
  1. 深感伤心,只想忘了爱!

    With love and with hurt .

  2. 你会忘了爱是什么滋味,

    You forget to appreciate love ,

  3. 你可能责备自己,忘了如何爱与滋润自己;

    You may blame yourself and forget how to love and nurture yourself .

  4. 但是在欢庆的同时,不要忘了去培养爱和怜悯的能力,

    But within that celebration the quest to cultivate our capacity for love and compassion

  5. 我们心心相印,我们欢笑,我们哭叫,然后分手时刻来到,别忘了,你爱我,当我们还年轻。

    When songs of spring are sung , remember that morning in May . Remember , you loved me , when we were young one day .

  6. 可是别忘了,恐惧和爱是对立的。

    And remember , fear is the opposite of love .

  7. 我忘了戴维是多么爱讲话的。

    I had forgotten how much David liked to talk .

  8. 我感觉像小丑,但忘了约自己的爱你。

    I feel like a clown , but to forget about one 's own love with you .