
wànɡ bù liǎo
  • 熟语never forget;always remember
  1. 我永远也忘不了你对我的好处。

    I shall always remember your kindness to me .

  2. 我永远也忘不了离家的那一天。

    I 'll always remember the day I left home .

  3. 有一件事我总忘不了。

    One particular incident sticks in my mind .

  4. 我忘不了他圆睁的双眼。

    I could not forget the wild look in his eyes .

  5. 我永远忘不了你为这些小孩子所做的一切。

    I 'm not ever going to forget what you 've done for the nippers .

  6. 一辈子也忘不了。

    I won 't forget as long as I live .

  7. 他永远忘不了挨斗的滋味。

    He will never forget the taste of being struggled against .

  8. 印象太深了,总也忘不了。

    The impression is so deep that it can hardly ever blow over .

  9. 他忘不了她。

    He can 't get over her .

  10. 人们忘不了不死鸟。

    People couldn 't forget the phoenix .

  11. 我知道我把它放在我忘不了的地方了。可是到底是放哪儿了?

    I know I put it somewhere where I wouldn 't forget , but where the hell was that ?

  12. 我永远也忘不了我们共同生活和学习的那个秋天autumn。

    I will never forget the autumn when I studied and lived with you .

  13. 今天抽奖会的获奖者是NopVanny,她说忘不了自己柬埔寨移民的经历。

    Nop Vanny wins the drawing today . She says she sees value of the Cambodian immigrant experience .

  14. 昨天不是我第一次跟Nate说话,over:从…恢复过来在舞会上,他告诉我他忘不了Serena。

    Jenny : Yesterday wasn 't the first time I talked to Nate . at the ball , he told me he wasn 't over Serena . -

  15. both:两者都Serena,我知道我们都很在乎Blair。但也许对我来说,truth:事实over:从…恢复过来最好是告诉她真相,我忘不了你。

    Nate : Serena , I know we both care about Blair , but maybe the best thing is for me to just tell her the truth . I 'm not over you .

  16. 即便是走到了生命的尽头,蒂安德拉?加拉尔萨(D'AndraGalarza)也知道她在弥留之际肯定忘不了她的上司:NBC环球(NBCUniversalInc.)的一位总裁。

    If D'Andra Galarza were to come face to face with death , she knows whose life would flash before her eyes : the life of her boss , a president at NBCUniversal Inc.

  17. 多年前,我初次见到评酒大师罗伯特&12539;派克(RobertM.ParkerJr.)的时候,他讲了一句我永远忘不了的话,我妻子帕特(Pat)的味觉比我好得多。

    MANY YEARS AGO , when I first met the wine critic Robert M. Parker Jr. , he told me something that I have never forgotten . My wife , Pat , has a much better palate than I do , he said .

  18. 我想我永远也忘不了这趟美国之行。

    I think I can 't forget this America trip forever .

  19. 我所学的第一课永远也忘不了。

    The first lesson that I learned will never be forgotten .

  20. 岁月流逝但我却忘不了你。

    Years have gone by but I 've never forgotten you .

  21. 我这样做,因我一直忘不了你。

    I did it because I never stopped thinking about you .

  22. 她忘不了保罗对她所做过的一切。

    She couldn 't forget what Paul had done to her .

  23. 你一旦见到他,就永远忘不了他。

    Once you see him , you will never forget him .

  24. 我永远忘不了在纽约所看过的那出歌舞喜剧。

    I 'll never forget seeing the musical in New York .

  25. 我的脑子里始终想着要订立一个和约拉倒,我忘不了都是这十五法郎惹出来的麻烦。

    My mind is on the peace treaty all the time .

  26. 我永远忘不了第一次听他们歌的情形。

    I 'll never forget the first time I heard them .

  27. 她始终忘不了你们从小到大的友情。

    She can never forget the friendship between you and her .

  28. 这时候记东西永远都忘不了。

    You never forget something when you learn it like this .

  29. 我将永远忘不了护理人员的关爱。

    I shall never forget the kindness of the nursing staff .

  30. 让你死都忘不了他老爸。

    And therefore you die also won 't forget his father .