
  • 网络Household Employment
  1. 罗森博格还发现实际可支配收入、家庭就业、实际商业销售以及制造业产值均在3月份上升至最高峰。

    Rosenberg notes that real disposable income , household employment , real business sales and manufacturing output all peaked that month .

  2. 地方院校贫困家庭大学生就业困境探析

    A Study on the Employment Plight of the Poverty-stricken Students from Local Colleges and Institutions

  3. 教育、在家庭之外就业,以及婴儿死亡率等方面,印度的性别差异都比非洲要大。

    Sex differences in education , employment outside the home , and infant mortality are all greater in India than in Africa .

  4. 不过,路德维格的研究还发现,光是变动居住社区,或许并不足以改善底层家庭的就业或学业成就。

    But the Ludwig study also found that changing neighborhoods alone may not be sufficient to improve labor market or schooling outcomes for very disadvantaged families .

  5. 二十世纪二十年代是一个经济繁荣的年代,新女性是这个时代的象征.新女性的生活丰富多彩,其外表、行为、婚姻家庭和就业都呈现新的特点。

    The 1920s was an era of economic prosperity . The new woman was the symbol of the era . Her appearance , performance , marriage and family and employment presented new features .

  6. 报告中的数字并不总是和实际相符合,因为这两个数字都是来自独立调查,一个是询问企业招聘情况,另一个则是问及个人家庭的就业状况。

    The numbers in these reports don 't always match up , that 's because the two numbers come from separate surveys , one asks businesses about hiring , the other asks individual households about their employment status .

  7. 其次,尽管中国和英国教育体系差别并不是那么大,但中国特别强调通过学习获得学历,这就意味着很多年轻人上大学是迫于家庭和就业的压力,而不是源自内心的动力。

    And , second , while the UK and Chinese education systems are not that different , the strong focus in China on study and achieving qualifications means many young people enrol in higher education due to pressure from family or the jobs market rather than their own motivation .

  8. 不过,路德维格的研究还发现,“光是变动居住社区,或许并不足以改善底层家庭的就业或学业成就。”他在文中指出,这种允许家庭搬迁到“低贫困”地区的特殊租赁券

    But the Ludwig study also found that " changing neighborhoods alone may not be sufficient to improve labor market or schooling outcomes for very disadvantaged families . " Ludwig reported that this particular form of assistance from HUD - a housing voucher that allowed recipients to move into a " low poverty " area - had

  9. 家庭内成员就业率低,收入少。

    Employment rate of the family members is lower and with less income . 5 .

  10. 家庭无其他就业人员,有需要扶养的老人或者未成年人的。

    Those whose family has no other workers and have old men or minors to support .

  11. 美国该如何把这类工作转化为能维持一个家庭生计的就业岗位?

    How can the us turn this kind of work into jobs that can sustain a family ?

  12. 不是家庭教师的就业机构也在伦敦建立,因此有助于展示一个时代的结束。

    Non-governess female employment agencies were also established in London , thereby helping usher the age to an end .

  13. 目前,尼加拉瓜和危地马拉正在探索制定相关方案,以便同时针对家庭数据和就业数据开展小规模和更灵活的年度调查。

    Nicaragua and Guatemala are exploring options to develop smaller and more agile annual surveys that combine household and employment data .

  14. 其目的主要是为了解决城市中等偏下收入住房困难家庭以及新就业人员等社会夹心层群体的住房问题。

    Its main purpose is to solve the housing problems of lower middle income family , new employment and social " sandwich-class " .

  15. 进入社区矫正中的矫正对象,面临着社会接纳、家庭接纳、就业排斥等多重压力。

    The object of Community Correction is faced up with multiple pressures coming from social acceptance , family acceptance , employment exclusion and education .

  16. 这些疾病可以使个人或家庭因无法就业或因医疗费用而陷入贫困。

    These diseases can entrench an individual or a family in poverty because of the inability to work or the cost of medical treatment .

  17. 作为总统,我最重要的任务就是尽我一切努力为所有辛勤付出的工薪家庭提供更多就业机会,让大家获得成功。

    My top priority as President is doing everything I can to create more jobs and more opportunities for hardworking families to get ahead .

  18. 研究结果指出,课程繁重,体质下降,家庭贫困,就业压力是影响中国大学生身心健康的主要因素。

    The research indicates that the main factors affecting students'physical and mental health are the heavy load of coursework , poorer physique , family poverty and employment pressure .

  19. 根据国家有关规定,凡毕业时仍未落实单位的国家任务计划招收的毕业生,原则上回家庭所在地区就业,档案、户口转至家庭所在地。

    Concern a provision according to the country , the national mission that the unit still did not fulfil when every graduates plans the graduate that recruit , in principle answers a family to be in area obtain employment , archives , registered permanent residence turns to domestic seat .

  20. 统计数据描绘了一幅不容乐观的画面:失业率攀升,信贷从紧,家庭观念淡薄,就业机会增长缓慢。

    Statistics paint a sobering picture — unemployment , tight credit , lower home values , sluggish job growth .

  21. 关于有家庭责任的妇女就业问题建议

    Recommendation concerning the employment of women with family responsibilities

  22. 这表明,传统的男主外,女主内的家庭分工模式在就业市场上同样存在。

    This result shows that the traditional family division is also exist in the labour market .

  23. 父母的社会地位与社会资本&家庭因素对大学生就业意愿的影响

    Parent 's Social Status and Social Capital : How Family Impact the Employment Intent of College Students

  24. 流动与家庭&农民外出就业与家庭关系研究综述

    Flow and Family & A Review Study of Farmers Working Away from Their Native Homes and Family Relations

  25. 官方的目标是到2010年9月为每一个受灾家庭提供住房和就业机遇。

    The official target is to provide a residence and job opportunity for every affected household by September 2010 .

  26. 当今社会更多的女性,特别是城市中的女性,终于摆脱了传统思想的束缚,走出家庭,加入了就业大潮中。

    Nowadays , urban women get free from the shackles of traditional view and join the tide of employment .

  27. 加入家庭成员和寻求就业的主要原因,占44%和14%的所有旅客分别。

    Joining family members and seeking employment were the main reasons , accounting for44 % and14 % of all arrivals respectively .

  28. 对大学生而言,他们所面临的负性生活事件或应激刺激涉及家庭、学业、就业、人际等多个领域。

    For college students , they face the negative life events and stress related to family , education , employment , interpersonal and other fields .

  29. 将来自不同性别、院校性质、学历、学科、家庭来源及不同就业压力感的被试791名随机分配到16种实验处理情境当中。

    791 university students of different genders , university qualities , educational levels , subjects , family origins and with different job-hunting pressure were located to 16 experimental environments randomly .

  30. 试图通过提供格外有吸引力的家庭休假福利、就业保障、或者平等的工资结构而独树一帜的企业,可能吸引异常多厌恶风险的员工。

    A company that tries to stand out by offering especially attractive family leave benefits , or job security , or egalitarian wage structures faces the prospect of attracting a disproportionately risk-averse work force .