
  • 网络Mechanical reproduction
  1. 论本雅明对机械复制时代艺术的情感

    Benjamin 's Emotion on the Art in Mechanical Reproduction Period

  2. 本雅明对机械复制时代艺术进行了开创性研究。

    Benjamin made a creative research on the art in the mechanical reproduction period .

  3. 电影作为艺术,是市场艺术,其机械复制的生产方式蕴含着商业性的诉求;

    As art the film is a kind of market art .

  4. 对本雅明《机械复制时代的艺术作品》的几点解析

    Explanations of Walter Benjamin 's The Art Work of the Machine Replication

  5. 论本雅明机械复制理论中的隐形比较

    On the Concealed Comparison in Benyamin 's Theory of " Mechanism Copy "

  6. 本雅明看到了机械复制已经成为一种趋势并指出其具有改变人们感知方式的功能。

    Benjamin sees the trend of mechanical reproduction and its function in changing our perception .

  7. 复制技术与现代艺术的融合&本雅明机械复制理论思考

    The Alloy of Duplicating Technology and Modern Art & The Thought of Benjamin 's Mechanic Duplication Theory

  8. 并进一步,对文化产业中的机械复制问题进行相关性分析。

    And will analyze the concerned question of mechanical copy that existing in the cultural industrial nowadays ?

  9. 机械复制与电视传媒的神化&试论当代电视传媒的负面特征

    Mechanical Copy and Deification of TV Media & A Discussion of Modern TV Media 's Negative Characteristics

  10. 机械复制改变了大众与艺术作品之间的关系,电影成为普通大众可以接触到的艺术形式。

    Mechanical reproduction changes the relationship between the masses and artworks and film is available to the masses .

  11. 本雅明对艺术发展趋向的技术性考察使我们获得了进一步探究机械复制时代艺术创造问题的契机。

    Walter Benjamin 's technological examination to arm development tendency finds us an opportunity further research of mechanical reproduction period .

  12. 机械复制理论实质上是以一种技术观来看待艺术在现代社会发生的裂变。

    Substantially the Mechanical Reproduction Theory uses a technical view to explain the deep change of art in modern society .

  13. 从本雅明的艺术复制理论出发,对中国年画做出一番梳理和认知。究其本质,机械复制的出现与艺术世界的韵味消逝并不存在直接的因果牵连。

    This article makes an approach to China 's New Year pictures in the perspective of Benjamin 's theory of art .

  14. 电影作为机械复制时代的主要艺术形式,承载了传播人类文化艺术的功能。

    As a major artistic form in the mechanical reproduction period , the film has the function of spreading culture and arts .

  15. 技术·艺术·政治&本雅明《机械复制时代的艺术作品》的理论主题解构

    Technology , Arts , Politics : Theoretical Theme of Benjamin 's " The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproducibility "

  16. 本雅明对机械复制时代的文化工业与技术理性时而赞赏,时而批判。

    The attitude of WALTER BENJAMIN to the mechanical reproduce eras cultural industry and technique reason , sometimes admire , but sometimes criticize .

  17. 因此,机械复制理论对于理清当代美学价值演变脉络及学理研究具有理论指导意义。

    Therefore , the theory of mechanical reproduction , the value for the sort of contemporary aesthetic and theoretical context of the evolution of theoretical significance .

  18. 摄影成就的图像,其实早就“寄居”在机械复制和图像篡改技术的外壳之中,构成种种视觉欺骗。

    The image produced by the medium of photography has long been sheltered in the shell of mechanic duplication and image perfection technology which could easily perpetrate visual cheating .

  19. 既然翻译的标准是忠于自己的阅读,而不是机械复制原文意图,那么翻译就是一个创作过程。

    Since the translation standard is faithful to translators own reading , and translation is not the mechanical reproduction of original intention , then translation is a creative process .

