
tiáo jiàn zhuànɡ yǔ
  • adverbial of condition
  1. 如果他明天来,你就可以看到他了。(条件状语)

    If he comes tomorrow , you will see him .

  2. 如果你回来,我就去看你。(条件状语从句)

    If you come back , I will go to see you .

  3. 条件状语从句,一般现在时表示将来时。

    If she comes , she will get a surprise .

  4. 如果他是空闲的,他会要求我讲故事。(真实条件状语)

    If he was free , he would ask me to tell stories .

  5. 英语条件状语之我见

    A View on English Conditional Adverbial Modifier

  6. 一切物质,如果它包含的原子性质相同,则称为元素。(定语从句转译为条件状语从句)

    A body that contains only atoms with the same general properties is called an element .

  7. 条件状语从句如果你能在下礼拜五之前还给我的话,就可以用我的汽车。

    You may use my auto as long as you can return it to me before the coming Friday .

  8. 条件状语或从句、插入语和不同语态的使用也有其自身风格。

    Besides , conditional adverbial clauses ( phrases ), parenthesis , and the different usages of voice own their respective styles .

  9. 在句法层次上,本文探讨了工程合同不寻常的句序,大量圆周句,条件状语从句的使用以及大量的平行搭配。

    In the syntactical level , the paper the odd word order , the frequent use of periodic sentences , conditional clauses and parallel structures .

  10. 中国英语专业学习者定语从句使用不足,状语从句过度使用,其中条件状语从句使用最多,而本族语者更常用时间状语从句。

    Chinese English major students significantly underuse attributive clauses and significantly overuse adverbial clauses , especially condition adverbial clauses . English native speakers use more time adverbial clauses .

  11. 该研究分析了四种类型的复合句:含有时间状语从句的复合句,含有原因状语从句的复合句,含有条件状语从句的复合句和含有让步状语从句的复合句。

    In this study , the four types of complex sentences are analyzed : sentences with temporal adverbial clauses , sentences with reason adverbial clauses , sentences with conditional adverbial clauses and sentences with concessive adverbial clauses .

  12. 其中,对法律英语中的长句的使用做了具体的探讨,包括:条件状语从句、时间状语从句、方式状语从句、目的状语从句以及定语从句的使用。

    Among these features , the application of long sentences is analyzed in detail , including the adverbial clause of condition , adverbial clause of time , adverbial clause of manner , adverbial clause of purpose and the attributive clause .

  13. 分析了作状语的分词逻辑主谓关系一致的三种例外情况,即在什么条件下作状语的分词逻辑主语可与句子的主语不一致,及其与悬垂结构之区别。

    This paper analyzes the three exceptional cases of the consistency in the logical subject of particles , i.e. under what circumstances can the logical subject of particles serving as adverbial be inconsistent with the subject of the sentence .

  14. 英语的定语从句除具有修饰和限制功能以外,还具有类似结果、原因、条件等状语从句的功能,而汉语的定语从句则缺乏这种功能。

    Furthermore , beside English attributive clauses have the modified and restricted functions as the Chinese attributive clauses have , and it also has the result , the cause , the condition and other adverbial functions , while the Chinese attributive clause is lack of these functions .

  15. 条件从句是状语从句和条件句从是自由关系从句两种分析各有特点,但本文认为都存在一些不足,并进行了进一步的分析。

    Adverbial clauses analysis and free relatives analysis respectively has it own properties , but there still exist some problems for both of them .

  16. 表示条件意义的手段除了if等引导的条件状语从句之外,还有许多手段,如简单句、不定式等不同的句式结构和介词、副词等小品词,形容词、名词等实词,以及词的组合。

    In addition to the adverbial clauses introduced by " if ", there are many other ways to express CONDITION : sentence structures such as simple clauses , infinitive structures ; words such as prepositions , adverbs ; adjectives and nouns and word combinations , etc.