
  • 【财】auditing verification
  1. 规则治理涉及审计和验证已实现的业务规则。

    Rule governance involves the auditing and verification of business rules that are implemented .

  2. 承办审计会计报表、验证资本、经济案件鉴定、停业破产清算等业务。

    This includes the checking of accounting statements , verification of capital , survey of economic cases , and clearing for defunct of bankrupt enterprises .

  3. 强烈建议定期备份这两个服务器日志文件,因为它们包含审计和跟踪身份验证事件所需的所有信息。

    It is highly recommended to regularly back up both the server log files , as they contain all the information required for auditing and tracing of authentication events .