
  1. 客家传统社会的农耕生活

    The Agriculture and the Peasants ' Life in the Traditional Hakka Society

  2. 客家传统社会的民间信仰是多元的,也是极其普遍的。

    The folk beliefs in Hakkas traditional society are not only plural , but also very common .

  3. 对于认识粤东地方社会转型的细节和内在机制,理解客家传统社会,这有着重要意义。

    It is of great importance to understand the details and inner mechanisms of the social transformation in the east of Guangdong and the traditional social formation of Hakka .

  4. 探讨客家社会的民间信仰问题是研究客家传统社会的一把钥匙。

    Approaching folk belief problems of Hakkas society is a key to the study of the Hakkas traditional society .

  5. 本文运用功能分析的方法,以粤东梅县一个客家家族所藏契书为文本,对客家女性在传统宗族社会中所扮演的角色进行分析。

    This paper makes an analysis of the role that Kakka women played in traditional clan families through a research into the documents collected in a Kakka family in Mei county , eastern Guangdong .

  6. 本文主要通过客家歌谣、传说和俗语,并结合有关文献,从三个方面来考察客家传统社会的农耕生活。

    The purpose of this article is to show the agriculture and the peasants ' life in the traditional Hakka society by using the folk songs , stories and sayings , together with the historical records .