
  • 网络milk foam;frothed milk;Whip
  1. 卡布奇诺的奶泡厚实而柔滑,售价港币22元,是我们所喜欢之一&虽然我们不是很满意咖啡的温度总是太高。

    Caf é Golden 's HK $ 22 cappuccino is one of our favorites the milk foam is thick and creamy though we 're not pleased with the fact that it is usually served too hot .

  2. 它由浓缩咖啡、热牛奶和蒸汽奶泡制成。

    It consists of espresso , hot milk and steamed milk foam .

  3. 拿铁艺术(latteart),有时候也叫做卡布奇诺艺术,是一种在卡布奇诺或拿铁等牛奶咖啡饮品的表面用奶泡画出图案或者进行微型雕花的艺术,也就是俗称的咖啡拉花。

    Latte art , also sometimes described as cappuccino art , is a pattern or miniature sculpture produced within the froth that tops off milky coffee drinks such as cappuccino or latte .

  4. 咖啡拉花是将克丽玛(术语:由咖啡脂和水混合成的液体)和牛奶微泡(在蒸汽奶泡机中使用蒸汽棒将牛奶打成的泡沫)混合后形成的。

    Latte art is formed by mixing crema ( the technical term for the liquid formed from coffee oil and water ) and microfoam ( the foam produced when air is passed through milk using a steam wand on an espresso machine ) .

  5. 玛奇朵咖啡,这是在「浓缩咖啡」espresso上面加少许奶泡的咖啡我最喜欢的咖啡饮料是玛奇朵咖啡。耗尽(热情、精力等),烧光。burnt是过去式,过去分词。

    macchiato ( n. ) My favorite coffee drink is Macchiato .

  6. Joe在纽约和费城有13家分店,它的卡布奇诺是不分层的,最上面也没有看得见泡泡的奶泡。

    Joe , a cafe with 13 locations in New York and Philadelphia , serves a cappuccino that is not layered , with no bubbly foam on top .

  7. Joe的版本似乎违背了美国特种咖啡协会(SpecialtyCoffeeAssociationofAmerica,简称SCAA)及其下属咖啡师行会(BaristaGuild)推行的卡布奇诺标准,该标准主张最少要有一厘米厚的奶泡。

    The Joe version would seem to violate the cappuccino standards put forth by the Specialty Coffee Association of America ( S.C.A.A. ) and its Barista Guild , which advocate a one-centimeter layer , minimum , of milky foam .

  8. 有咖啡专家认为,都是那些“拿铁艺术婊”导致现代卡布奇诺的奶泡如此之少,他们说,在这个无Instagram不成炊的年代,较少的泡沫有利于咖啡师做出繁复的花式。

    Some coffee specialists pointed to " latte art creep " as responsible for the small amount of foam in the modern-day cappuccino , noting that it is easier for baristas to make intricate designs with less froth in a time of Instagram-ready food and drink .

  9. 我要一份大杯没奶泡的低脂拿铁咖啡

    I want one no-foam skimmed latte with an extra shot ...

  10. 加豆奶多奶泡超大杯滴滤咖啡加三份糖

    Dry soy cap . Super-sized drip , with three sugars .

  11. 我希望奶泡多一点,牛奶少一点。

    I want extra foam and not too much milk .

  12. 米契:那样的话,我要双份卡布奇诺,奶泡多加一些。

    Mitch : In that case , make mine a double cappuccino with extra foam .

  13. 我要多一点奶泡。

    I want some extra foam .

  14. 注:所有冻咖啡都采用了我们特有制作的手工冻奶泡,营养健康,口感柔滑。

    NOTE : The cream of all iced coffee is handmade , healthy and tastes smooth .

  15. 我要一杯不加牛奶,只有奶泡的卡布奇诺。

    I want a dry cappuccino .

  16. 一份浓缩咖啡,加上热牛奶,最上面盖一层蛋白霜似的奶泡。

    It was a shot of espresso with steamed milk and a meringue-like milk foam on top .

  17. 如果你想向咖啡里加牛奶,我更推荐加入刚打完的奶泡。

    As in coffee , a molasses sugar goes a lot better . If you were serving milk , I 'd like to serve refreshed frothed milk .

  18. 这间店的咖啡顺滑浓郁,配搭牛奶更加美味,整杯咖啡的温度刚好,奶泡也非常幼滑。

    The coffee blend used here is smooth and creamy in taste , which makes it a perfect accompaniment to milk , which is served at the right temperature and very well frothed .

  19. 奶泡的治疗方法包括:热敷(心不要把乳头烫伤了)让乳头吸收热后把敷布拿掉,立刻让宝宝来吸。

    Treatment for the nipple blister includes using a hot compress ( but not hot enough to burn nipple ) and allow the heat to " soak in ", then remove compress and immediately place baby on the breast to nurse .

  20. 将面粉、蛋、奶和泡打粉混合均匀后,就可以开始做薄饼了。

    After blending the flour , eggs , milk , and baking powder , you 're ready to start cooking pancakes .