
  • 网络monsoonal index;monsoon index;EAMI
  1. 季风指数及其年际变化II·南海夏季风分量动能强度指数及其年际变化

    Monsoon Index and Its Inter-annual Variability Part II : The Kinetic Energy Index and Its Inter-annual Variability in South China Sea Summer Monsoon Region

  2. 一个新的高原季风指数与四川盆地夏季降水的关系

    Relationship between a New Plateau Monsoon Index and Summer Precipitation in Sichuan Basin and Analysis of Circulation Features

  3. 这个新的东亚季风指数基本上满足了由Lau等提出的最佳季风指数的原则。

    In comparison with other indices , the new index is basically satisfied with the optimal principles for monsoon indices proposed by Lau et al .

  4. 季风指数及其年际变化I·环流强度指数

    The Monsoon Indices and Their Interannual Variations Part I : Circulation Intensity Indices

  5. 几种亚洲季风指数与中国夏季主要雨型的关联

    Correlation between several indices of Asia monsoon and China summer main precipitation patterns

  6. 东亚季风指数的定义及其与中国气候的关系

    The Definition of East Asian Monsoon Indices and Their Relationship to Climate in China

  7. 一个新的季风指数即动态标准化季节变率被提出用来研究有关季风的问题。

    A new monsoon index , the dynamical normalized seasonality ( DNS ), is introduced to study the issue of monsoons .

  8. 还计算了南亚地区4~6月的季风指数,分析了云南5月雨量与初夏南亚季风指数变化的关系。结果表明,南亚季风指数高,云南5月雨量偏多;

    The relationship between monsoon index from April to June over South Asia and precipitation in May over Yunnan is also studied .

  9. 以往的季风指数大多只考虑了季风区的动力场或热力场的演变特征。

    As for various existed monsoon indices , each index only considers an evolutional characteristic of dynamic or thermodynamic field of the Indian monsoon area .

  10. 本文定义季风指数为:(1)一月和七月盛行风向转向角不小于120°;

    Monsoon indices used in this paper are defined as : 1 . Angle of deviation of prevailing wind in January and July ≥ 120 .

  11. 指出由南海热带季风指数和沃克环流指数之差表征的热带环流强度指数与我国夏季降水,尤其是与长江流域降水有密切的关系;

    TCIX , which is the difference between STMI and WKCI , has a close relation with the summer precipitation in China , especially in the Yangtze River basin .

  12. 东亚季风指数与江南夏季地面温度距平呈负相关,即当东亚夏季风偏弱时,长江流域及以南地区,夏季地面温度呈正距平。

    It is negative correlative between East Asia Monsoon Index and the summer surface temperature anomaly in the south Yangtze Valley ; that is the summer surface temperature anomaly is positive while the East Asia Monsoon is relatively weak .

  13. 季风对流指数SW82在华南地区能够较好地描述4-6月的闪电活动趋势;

    A monsoon convective index is defined , and it is good at describing the lightning trend from April to June in southern China .

  14. 利用1951&1994年每月平均海平面气压资料,计算了东亚地区季风强度指数。

    Ased on the monthly mean sea level pressure data during the years of 1951-1994 , the East Asia summer monsoon intensity index has been suggested .

  15. 延长并计算了1873~2003年东亚冬、夏季及其逐月的季风强度指数,研究了1951~2003年冬、夏季及逐月季风强度指数的长期变化趋势。

    The East Asian winter / summer and monthly monsoon indices are constructed for the period of 1873-2003 / 2004 and their secular trend variations are analyzed .

  16. 用1873~1996/1997年资料,延长计算了东亚冬夏季风强度指数,研究了指数的年际及年代际变化的主要特征。

    The East Asian summer and winter monsoon intensity indices are constructed by using the SLP data for the period of1873 ~ 1996 / 1997 and their interannual and inter decadal variabilities are analyzed .

  17. 而云南5月强降水天气仅与前期4月南海季风强度指数相关较好,相关系数为0.415,通过了98%的显著性检验,与其他月份相关不显著。

    The good correlation between the May very heavy rainfall and the the South Sea monsoon index is in the previous period , April , when the correlation coefficient is 0.415 and goes beyond 98 % significance level , but the correlations of other months are not significant .

  18. 东亚副热带季风特征及其指数的建立

    Characteristics of East Asian Subtropical Monsoon Index and Its Definition

  19. 季风分量动能强度指数能够反映各年南海夏季风建立后的强度。

    The kinetic energy intensity index reflects the intensity of monsoon after onset in South China Sea region .

  20. 计算了各年南海夏季风建立前后流场的场相似度、场比幅、季风分量动能强度指数和突变度。

    We calculated the field similarity , field amplitude ratio , the onset day , the kinetic energy intensity of monsoon component and the degree of abruptness for every year in South China Sea summer monsoon region .