
kā fēi tánɡ
  • sugar ;coffee candy
  1. 请不要给我的咖啡放糖,我在节食。

    No sugar in my coffee , please ; I 'm dieting .

  2. 他喜欢在咖啡里加糖,但不喜欢其它的。

    He likes sugar in his coffee but nothing else .

  3. 我喜欢在咖啡里加糖或奶油。

    I like either sugar or cream in my coffee .

  4. 但是,我从不往咖啡里加糖,还丢了我的爱人(蜂蜜)。

    But I don 't put sugar in coffee and I lost my honey .

  5. 他提醒妻子他们需要买些咖啡和糖。

    He reminded his wife that they needed to buy some coffee and sugar .

  6. 我从不用咖啡或者糖来刺激自己。工作本身自然地激励我。

    I never drink caffeine or eat sugar anymore & my work naturally energizes me .

  7. 一个女银行清洁工被开除了,因为她“偷”了一匙咖啡和糖。

    A woman bank cleaner was fired for " stealing " a spoonful of coffee and sugar .

  8. 简:不,这周轮到我放咖啡、糖和奶末。

    Joan : No , it 's my turn to put the coffee , sugar and creamer this week .

  9. 噢,我明白了。不过我喜欢咖啡里加糖和牛奶。给你。

    Oh , I see , but I like coffee with sugar and milk in it . Here you are .

  10. 如果你想向咖啡里加糖,最好加黄糖,黄糖属于蔗糖,会使咖啡的味道变得更好。

    If they 're adding sugar to coffee , it should be a brown sugar , because it 's molasses sugar .

  11. 大量食用发泡饮料、奶油水果和咖啡加糖是增加这种危险的三种最常见的方式。

    A heavy intake of fizzy drinks , creamed fruit and sugar in coffee are three common ways of increasing the risk .

  12. 咖啡和糖让员工有短暂的精神复原,而一整晚的好好休息能让第二天的工作表现更好。

    While coffee and sugar give employees a temporary energy boost , an adequate night 's rest drives efficient , high-quality performance throughout the day .

  13. 只有一些规模最大的公司进行了对冲,而且它们通常只对价格波动较大的若干大宗商品进行对冲,如咖啡、糖和可可。

    Only the biggest groups hedged and , in most cases , they only bought protection for a few volatile commodities , such as coffee , sugar or cocoa .

  14. 最简单也是最有效的方式之一就是好好休息。咖啡和糖让员工有短暂的精神复原,而一整晚的好好休息能让第二天的工作表现更好。

    One of the simplest and most effective ways to work smarter is by getting enough rest . While coffee and sugar give employees a temporary energy boost , an adequate night 's rest drives efficient , high-quality performance throughout the day .

  15. 我们这顿午餐吃了五道菜,最后是咖啡和薄荷糖。

    We had a five-course lunch and finished up with coffee and mints .

  16. 他坐下来,在咖啡中加糖并搅拌。

    He sat down and sugared and stirred his coffee .

  17. 把咖啡和大部分糖送给他们。

    Made presents of coffee and most of the sugar .

  18. 我喜欢黑咖啡加少许糖。

    Waitor : I like mine black with a pinch of sugar .

  19. 你应该用汤匙搅动咖啡里的糖。

    You should stir the sugar in your coffee with a spoon .

  20. 我不喜欢在咖啡里放糖。

    I do not like sugar in my coffee .

  21. 你在我的咖啡里放糖了吗?

    Did you put sugar in my coffee ?

  22. 咖啡里没有糖。

    It is no sugar in the coffee .

  23. 请在咖啡里加些糖。

    Please put some sugar into coffee .

  24. 热咖啡能把糖溶化了。

    The hot coffee melts the sugar .

  25. 咖啡不加糖和两个煮鸡蛋。

    Black coffee and two boiled eggs .

  26. 你喝咖啡不加糖,-懂了,然后呢,

    You don 't take sugar in your coffee . - I see , so ?

  27. 我不喜欢甜的咖啡,无糖的我比较喜欢。

    I don 't like sweet coffee ; I like it better without sugar in it .

  28. 在那段没有你的日子里,就像鸟窝咖啡没加糖一样苦。

    In those days without you , just like the nest of coffee without sugar bitter .

  29. 一杯咖啡,双份糖,快点.谢谢.-马上来.

    One cafe con leche , extra sugar , coming up . Thanks . - All right .

  30. 如果你想减肥的话你可以用阿斯巴甜代替咖啡里的糖。

    You can substitute aspartame for sugar in your coffee if you 're trying to lose weight .