
  • 网络abnormal labor;Dystocia;abnormal labour
  1. 结论异常分娩史是HIE发病的主要原因。

    Conclusions Abnormal pregnancy is a major factor resulting in HIE .

  2. 有异常分娩史及临床重度HIE的患儿预后较差。

    The prognosis of abnormal pregnancy or HIE clinical graduation showing seriousness is worse .

  3. 异常分娩史及临床HIE分度可以作为预后判断的指标。

    We can judge the prognosis of HIE inpatients by abnormal pregnancy and HIE clinical gradation .

  4. 经逐步Logistic回归分析,患先天性遗传性疾病、异常分娩、孕期用药不当、孕期感染、妊娠合并症是致病的主要危险因素。

    Logistic regression analysis demonstrated that major risk factors were related to congenital or hereditary diseases , abnormal delivery , drug using during pregnancy , pregnancy infections , pregnancy complication .

  5. 窒息程度、异常分娩及5minApgar评分<5分与HIE分度有明显关系;

    The degree of asphyxia , abnormal delivery and 5 min Apgar score ( < 5 ) were obviously related to HIE grading .

  6. 主要对象是严重的缺氧、感染、出血性疾病、新生儿硬肿症、惊厥、高胆红素血症和ABO溶血症及其他疾病的低出生体重儿。其中部分患儿有宫内和/或产时窒息史、异常分娩史。

    1988 These newborns were admitted for the severe infection , anoxic encephalo - pathy , hemorrhage , convulsion , scleredema , hyperbilirubinemia , hemoly - sis of ABO and single light weight at birth .

  7. 结果所有患儿均为异常分娩,宫内窘迫占53.8%,产时窒息占38.5%,足月儿多发.占60%.临床表现多样,惊厥发生率高达75%,且多在生后48h之内发生。

    Results All neonates born abnormity . The neonates died of asphyxia of uterine occupied 53 . 8 % , intrapartum asphyxia occupied 38 . 5 % , full-term neonates occupied 60 % . The incidence of convulsion was 75 % and convulsion occured within 48 hours after birth .

  8. 妊娠分娩期孕妇血浆及红细胞锌铜测定及锌与异常分娩的关系

    Changes in erythrocyte and plasma zinc and copper concentrations during pregnancy and

  9. 但家庭低收入、疾病和异常分娩对儿童发育产生不良影响。

    On the other hand low family income , illness and abnormal birth had negative effect on child development .

  10. 结果:其中高危因素中早产、窒息、异常分娩所占比例最高,分别为43.0%,36.6%,30.2%。

    RESULTS : The proportions of premature birth , asphyxia and abnormal delivery were highest among the high risk factors of CP , which were 43.0 % , 36.6 % and 30.2 % , respectively .

  11. 脐血流异常孕妇分娩的新生儿发生IUGR、新生儿窒息的机率也大,与正常脐血者比较差异显著(P<0.05)。

    The incidences of intrauterine growth retardation ( IUGR ) and neonatorum asphyxia significantly increased in pregnant women with abnormal umbilical blood flow ( P < 0.05 ) .

  12. 妊娠期糖代谢异常孕妇分娩时机和方式的探讨

    Exploration on delivery opportunity and modes of women with abnormal glucose metabolism during pregnancy

  13. 胎心监护异常与分娩方式的关系产时胎心监护异常图形相关因素分析

    Supervision over abnormal fetus and its partal method Analysis of Related Factors in Abnormal Graphs of Fetal Heart Monitoring During Delivery

  14. 方法回顾性分析26例脐带脱垂与胎位异常、分娩方式以及围产儿的预后等方面的关系。

    Methods The relationship between the prolapse of umbilical cord in 26 cases and the abnormal fetal position , means of delivery and the prognosis of perinatal fetuses was reviewed retrospectively .

  15. 其病因与妊娠期凝血功能异常、分娩中使用缩宫素及麦角生物碱,并与遗传、免疫及感染等因素有关。

    The pathogeny is related to many factors such as abnormal blood coagulation function in gestation period , using oxytocin and ergot in labor , heredity , immunity , infection and etc.

  16. 方法采用历史性队列研究方法,对武汉市4所医院2002年10月至12月间非异常妊娠分娩初产妇产后以及新生儿情况进行比较分析。

    Comparative Postpartum Status of Abdominal and Vaginal Deliveries After Uncomplicated Pregnancies METHODS A retrospective cohort study was used in this study , comparing the complication and morbidity rate of primiparas and early neonate after uncomplicated pregnancies which delivered from October 2002 to December 2002 in four hospital in Wuhan .

  17. 130例平衡易位携带者共有473次妊娠,流产占90.1%,死胎、分娩异常后代、分娩正常后代、分娩易位后代分别为4.7%、4.0%、1.1%、0.2%。

    There were 473 pregnancies in 130 carriers of balanced translocations ; their spontaneous abortions rate was 90.1 % .

  18. 结果胎儿电子监护对胎儿宫内窘迫有较大的诊断价值,其不同的异常图型对分娩结局的预后的评价有较大的意义。

    RESULT Fetal electrical monitor has much valuable in the diagnosis of fetal distress and its variable abnormal figures have more significant to evaluate the result of delivery .

  19. 非异常妊娠两种分娩途径产后情况比较

    Comparative Postpartum Status of Abdominal and Vaginal Deliveries After Uncomplicated Pregnancies

  20. 结果HIE患儿的酶学检查异常升高,有异常分娩史及临床重度HIE的患儿预后较差。

    Results : The enzyme of HIE inpatients rises remarkably . The prognosis of abnormal pregnancy or HIE clinical graduation showing seriousness is worse .

  21. 孕母有异常情况者占75%,异常分娩占37.5%,其中羊水被胎粪重度污染占45%。

    75 % of mothers of MAS infants had abnormal conditions and 37.5 % of them ad abnormal deliveries , 45 % of infants born with severe meconium stained amniotic fluid .