
  • 网络iceland low;Icelandic low
  1. 近百年来冰岛低压和大西洋高压的长期变化及其对我国气候变化的影响

    Secular Variation of Icelandic Low Pressure and Atlantic High Pressure and Its Influence to Our country 's Climate in Recent Centuries

  2. 与此对应,中央北极区及气候冰岛低压中心海平面气压在降低,而再往南区域海平面气压在升高。

    Meanwhile , the sea level pressure in the center part of the northern polar region and the region where the climatic Icelandic low exist decreases , but in places farther southward it increases .

  3. 模式中海冰厚度处理趋于合理分布,导致东亚冬、夏季风偏强,使冬季西伯利亚高压和冰岛低压的模拟结果更趋合理;

    The results indicate that an nearly reasonable distribution of sea-ice thickness in Arctic in the model leads directly to stronger winter and summer monsoon over East Asia , and improves the model 's simulation results for Siberia High and Icelandic Low in winter .

  4. 冷夏前期,大陆冷高压偏弱,冷空气活跃,冰岛低压和阿留申低压发展较深,太平洋副高持续偏弱,这种状态可以持续到夏季,便形成了东北地区的冷夏。

    In pre-cold summer , continual cold high is weaker , cold air is active , Icelandic low and Aleutian low develop more heavier , Pacific sub-high continues weaker , which can sustain to summer , so that this case leads to cold summer in east-north of China .

  5. 当冰岛低压的上游出现异常偏高的海温时,加强的蒸发对流活动可以在洋面上制造大量温暖湿润的空气,然后通过低压槽的输送给下游的地区带来大规模的降水。

    When there is high temperature anomaly above the upstream of Icelandic Low , the enhanced evaporation and convection make plenty of warm and wet air above the sea surface , which could be transported to the downstream by the trough resulting in a large scale of precipitation .