
  • 网络monsoon burst
  1. 利用南沙群岛的加密观测资料,对南海低纬地区西南季风爆发时,大尺度季风环流下存在着的中小尺度系统进行了研究探讨;

    By using local observation in Nansha islands , meso and micro-scale meteorological systems have been analyzed under large-scale monsoon circulation in the time of the southwest monsoon burst .

  2. 南海季风爆发期SST异常特征及其与风场的关系

    Anomalous Characteristics of SST Variations in SCS and the Bay of Bengal during the onset of the SCS summer monsoon and related with the Lower Southwest Air Current

  3. 在SAA季风爆发期间,SAA上空也出现了与SEAA季风爆发时相似的环流条件,即原来位于SEAA的有利于对流发展的环流条件,在SAA区季风爆发期间出现了明显的西移。

    As for the SAA onset , similar circulation conditions emerge over the SAA . It is likely that the circulation which favors the convection moves westward .

  4. 利用NCEP/NCAR1998年再分析资料和SST资料,研究了1998年南海季风爆发的特征及其机制。

    In the context of reanalysis NCEP / NCAR daily data and SST in 1998 , the features and mechanisms of summer monsoon onset over the South China Sea ( SCS ) are investigated .

  5. 另外,改进的POM能较好地再现1998年西南季风爆发前后,南海及邻近海区表层海温的演变特征。

    In addition , the developing characteristics of the SST in the SCS and its neighboring sea regions before and after the summer monsoon onset are also well simulated by the improved POM .

  6. 从靠近地面的月平均风速均匀混合特征,判断出季风爆发阶段改则地区边界层高度能达到3500m左右。

    From uniform mixing of wind speed , the authors can conclude that boundary layer height can be as high as3500 m in May and July .

  7. 结果表明:在夏季季风爆发前(IOP1期间)南海北部以气旋式流动为主,并在此气旋式环流的东部镶嵌着一个较小的气旋型涡;

    The results show that , before the monsoon onset ( during IOP1 ), circulation of the northern SCS was mainly cyclonic , with a smaller anticyclone eddy embedded in its eastern side .

  8. 南海季风爆发与梅雨活动

    Blasting of South China Sea Monsoon and activity of Meiyu

  9. 热带环流演变与南海季风爆发

    Tropical Circulation Evolution and the Onset of the South China Sea Monsoon

  10. 不同的是,湿异常可引起季风爆发强度增强。

    In contrast , wet anomalies may intensify the SCS summer monsoon .

  11. 一般而言,季风爆发期间潜热输送逐渐增加;

    Generally the latent heat flux increases gradually during the monsoon onset .

  12. 亚洲夏季风建立格局和南海季风爆发特征及其成因初探

    Asian summer monsoon establishment and SCS monsoon onset features with the causes explored

  13. 孟加拉湾季风爆发可预测性的分析和初步应用

    Predictability Analysis and Preliminary Application of the Bay of Bengal Summer Monsoon Onset

  14. 1998年夏季季风爆发前后南海环流的多涡特征

    Multi-eddy features of South China Sea circulation around onset of summer monsoon in 1998

  15. 热带季风爆发前云南雨季的天气学特征

    The synoptic features of rain season in Yunnan Province before outbreak of tropical monsoon

  16. 太阳黑子对南海季风爆发及热带风暴活动的影响

    Effects of sunspot on eruption of South China Sea Monsoon and activity of tropical storm

  17. 2001年云南雨季开始偏早与孟加拉湾季风爆发的关系

    The Bengal Bay Monsoon Onset and Its Relationship with Rainy Season of Yunnan in 2001

  18. 2000年南海季风爆发前后西沙海域海-气热量交换特征。

    The air-sea heat exchange at Xisha areas during the onset of southwest monsoon in2000 .

  19. 伴随南海季风爆发热带环流演变的合成分析

    Composite analysis of evolution of tropical circulation associated with summer monsoon onset in the South China Sea

  20. 1998年季风爆发期南海大气边界层的日变化

    Diurnal cycle of marine atmospheric boundary layer during the 1998 summer monsoon onset over South China Sea

  21. 南海西南季风爆发对广东汛期重要天气的影响及其预测

    The Influence of the Onset of Southeast Monsoon over SCS on the Weather in Flood Season of Guangdong

  22. 这种涡旋不活跃的年份,季风爆发往往偏晚。

    In the years when the equatorial vortex is unactive , the summer monsoon in the SCS onsets late .

  23. 1998年南海季风爆发期间近海面层大气湍流结构和通量输送的观测研究

    Characteristics of Turbulence Structure and Flux Transfer on the Sea Surface during the Onset of SCS Monsoon in 1998

  24. 但对局部区域而言,可以发现在季风爆发前后其环流结构有明显的差异。

    For some local areas , there existed some apparent differences in the circulation structures around the monsoon onset .

  25. 2002年南海季风爆发前后西沙海区海-气通量交换及其变化

    Air-sea flux exchange and variation over the Xisha sea area before and after the onset of southwest monsoon in 2002

  26. 南海季风爆发过程中对流与中尺度系统的发展及其与大尺度环流的相互作用;

    Development of convection and meso-scale convective systems ( MCSs ) during the onset phase and their interaction with large-scale circulation ;

  27. 发现在印度季风爆发的同时,东半球的主要环流系统都有一次相应的突变。

    It is found that there is abrupt change in main circulation systems of Asia during the onset of the monsoon .

  28. 季风爆发后,水汽主要来自热带东印度洋和孟加拉湾。

    While after the monsoon onset the moisture was mainly from the eastern tropical Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal .

  29. 而高层的环流形势与低层不同,伴随季风爆发高层环流的演变则更多地体现出了全球尺度的特征。

    Different from the variation of circulation in lower troposphere , that of upper troposphere and stratosphere shows its global-scale characteristic .

  30. 1998年5月15~19日季风爆发时段内,可观测到约12次中尺度降水过程,它们的生命期为6~10h或更长;

    During May 15 to 19 , about twelve precipitation processes with 6 ~ 12 hours life span or more were observed ;