
  1. 在职工系列教育中加入心理调试课程,并组织形式多样的团队实践活动,帮助卫生监督员舒缓工作压力,更积极地面对繁重的执法工作。

    To add psychological courses into series of employee education , and organize variety of team practice , help health inspectors to relieve work pressure and face heavy enforcement more positively . 3 .

  2. 此外,还有少数运动员对就业问题在认识上还不够清晰,也反映出在退役后部分人将面临心理调试和角色转换上的困难。

    In addition , there are a small number of athletes ' attitude on the employment problem is not clear enough , which reflects certain athletes face difficulties on the psychological of debugging and role conversion .

  3. 结论抑郁症受人际关系、就业形势、网络等因素影响;轻松娱乐节目和自我心理调试有利于抑郁症的预防。

    Conclusions Such influential factors as the interpersonal relation , employment trend and internet indulgence can result in the depression , Relaxed entertainment pro - grams and ego mental adjustments are of benefit to the prevention of depression .

  4. 大学生审美心理偏差及其调试

    Deviation and Adjustment of College Students ' Aesthetic Psychology Mentality dessert

  5. 最后,探讨了大学生应该如何进行就业心理准备和自我调试的问题。

    This paper analyzes the characteristics of the employment psychology of undergraduates from the three dimensions and discusses the problems of psychological preparation and self-regulating for employment .

  6. 对干预组患者进行综合心理干预模式,包括:发放文字材料&自我调试宣传手册,医护人员关爱,电话心理咨询,集体调试,个体咨询,心理医生辅导等;

    The patients of intervention group were given comprehensive mental intervention , which included handing out materials ( self-debugging propagandist manual ), care from staff , mental counseling by telephone , group debugging , individual counseling , guidance by mental doctor , etc.

  7. 本文对篮球比赛中运动员在投篮过程中的心理特征进行了简要分析,并提出了若干形成良好心理状态的调试方法。

    A brief analysis of psychological feature during the course of shooting a basket in basketball matches is discussed in the paper , tand some debugging methods which can bring about a good mental state were put forward .

  8. 作为一种心理变量,较高的精神幸福通常意味着基督徒在宗教文化下的良好心理调试。

    As a psychological variable , higher spiritual well-being always means better psychological adjustment for Christians in religious culture .