
  • 网络China Weather;Chinese Weather
  1. 本文介绍用Apple-Ⅱ微型计算机对十二张中国天气图传真样张一维图象特性进行统计的模型、方法和结果分析。

    The models , the method and the results of one dimensional statistics of 12 Chinese weather facsimile chart samples with Apple-II microcomputer are introduced .

  2. 高原积雪作为一种重要的陆面强迫因子,和副高、阻高、冬夏季风、ENSO、海温等影响中国天气气候的因子有密切关系。

    As an important land-surface forcing factor , snow cover has close relation with the factors of sub-tropic high , blocking , winter and summer monsoons , ENSO , sea surface temperature , etc.

  3. 中国天气和美国的不一样。

    The weather in Chinese is different from that of American .

  4. 中国天气景观旅游资源的类型与成因分析

    The cause and characteristic analysis of Chinese tourist weather spectacle

  5. 北太平洋夏季大气环流的持续性异常及其对中国天气的影响

    North Pacific summer persistent atmospheric circulation anomaly with its effects on China Weather

  6. 中国天气发生器的降水模拟

    Precipitation Simulation in China with a Weather Generator

  7. 近30年中国天气预报业务进展

    Advances in Operational Weather Forecast in China

  8. 中国天气发生器降水模拟参数的气候变化特征

    Impacts of Climate Changes on Parameters of a Weather Generator for Daily Precipitation in China

  9. 气候还可能继续恶化,暴雨在周末之前不会停,这将很可能引发更多的泥石流,中国天气预报员报道。

    And the weather may deteriorate , with rains turning torrential later in the week , potentially triggering more landslides , Chinese forecasters said .

  10. 中国天气预报学家预期在未来几天内将会下雨,但他们因为太恐慌以至于没有给出官方预测。

    Word has it that China 's weather forecasters expect rain in the next few days , but they are too skittish to make an official prediction .

  11. 2003年夏季OLR特征及与中国异常天气的关系

    OLR Characteristics and Relationship with Abnormal Weather Processes in China in Summer 2003

  12. 瑞士气候变化专家皮埃尔•埃克特(PierreEckert)表示:拉尼娜现象与中国近期天气之间存在关联当然是有可能的。

    Pierre Eckert , a Swiss climate change expert , said : The correlation between La Ni ? a and China is certainly possible .

  13. 这说明ENSO事件不是唯一决定中国夏季天气气候的强信号,还有别的气候因子影响中国夏季的天气气候异常。

    It suggests that ENSO is not the unique strong signal that determines the weather and climate in China during summer . There are other climate elements which may affect the weather and climate in China during boreal summer .

  14. 中国的天气跟美国的不同。

    The weather in China is different from that in American .

  15. 2004年春季中国沙尘天气特征分析

    Characteristics of china 's sandy weather in the spring of 2004

  16. 你询问我中国的天气。

    You asked me about the weather here in China .

  17. 中国极端天气气候事件对传染性疾病的影响

    The impacts of extreme events of weather and climate on infectious disease

  18. 澳大利亚的天气与中国的天气大不相同。

    The weather in Australia is quite different from that in China .

  19. 中国沙尘天气变化的时空特征及其气候原因

    Temporal-Spatial Distribution Characteristics and Causes of Dust-day in China

  20. 现在中国的天气很冷,是吗?

    The weather in China now is very cold , isn 't it ?

  21. 中国的天气怎么样?

    What 's the weather like in China ?

  22. 中国沙尘天气对区域环境影响的初步研究

    A Preliminary Study of Influences of Dust Events in Northern China on the Regional Environments

  23. 2003年春季中国沙尘天气异常的气候及环境背景

    Climatic and Environmental Background for the Anomalous Spring Sandstorms over the Northern China During 2003

  24. 两组辐射方案对中国短期天气过程影响的比较和探讨

    Impact of Two Group Radiation Parameterization Schemes on Simulation of Short-Range Weather Process in China

  25. 中国沙尘天气的区域特征

    Regional Characteristics of Dust Events in China

  26. 近年来,中国在天气监控能力上有了很大提高,从中也受益颇多。

    In recent years , China has been helped by big improvements in its weather-monitoring capacity .

  27. 2002年春季中国沙尘天气与物理量场的相关分析

    Correlative Analyses between Meteorological Elements and Dust-stormy Weather Occurred in China during the Spring of 2002

  28. 锌被认为是中国恶劣天气的主要受益者,价格上涨4.6%,至每吨2275美元。

    Zinc , seen as the main beneficiary of the bad weather in China , rose 4.6 per cent to $ 2275 a tonne .

  29. 近年来强沙尘暴天气气候特征的分析研究2003年春季中国沙尘天气异常的气候及环境背景

    Analysis of Climatological Characteristics of Severe Dust Storms in Recent Years in the Northern China Climatic and Environmental Background for the Anomalous Spring Sandstorms over the Northern China During 2003

  30. 香港市场也受到中国恶劣天气的影响。分析人士表示,恶劣天气可能进一步推高内地的通胀率,而中国目前的通胀已是11年以来的最高水平。

    Hong Kong was also undermined by the poor weather in China , which analysts said might drive mainland inflation even higher from its current level , which is the strongest for 11 years .