
  • 网络slave uprising
  1. 意大利人的同盟战争,西西里岛奴隶起义,斯巴达克起义,都属于内战,但是为争取公民权、人身自由权,不是为争取土地所有权。

    The Italian Allied War , the Sicilian Slave Uprising and the Slave Uprising led by Spartacus all belong to civil wars fought for the right of citizen and personal liberty , rather than the ownership of land .

  2. 不断出现的奴隶起义导致了古罗马帝国的覆灭。

    Recurrent slave uprisings brought about the downfall of the ancient Roman Empire .

  3. 布朗在奴隶起义上做的努力。

    Brown 's attempt at servile insurrection .

  4. 事实上,新大陆最早的一场奴隶起义就是在这里发生的。

    In fact one of the earliest slave revolts in New World took place here .

  5. 虽然只差有色人种的白人几百年来,没有废除奴隶起义运动或有效的强制问题。

    Although people of color outnumbered whites for hundreds of years , there were no slave uprisings or effective abolitionist movements to force the issue .