
kè tǔ
  • alien earth;earth removed from some other place to improve the local soil;improved soil imported from other places;place far away from home
客土 [kè tǔ]
  • (1) [improved soil imported from other places;alien earth]∶从外地移来的土

  • (2) [place far away from home]∶外地;异乡

  • 侨居客土

客土[kè tǔ]
  1. 有效提高了种子出苗率和生物量,减小了成坪天数(P0.05)。(3)客土喷播防护技术相比普通喷播技术首先能为裸露边坡创造有利于生态恢复治理的良好基础。

    The seed germination rate and biomass were improved effectively , the mature time were decreased ( P0.05 ) . ( 3 ) Soil spray sowing protection can create a good basis for ecological restoration compared with ordinary spray sowing technology of bare slope .

  2. 在客土喷播防护技术的喷播基质中添加EM菌肥,能够积极促使植物根际土壤微环境的良性发展,使植物根际微生物与植物之间形成互利共生的关系。

    With the addition of EM fertilizer in the protection of the external soil spray seeding spray seeding , to promote the benign development of rhizosphere soil micro environment actively and to form a symbiotic relationship between plant rhizosphere microorganisms and plants .

  3. 结果表明,施有机肥60~75t/hm2,每年加客土3cm,每年深翻1次并除草2次的竹林经济效益最好,且成本相对较低。

    Result shows : organic manure is 60-75 t / hm2 , guest soil is 3 cm annually , deep turning over once a year , and two times weeding can have better economic benefit , and cost is opposite lower .

  4. 探讨茎瘤对长喙田菁(Sesbaniarostrata)在铅锌矿尾矿、客土和纯土环境中结瘤、固氮和积累重金属的影响。

    The effect of stem nodule on the nodulation , nitrogen fixation and heavy metals accumulation of Sesbania rostrata were investigated by keeping stem nodule or removing stem nodule and grown on Pb / Zn tailings or soil amended tailings or pure soil .

  5. 降雨对绿化边坡客土稳定性的影响

    Influence of Rainfall on Stability of Carrying Soil of Afforested Slope

  6. 客土喷播在风化岩石路堑边坡中的应用

    Application of External-soil Spray Seeding Technique in Weathered Rock Cutting Slope

  7. 通过客土法改良,土壤生物化学作用强度较高,新土法改良后土壤微生物数量较多,新土源更有利于微生物生长繁殖。

    The New Soil is more favorable for the growth of microorganism .

  8. 利用室内模拟实验结果,验证了客土稳定设计图表的有效性。

    Indoor simulation tests testify that the charts are effective .

  9. 采用黄泥客土和深埋2种方式进行造林试验。

    Using foreign yellow earth and deeply planting , forestation experiment was conducted .

  10. 客土喷播技术在泌桐高速公路的应用

    Application of Seed Spraying Technology on Bi-Tong Expressway

  11. 客土覆盖对降低放射性锶在作物中积累的效应

    Effect of Covering with New Soil on Reducing the Accumulation of Radio-strontium in Plant

  12. 最佳土壤改良措施为客土+有机肥+化肥。

    The optimum soil improvement measure was guest soil + organic fertilizer + mineral fertilizer .

  13. 岩石路堑边坡防护客土喷播立体绿化技术

    Protect Rock Slope of Road Cutting by Solid Greening Technique of Spray Seeding on Outside Soil

  14. 客土改良菜区重金属污染土壤

    A study on heavy metal-polluted soil improvement by agricultural engineering soil exchange in vegetable growing area

  15. 论厚层客土喷播技术的植物群落目标设定和植物种选配

    Aim establishment of vegetation community and plant species selection in the using of Spray Seeding Technique

  16. 客土喷播绿化防护技术的实践与探索

    Practice and Research of Afforest Protection Technology of Spraying Foreign Soils in Mao Zhan Expressway Construction

  17. 滨海围垦地客土施肥方法对鲜食玉米的增产效应

    Effect of foreign soils-applying methods on the yield improvement of fresh-eating corn in coastal saline soil

  18. 道路绿化用客土喷播机软管泵失效影响因素的研究

    The Research of Effect Factors on Invalidation of Hose Pump of Artificial-soil-seeding Machine Used for Road Greening

  19. 通过讨论通式中的参数,给出客土的稳定设计图表。

    Stability design charts for replace with out-soil are obtained after discussion on parameters of the equation .

  20. 沿海沙岸风蚀地黄泥客土和深埋造林效果分析

    Effect Analysis of Planting with Nutrient Yellow Soil and Deep-cover up Planting in Wind Erosion Sandy Coastal

  21. 因此,利用秸秆堆肥来替代草炭用于客土喷播绿化是可行的。

    So , it is feasibility that straw composting used at spray seeding as the peat replacement .

  22. 复合措施对营口盐池地区公路路肩客土的影响

    Effect of One Kind of Compound Measure on the Road Shoulder Guest Earth in Yingkou Salt Pond Area

  23. 土石边坡采用客土喷播工程绿化技术,并探讨了工程绿化技术在应用中存在的问题及展望。

    This paper discusses the problems with and the prospects of the application of the engineering revegetation technologies .

  24. 其次,通过室内试验,考察了在不同的时期客土的强度随植物生长情况的变化。

    The changes of foreign soil strength during the different growth period of plants are also investigated by laboratory tests .

  25. 通过多年的努力,探索出客土换层、地底暗灌、配方施肥、生物固定等综合农艺措施。

    Through years of efforts , explore soil dressing change layer . underground dark irrigation , fertilizer , biological fixed comprehensive agronomic measures .

  26. 逐步剥离:我国铁路重组合理组织边界的初步探讨客土喷播在黄土边坡剥落病害处治中的效果分析

    Phased Separation : Research on Rational Organization Boundary of Chinese Railway Restructuring ; Effect Analysis on Loess Slope Treated with Soil Spray-Sowing Greening Technique

  27. 通过室内模拟实验得出客土的破坏模式是一条平行于原坡面的直线滑动面。

    It is found that the failure mode of replace with out-soil is a translated sliding surface parallel to original slope surface from indoor simulation tests .

  28. 显然,由于雨水冲刷、渗流、重力、地震等因素的影响,被喷播到边坡坡面上的客土存在力学稳定性问题。

    Obviously , borrowed soil sprayed on slope surface tends to slide or collapse under actions of rainwash , seepage , gravitational force , earthquake , etc.

  29. 目前,在厚层客土喷播绿化技术的实践中,基质的选配,特别是混合基质中所使用的有机质种类和数量,是影响实施效果的重要因素。

    At present , the material configure is the important factors to effect in the spray seeding technique , especially the quality used in mixed layer materials .

  30. 本文从喷播机结构、覆盖材料、植物选择和应用范围等几个方面介绍了国内水力喷播机技术和客土喷播技术的研究最新进展。

    Hydro - spraying and adding soil - spraying technologies including machinery structures , covering materials , plants selecting and applying areas were presented in the paper .