
  • 网络aesthetic dimension
  1. 美的规律的审美之维

    Aesthetic Dimension on " the Laws of Beauty "

  2. 由此,美的规律的审美之维是一种必要的维度。

    Therefore , the aesthetic dimension of " the laws of beauty " is necessary .

  3. 中世纪基督教音乐审美之维

    The Dimensions to Aesthetic of Christian Music in Middle Ages

  4. 和谐:中国传统建筑审美之维

    Harmony : Angle of Chinese Traditional Buildings ' Appreciation

  5. 其美学史意义是使儒家诗学观的审美之维得到合法的肯定与充实,在汇通审美与功用之途上做出了有建树的尝试。

    The significance of his aesthetics was to legitimatize the aesthetic dimension of Confucianism and made valuable attempt at integrating aesthetics and utility .

  6. 回忆之思:时间与叙事的审美之维&回忆理论研究的检讨与进路

    Reflection on Memory from Aesthetic Study of Time and Narration : Review and Approaches of Studies on Memory Theory since 1980s in China

  7. 引进文学想像政治的观点是必要的,它能有效地保证政治之维与审美之维的均衡与同时展开。

    The introduction of literary imagination of political opinion is necessary , and at the same time it can effectively ensure the politics and aesthetics of Victoria Victoria the balance of power .

  8. 审美价值之维:从娱乐到艺术

    Thoughts of esthetic values : from entertainment to art

  9. 文本阅读的审美场之维

    Text Reading in the Vision of Aesthetic Field

  10. 科学伦理精神审美的创新之维也可称为科学伦理精神审美的主体之维。

    The aesthetic dimension of innovation is the subject dimension of the spirit of science ethics .

  11. 摘要作为哲学家和作为社会学家的齐美尔,对美学和艺术十分关注,并把这种关注融合到他的哲学文本和社会学文本之中,从而呈现出诗化形态、社会审美和艺术之维的美学片断。

    As a philosopher end a sociologist , Simmel paid great attention to aesthetics and arts , which was syncretized into his text of philosophy and sociology , presenting the aesthetics fragments of the poetic pattern and the social aesthetic and the dimension of art .