
nú lì zhì
  • slavery;institution of slavery;slavery system;serfdom
  1. 1760年后,很多美国人都在谴责奴隶制的社会危害。

    After 1760 few Americans refrained from condemning slavery as evil

  2. 人们仍然生活在奴隶制的枷锁之下。

    People are still suffering under the yoke of slavery

  3. 我们的人民从400年的奴隶制中挺了过来。

    My people have survived 400 years of slavery .

  4. 到1838年,废奴主义者迫使议会出于道德压力而废除了英国殖民地的奴隶制。

    By 1838 , the abolitionists had shamed parliament into ending slavery in British colonies

  5. 这是为奴隶制辩护的同一思想观念的再现。

    It was a re-enactment of the same mental construct under which slavery was justified .

  6. 对飞速的社会变革的恐惧使得南部对奴隶制暂时的默许变得可以忍受。

    Fear of rapid social change made temporary acquiescence in slavery tolerable in the South .

  7. 他们决心把自己从奴隶制的枷锁中解放出来。

    They were determined to free themselves from the shackles of slavery .

  8. 林肯总统废除了美国的奴隶制。

    President Lincoln abolished slavery in the United States .

  9. 众所周知,教会过去尽量反对废除奴隶制。

    The churches , as everyone knows , opposed the abolition of slavery as long as they dared .

  10. 奴隶制被废除了,人们无不为之欢乐鼓舞。

    Few people would not exult at the abolition of slavery .

  11. 年的今天,英国立法在其帝国内废除奴隶制

    The United Kingdom legislates the abolition of slavery in its empire . 1833

  12. 我想说的是,自1804年以来,海地人一直要求华盛顿同样尊重我们对自由和经济主权的热情,当时海地坚决反对奴隶制和拿破仑的统治,尽管海地的生产力为法国贡献了一半的GDP。

    I 'd argue Haitians have been asking Washington to similarly respect and honor our passion for freedom and economic sovereignty since 1804 , when Haiti forcefully rejected slavery and Napoleon 's rule , despite generating half of France 's GDP with its productivity .

  13. 艾提安·德·拉·鲍埃西(EtiennedelaBoetie,1530&1563),是16世纪法国的政治哲学家,其思想主要集中在顺从的政治:论自愿的奴隶制一文中。

    Etienne de la Boetie ( 1530 - 1563 ) was the French political philosopher in the sixteenth century . His idea was mostly centralized in the " The Politics of Obedience : The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude " .

  14. ISIS还定期在达比克杂志上宣称他们对待女人的方式是合法的,并声称根据圣训所言,奴隶制将在世界末日开始之际重新实行。对于异教徒家庭而言,奴役他们,让他们的妻女做姘妇是神圣之事。

    ISIS have regularly justified their treatment of women in their Dabiq magazine claiming that a hadith indicated that slavery would be revived at the beginning of the end of the world . It is a holy requirement to enslave the families of the infidels and take concubines from among them .

  15. 称在纽约s.f.的女权大会,预示着政治和职业对女性的开放,与此同时是不断增长的废除奴隶制的要求。

    H.says the women 's rights convention in s.f. , new york , foreshadowed the opening of politics and professions to women , while the growing abolution abolition movement spread the man demands for the end of slavery .

  16. 论商鞅变法的奴隶制社会属性

    Slave System Social Natures on Shang Yang ′ s Political Reform

  17. 不过这样的说辞正好可以用来为奴隶制辩护。

    But one could use this reasoning to prop up slavery .

  18. 真正的法制早在奴隶制社会就出现了。

    Summary : Real legal system appeared in the slave society .

  19. 反对奴隶制的领袖们就奴隶制问题进行了多年的激烈争论。

    Anti-thrall leaders agitated the question of thrall for many years .

  20. 黑奴自奴隶制时期就已经开始为自由而抗争

    Blacks who despite being enslaved were already fighting for freedom .

  21. 并颁布了结束奴隶制的解放奴隶宣言。

    He had already issued the Emancipation Proclamation that ended slavery .

  22. 哈克生活在种族主义和奴隶制存在的时代。

    Huck lives in the era when racism and slavery exist .

  23. 英国历史传统与北美奴隶制的起源

    British Historical Traditions and the Origin of Slavery in North America

  24. 美国大种植园(奴隶制)在游戏中起什么额外的作用?

    What role will the American plantation have in the game ?

  25. 囚犯丙说,“用铁镣,奴隶制才会这样做。”

    Prisoner three : " In chains . It 's slavery ! "

  26. 商代是我国历史上第二个重要的奴隶制王朝。

    Shang dynasty is the second important slavery dynasty in our history .

  27. 战士们,不要为奴隶制而战,要为自由而战!

    Soldiers-don 't fight for slavery , fight for liberty !

  28. 贵州本土文化历史悠久,源远流长,根据它的发展,可分为四个时期,即:滥觞期,这时期涵盖了整个的原始文化和奴隶制文化;形成期,这时期是封建文化;

    The indigenous culture of Guizhou has a long history .

  29. 你不认为你生活在了奴隶制社会里了吗?

    You not think in you have lived when slave makes society ?

  30. 从历史上看,当年欧洲强国通过殖民化和奴隶制解决了这一难题。

    Historically , European powers solved this dilemma through colonisation and slavery .