
kè shāng
  • Customer/supplier;travelling merchant;travelling trader;foreign businessman
客商 [kè shāng]
  • [travelling merchant;travelling trader] 在各地贩运货物的商人

客商[kè shāng]
  1. 热诚欢迎国内外客商惠顾我公司,精诚合作,共求发展!

    Welcome the domestic and international travelling trader cordially and patronize our company , sincerely cooperate , seek development altogether !

  2. 我的一位印度客商把他们的样品寄到了桂林,却被桂林的海关扣下了,说要我们再交钱?

    My Indian travelling merchant sends their sample to guilin , was buckled to fall by the custom of Guilin however , say to want us to make money again ?

  3. 董事长兼总经理孙国金先生热忱欢迎国内外客商真诚合作,共创辉煌

    Mr. Sunguojin , board chairman and general manager , welcome with us fervidly , and abroad businessman .

  4. 研究了EPON系统在公众客户接入网、大客商客户接入网和视频监控接入的各种实现方法。

    This article Study the EPON system in the customer access network of public and important customer 、 business customer access network and video surveillance in variety of implementations .

  5. 我们优质的产品和完善的服务,备受国内外客商和用户赞誉,并逐渐成为全球各大卫浴集团最佳OEM伙伴之一。

    We gain excellent reputation for superior quality and perfect service from customers from home and abroad and become one of the worlds major OEM partners for famous bathroom companies .

  6. 每4年举办1次的GIFA国际铸造展览会是世界规模最大、影响最广、参观人数及参展客商最多的铸造展览会。

    Organized every four years , GIFA is the largest Foundry Exhibition in the world .

  7. 欢迎广大客商(港商)来图来电洽谈。

    Welcome clients ( businessmen ) to map calls to negotiate .

  8. 孟加拉国客商来我公司考察洽谈业务。

    Bengali customesrs come to visit ljnc with hold business talk .

  9. 欢迎国内外客商来样来图开模订做!

    Welcome to domestic and foreign merchants to sample a figure-sinking !

  10. 和那些你想与之洽谈的客商预约的弹性。

    Flexibility to make appointments with those you want to meet .

  11. 研究创新是我们的目标,为客商服务是我们的荣幸。

    It is honourable for us to service for the consumers .

  12. 交货迅速的厂家总是受到客商的欢迎。

    Factories that make prompt delivery are always welcome to merchants .

  13. 同时我司也欢迎客商来样加工。

    We also provide processing services with customer-provided samples or patterns .

  14. 本经营部从事多种经营,欢迎客商洽谈。

    Our Business department engages in diversified Business . Inquiries are welcome .

  15. 愿与国内外客商建立持久的业务关系。

    We warmly hope to establish lasting relations with us .

  16. 专业小额贷款和担保公司为客商提供各类融资支持。

    We also provide micro-credit loan and bonding companies providing financial support .

  17. 他在洛杉矶有一个很大的玩具客商。

    He has a major toy buyer in Los Angeles .

  18. 欢迎中外客商来样定做,定货。

    Welcome global merchants to customize with supplied samples and place orders .

  19. 竭诚欢迎海内外客商、同仁前来考察、洽商谈!

    Welcome home and abroad colleagues to visit and negotiate !

  20. 鼓励客商购置房产。

    It also encourages investors to purchase building property .

  21. 质量上乘,价格合理,深受国内外客商的好评。

    The products get high reputation for their excellent quality and reasonable price .

  22. 客商可来电洽谈,或预约上门洽商。

    The traveling merchant can call at or call on to talk business .

  23. 欢迎中外客商与我厂建立合作关系!

    Welcome Chinese and foreign investors to establish cooperative relations with our company !

  24. 启阳不锈钢热忱欢迎客商亲临指导,洽谈业务。

    Kai Yang Stainless Steel warmly welcome customers visit guide , business negotiations .

  25. 天津市客商投资企业的信息需求分析&兼论天津市信息港建设中信息资源的配置

    Analysis of the Requirement of Information for the Enterprises of Foreign Investment in Tianjin

  26. 我们隆重欢迎来访的各国客商。

    We have rolled out the red carpet for the businessmen from various countries .

  27. 希望与海内外客商真诚合作,互惠互利。

    The hope cooperates with outside businessman in the world sincerity , mutual benefit .

  28. 公司所生产的辣椒产品倍受好评,尤其是很受韩国客商的亲赖。

    Our hot pepper products are widely praised , especially from Korean business partners .

  29. 外贸工作的原则是客商第一,信誉第一。

    The principle governing foreign trade is " clients first , reputation premier " .

  30. 公司全体员工欢迎海内外客商前来洽谈业务。

    The company all staff welcome everywhere merchants to come to discuss the service .