
  • 网络Lethe;The forgotten
  1. 1哦,不.不要去那忘川,也不要榨挤附子草深扎土中的根茎,那可是一杯毒酒,也不要让地狱女王红玉色的葡萄——龙葵的一吻印上你苍白的额头;

    go not to Lethe , neither twist Wolf 's-bane , tight-rooted , for its poisonous wine ;

  2. 传说此花只开在冥界三途河边、忘川彼岸的接引之花,是冥界唯一的花。

    This took only a legend in Mingjie three passers-by river , Sichuan Forgot Jieyin the other side of the flower , a flower is the only Mingjie .

  3. 当灵魂渡过忘川,便忘却生前的种种,曾经的一切都留在了彼岸,往生者就踏着这花的指引通向幽冥之狱。

    When the soul through-forgotten , they had to forget all , everything has to stay in the other side , death to spend it on follow the guidelines of the prison to the dead .