  20. 机械复制不仅改变了艺术品的本质,而且使我们学会了在消遣中去感受艺术作品,而我们在欣赏传统的艺术作品时往往是以凝神观照的方式来进行的。

    Mechanical reproduction not only changes the essence of artworks but also make us learn to perceive in distraction instead of concentration , which is the usual way of appreciating traditional artworks .

  21. 这种后现代消费文化影像的复制方式,自有其后工业时代机械复制艺术的特殊性意义,也包含着一种通过复制模仿而创新的另类推动因素。

    This duplication about postmodern consuming culture impression has its special significance for the art of post-industrial inflexible copy . And it also includes the alternative factors to inspire creation by imitating and copying .

  22. 二:从肯定与批判的两个维度入手,分析本雅明机械复制时代理论的内涵:对光晕的分析,对艺术的崇拜价值和展示价值的阐释。

    Analyze the connotation of " mechanical reproduction age " theory from both affirming and criticizing attitude , including its analysis of aura and interpretation of the value of art exhibition and worship . 3 .

  23. 瓦尔特·本雅明在《机械复制时代的艺术作品》和未完成的《拱廊计划》等文本中,实际上已经对大众文化现象做出了批评。

    In his works , such as Works of Art In the Age of Mechanical Reproduction and unfinished Arcade Project , Walter Benjamin had actually developed a cultural criticism on the phenomenon of mass culture .

  24. 纪实化美学理念摒弃自然主义的机械复制,以现实生活为审美参照,主张在生活真实与艺术创作间建立契合大众感知经验和审美体验的真实化、生活感的审美取向。

    The thought of factualistic documentary aesthetics spurns the naturalism automatically duplication . It refers to the real life taste , advocates building up aesthetics tropism of the natural feeling between art creation and life experience .

  25. 他站在时代发展的高度,对新兴的机械复制技术进行系统的理论阐释,并对复制背景下发生的古典美学向现代美学价值的转换进行分析研究。

    He stood in the times the height of the emerging technology of mechanical reproduction system theoretical explanation , and replication occurred in the context of the classical aesthetic to modern aesthetic value of the conversion were analyzed .

  26. 根据现代技术的变化,在此融合过程中艺术经历了机械复制时代与电子时代两个阶段,形成了不同的精神特质。其次,对技术与艺术关系的问题史进行了梳理。

    According to modern technological changes , art has gone through two stages in the process of integration and formed its special Spiritual characteristics . Secondly , the author summarized and reviewed the research history of the relationship between technology and art .

  27. 于此同时,社会经济的快速发展,使的很多艺术作品慢慢出现机械复制的形式,这种趋势越演越烈,精英艺术往往显得苍白而缺乏生机。

    At the same time , the rapid development of social economy , make a lot of works of art in the form of mechanical reproduction slowly , this trend turned ugly , elite art is often looked pale and lack of vitality .

  28. 同时根据技术的发展转向,将技术与艺术的融合过程分为机械复制时代和电子时代两个阶段,对比不同技术对于艺术所产生的不同影响。

    According to its developing shift , the integration process of technology and art is divided into two stages ," mechanical reproduction age " and the " electronic age ", the different effects of different types of technology on art is to be compared .

  29. 本雅明,德国现代著名思想家、哲学家和马克思主义文学批评家,《机械复制时代的艺术作品》是本雅明运用马克思主义唯物史观分析艺术问题的一篇重要论文。

    Walter Benjamin is a significant German ideologist , philosopher and Marxist literary critic . His work , The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction , is a very influential essay analyzing cultural arts from the perspective of Marxist historical materialism .

  30. 机械复制是指运用摄影、影印、录像、扫描等技术可以无止尽复制图像,而这些图像甚至可以被切割、放大、缩小、拼贴、剪接,大量重复出现在社会生活中。

    Refers to the use of mechanical reproduction photography , photocopying , recording , scanning technology can be endlessly copied image , and these images can even be cut , zoom , collage , splicing , a large number of repeated in social life .