
  1. Karl:你忘了我告诉过你他去年搬走了吗?

    KARL : I told you he moved last year , remember ?

  2. 也是OCD对比“噢,我都忘了我有这张CD”

    Also known as OCD versus " Oh , here 's a CD I forgot I had . "

  3. 很;大大地A:唉呀!糟了!我完全忘了我和Bowen太太二点钟的约。

    A : Oh , no. I completely forgot about my appointment with Mr. Bowen at 2 o'clock .

  4. 我太激动了以致于我忘了我说过什么了,Dergen已经死了,明天将会举行葬礼,但是我不会去,因为我要去杀人!

    I was so exited I forgot to say something , Dergen died in the attack * a ceremony is held tomorrow but I ain 't comin ' ! I wanna kill !

  5. 嫦娥爸爸,我可不愿大家都忘了我。

    Chang'e Father , I would not like everyone forget me .

  6. 即使你忘了我,我也依然爱你。

    Even if you forget me , I still love you .

  7. 她老是忘了我不再是个小孩子了。

    She keeps forgetting I 'm not a child any more .

  8. 别忘了我借过你八块钱。

    I remind you of the eight yuan I lend you .

  9. 你一定忘了我还是你哥,对吧?

    You done forgot I 'm your big brother , huh ?

  10. 别忘了我可是这里的常客啊。

    Don 't forget that I am a regular customer here .

  11. 我自己就差点忘了我的生日了。感谢你美好的祝愿。

    I almost forget it myself.Thank you for your best wishes .

  12. 您不要忘了我说的话。

    Don 't forget anything that I have said to you .

  13. 哦、哦!我忘了我明天也要小考!

    O-oh I forgot I will have a quiz , too !

  14. 别忘了我已经杀过你一次了

    Because let 's not forget . I already killed you once .

  15. 我差一点儿忘了我曾答应过要带你去上海的。

    I nearly forget that I promised to take you to Shanghai .

  16. 好的,那你就不会忘了我的名字了。

    Well , then you won 't forget my name .

  17. 别忘了我曾经为她工作过。

    Don 't forget that I worked for her once .

  18. 天呀,我都忘了我多么喜欢开车。

    God , I forgot how much I love driving .

  19. 啊呀,我忘了我的台词。

    Oh , jeez . I forgot my line again .

  20. 哦,你忘了我是宅男.我喜欢呆在家里。

    Oh , you forgot that I am an otaku .

  21. 于是我投身于社会工作,因而忘了我自己。

    So I 'll plunge into social work and therefore forget myself .

  22. 这份礼物不成敬意,只希望您别忘了我。

    We would like you to take something home as a souvenir .

  23. 我本该装作认为大家都忘了我的生日。

    I 'm supposed to believe everybody forgot my birthday .

  24. 也许你忘了我的名字,我叫

    You may have forgotten my name . I 'm

  25. 忘了我曾在这里吧。

    Try and forget that I am even here .

  26. 别忘了我的口红,就在你的烟灰缸。

    Don 't forget my lipstick , I left it in your ashtray .

  27. 但是你你会忘了我

    As for you , you 'd forget me .

  28. 你忘了我还在放假?

    Did you forget I 'm still on suspension ?

  29. 别忘了我是这所房子的合法所有者。

    Don 't forget that I am the rightful owner of this house .

  30. 我忘了我已经把书还给他了。

    I forgot about returning the book to him .