
jiā zhènɡ
  • Housekeeping;home economics;household management;home management
家政 [jiā zhèng]
  • (1) [household duties]∶家中的事务

  • (2) [domestic science;household management]∶有关家庭生活的知识

  1. 我妈妈是家政服务的管理者。

    My mother is the manager of the household management service .

  2. 因此,家政企业必须研究服务营销。

    Therefore , the household management enterprise must study the service marketing .

  3. 如果一个年轻女子没有嫁妆,她就要做家政服务赚钱。

    If a young woman did not have a dowry , she went into domestic service .

  4. 2016年“尽情书写”项目在6月26日举办,从舞蹈演员到家政从业人员,每个人都参与几个环节。

    The 2016 season runs through June 26 and features sessions facilitated by everyone from dancers to domestic workers .

  5. 爱丽丝·麦菲尼(AliceMthini,音译)是一名家政女佣,多年来,一直以此勉强维持生计。

    FOR years Alice Mthini scraped by as a domestic servant .

  6. 基于MVC模式和RMI的家政服务预定管理系统

    Home Service Booking Management System Based on MVC Pattern and RMI

  7. HD集团进入家政服务业市场的战略分析与选择

    The Analysis and Choice of Strategy of HD

  8. 阿肯色州瑟西(Searcy)的汉娜•卡彭特(HannahCarpenter)说,在二月份开始使用“家政怪兽”应用之前,她一直没能很好地给她那四个年龄从一岁到10岁的孩子分配家务。

    Hannah Carpenter of Searcy , Ark . , says she had trouble structuring a housework system for her four children , ages 1 through 10 , until she started using ChoreMonster in February .

  9. 如果不是玛丽安娜·巴斯特纳克(MarianaPasternak)那本有关她和“家政女皇”玛莎·斯图尔特(MarthaStewart)从前友谊的“全揭秘”书,我们又怎么会关注她呢?2004年斯图尔特受审时,巴斯特纳克曾出庭作证,之后两人的友谊就结束了。

    Why else would we care about Mariana Pasternak but for her tell-all book about her former friendship with Martha Stewart , which ended after Ms. Pasternak testified at Ms. Stewart 's 2004 trial .

  10. August智能锁光滑圆润,重量相当于一枚奖章或一个镀金冰球,用户可以通过手机开门,还能给保姆或家政人员一把临时的无线钥匙。

    Smooth and round , August 's lock has the heft of a medallion or a gilded hockey puck and allows users to unlock their doors by using their phones . Customers can also let in a babysitter or a maid by issuing them a temporary wireless key .

  11. 印尼驻香港领事馆发言人SamAryadi称,已确认Sulistyaningsih雇主身份,并计划将其列入黑名单,阻止此人今后再雇佣任何印尼家政人员。

    The Indonesian consulate in Hong Kong said it has identified and plans to blacklist Ms. Sulistyaningsih 's employer , thereby barring that individual from hiring any Indonesian domestic helpers in the future , said Sam Aryadi , consulate spokesman .

  12. 据当地一家工会组织称,一名20多岁的印尼家政服务人员ErwianaSulistyaningsih去年5月来到香港,在此工作八个月后于1月10日返回印度尼西亚,现正在当地医院接受治疗。

    According to a local migrant workers union , an Indonesian domestic helper in her 20s , Erwiana Sulistyaningsih , arrived in Hong Kong in May and worked for eight months before leaving on Jan. 10 to return to Indonesia , where she is currently being hospitalized .

  13. 在中国,家政人员也经常提供护理服务。

    In China , housekeepers often offer nursing services as well .

  14. 我认为家政是个有前景的行业,她说。

    I think homemaking is a promising industry , she says .

  15. 事实上这条七岁狗狗的家政技能只是徒有其表,用作表演而已。

    Acturally the seven-year-old 's domestic talent is just for show .

  16. 其他国家现在也为家政人员报告虐仆事件开通了热线。

    Others now have hotlines for domestic workers to report abuse .

  17. 女子高校开设家政专业的必要性

    The Necessity of Developing Home Economics Program in Women 's University

  18. 主营产品或服务:为在京的外国人士提供家政服务。

    Offer housekeeping & housemaid services for foreign families in Beijing .

  19. 因缺乏家政服务,我向你道歉。

    I apologize for I can 't contact with you .

  20. 体育健身服务新理念&体育家政

    The New Idea of Physical Training Service & Sports Homemaking

  21. 本课题是现代家政服务行业中的一次成功尝试。

    This subject is a successful attempt in modern home service industry .

  22. 日本现代家政学变迁与现状考察报告

    Changes and Current Situation of Modern Home Economics in Japan

  23. 每天都是忙忙碌碌,但很充实,学到了很多家政的技能。

    Everyday I would learn a bit about the skills of housework .

  24. 我国家政服务行业若干法律问题研究

    A Study of Several Legal Issues Concerning China 's Household Service Trade

  25. 事实上,家政远非只做家务那么简单。

    In fact , homemaking requires much more than doing simple chores .

  26. 噢!我们还开了家政课。

    Oh ! We have an opening in home economics .

  27. 家政学是一门关于烹饪和缝纫的学科。

    Home Economics is a subject about cooking and sewing .

  28. 发展家政事业促进社区建设

    Develop home economics education Promote construe development of community

  29. 并从该案例中总结出家政企业经营管理的启示。

    From the cases and sums up the enlightenment of domestic enterprise management .

  30. 家政服务综合管理系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Household Service Integrated Management System