
shěn pàn zǔ zhī
  • trial organization;judicial organization;organization of trial
  1. 审判组织就是司法权有效运行的载体和重要保障。

    Judicial organization is the efficient functioning of judicial power , carrier and an important guarantee .

  2. 因此对审判组织制度改革的研究就成为刑事诉讼发展的一个重要的方向。

    Therefore , the study on the reform of judicial organization system has become an important direction of the criminal proceedings .

  3. 对我国基层法院民事审判组织的研究

    Research on Civil Judicial Organization of Local Courts in Chinese Mainland

  4. 合议庭是我国审判组织中最普遍、最基本的组织形式,承担法院大多数案件的审判。

    The collegial panel is the basic form of our trial system .

  5. 刑事简易程序审判组织模式改革刍议

    Preliminary Discussion on the Reform of Trial Group Mode in Criminal Summary Procedure

  6. 第二章是股东派生诉讼中的管辖制度和审判组织。

    Chapter ⅱ studies on the jurisdiction and trial organizations of the shareholder derivative litigation .

  7. 这一审判组织由1名独任法官,4名法官助理和2名书记员组成。

    This trial group is composed of one judge , four judge assistants and two clerks .

  8. 审判组织改革是中国法制现代化进程的重要组成部分。

    The reform of trial organizations is an important part of the process of Chinese legal modernization .

  9. 第二部分分析了我国现有的审判组织合议庭、审判委员会的运行情况及对审判独立的影响。

    The second part analyzed operation of collegiate bench and judicial committee , and their impact on judicial independence .

  10. 合并审判组织和法院内部机构职能,使审判组织层面的审判管理更具有合法性。

    The combination of trial systems and inner-court duties realizes the legalization of the trial management in organizational levels .

  11. 独任庭作为由职业法官一人组成的审判组织,有权对简单案件进行审判。

    Single Renting as a judicial organization is composed of a professional judge , the right to be tried for simple cases .

  12. 主要有立法不完善、没有专门的审判组织和审判人员专业化程度不高等几方面的原因。

    For example , have no perfect legislation , no special court and judges professional level are not high enough for the job .

  13. 确保司法公正,提高司法效率,是刑事简易程序审判组织模式改革的终极目标。

    To ensure judicial justice and improve judicial efficiency is the final aim of the reform of trial group mode in criminal summary procedure .

  14. 合议庭则是根据合议原则建立的审判组织,负责对绝大多数案件的审判工作。

    Full Court is established in accordance with the principles of the trial collegial principle responsible for the vast majority of cases of the trials .

  15. 国外典型的专门审判组织有新南威尔士土地与环境法院、孟加拉国环境法院和孟菲斯环境法庭等。

    There are some typical foreign judicial organizations such as New South Wales Land and Environment Court , Bangladesh Environment Court and the Memphis environmental court .

  16. 用法之人在现代司法系统中指的就是审判组织,其基本形式有独任制和合议制。

    Sole judge system means only one judge make the trial . While the latter is the system which three or more judges preside the bench .

  17. 伴随王室巡回法庭在整个司法组织体系中主导地位的确立,陪审团成为关涉自由人诉讼的主要审判组织形式。

    Going with the domination of the royal circuit court in the judicature system , jury has been the major trial organization that concerns the liberty of litigation .

  18. 按照法律学者的通行看法,中国法院的审判组织有三类:独任庭、合议庭和审判委员会。

    In accordance with the prevailing view of legal scholars , the Chinese Court of organization into three categories : single Renting , the Full Court and the judicial committee .

  19. 审判组织的组成不合法或者依法应当回避的审判人员没有回避的;

    The trial organization ( refers to " collegial bench "– noted by the translator ) was unlawfully formed or the adjudicators whom should have withdrawn themselves have not done so ;

  20. 本文所研究的基层法院以法官岗位责任制为重点,涉及法官岗位责任、审判组织机构、分案制度、审判管理机制、法官经济待遇等方面的改革。

    The reform of the primary courts studied in this essay , which includes the judges ' post duty , trial organization , division system , trial management system and judges ' salary .

  21. 行政诉讼简易程序应包含原告的程序选择权、简化审判组织和证据审查、缩短诉讼时限等一系列制度。

    The simple procedures of administration litigation should include series of systems about the procedure option of the plaintiff , and simplification of the judgment organization , proof reviewing and shortening of the litigation time .

  22. 具体的改革措施是:第一,审判组织应享有独立、完整的审判权并建立相应的法官负责制,缩减审判活动的运行成本;

    The practical reform measures are listed as follows : One , the judicial organization must be entitled to its independent judicial power , entirely , and related Judiciary Responsibility System must also be established ;

  23. 没有科学合理的审判组织,就没有公正高效的司法活动,就很难使当事人产生对司法权威的信服。

    Because there is no scientific and rational organization of the trial , there is no fair and efficient judicial activities , it is difficult to make the parties give rise to convince the judicial authority .

  24. 对我国民事公益诉讼制度的构建设想应包括:原告资格、受案范围、管辖、审判组织、证据问题等方面。

    The ideas on constructing the Public Interest Litigation include qualification of the plaintiff , the range about which cases can be accepted by the court , jurisdiction , judicial organization , evidence problems and other aspects .

  25. 基层法院的改革重点应是在司法体制框架内通过法院机制和制度的调整,在审判组织机构、审判独立性、法官身份与待遇制三方面进行改进。

    The focus of the reform of primary courts is the adjustment of court system in justice , which includes the reform in three aspects , namely the trial system , trial independence and judges ' identity and salary .

  26. 法院附设调解在法院设立独立于审判组织的商标调解中心,调审分离,避免我国长期以来调审不分的弊端。

    The court-annexed mediation with an independent trademark disputes mediation center different between judge organization , and the mediation and judge separation , avoids the drawbacks in our country for a long time which is the judge is not divided into mediation .

  27. 简易审程序称为被告人认罪案件处理程序是现行简易程序和简化审程序的结合,其实是两种程序的合并;但两者审判组织形式、庭审方式略有不同。

    Simple procedures for the trial of the accused to plead guilty as the current procedures for handling summary trial and to simplify procedures , is the merger of the two procedures ; trial of the two forms of organization , the way the trial is slightly different .

  28. 我国的行政诉讼法修改可以在行政诉讼的受案范围、审判组织、审判程序以及判决与执行等方面从同为成文法体系的奥地利行政诉讼制度中得到许多建设性的启示。

    The amendment of administrative litigation law in China can get a good many constructive apocalypses concerning administrative litigation case scope , judgment organization , trial proceedings , verdict , exertion and suchlike from Austrian administrative litigation system since China belongs to the same system of written law as Austria .

  29. 第一部分和第二部分是实证调查部分,第三部分和第四部分是在前两部分基础之上进行的理论分析:第一部分:审判委员会组织构成。

    The first part and the second part are empirical investigation , the third part and the fourth part are theoretical analysis on the basis of the first and the second part : The first part : the composition of the trial committee .

  30. 民事审级制度是指法律规定的审判机关在组织体系上设置的等级以及一个案件经过多少级法院审判后裁判才发生法律效力的一种诉讼法律制度。

    The tiered judicial system of civil case refers to a legal suit system about the hierarchy of judicial organizations and the procedure of an effective verdict .