民树立市场经济意识和市场观念。

    Lead peasants to establish market economy consciousness and market idea .

  25. 谈市场经济条件下德育观念的更新

    Discussion on the Updating of Moral Education View under the Condition of Market Economy

  26. 目前,国内正在进行一场缺乏伦理规范的市场游戏,经济伦理观念正陷入一种严重混乱脱序的状态。

    Now , people are playing market games in the absence of any ethical confinements .

  27. 受市场经济发展和社会观念的影响,当前的中国高校缺乏人文精神的滋养。

    Nowadays , influenced by market economy and values of a society , the issue of lacking the sense of humanity in colleges in China is becoming serious .

  28. 我国刚刚从高度集中的计划经济体制走入市场经济体制,私法观念、自治思想还需要大力倡导和弘扬。

    Just past the highly concentrated plan economy system , our country walks into the market economy system , the private law idea , autonomy thought still needs to be strongly promoted and advocated .

  29. 浙江发展模式的优势不仅表现在硬件方面,还表现在人文背景和商业传统以及与市场经济相适应的观念体系等软件方面。

    Development pattern in Zhejiang Province has advantages not only in the aspect of hardwares but also in cultural background , commercial traditions , and the system of conceptions that suit the market economy and other sofeware aspects .

  30. 三是东西部之间的制度落差,不仅表现为产权制度、市场制度等正式制度落差,还有市场经济观念、就业观念等非正式制度的落差,制度创新是消除制度落差的关键。

    Third , the institution drop elevation between Eastern regions and western regions is manifested in terms of formal system drop elevation such as property rights system , market system , etc , as well as informal institution drop elevation , such as market economy concept , employment concept , etc.