- Homer

[Homer] 相传是希腊公元前九世纪到前八世纪的盲人诗人,著名的史诗《伊利亚特》、《奥德赛》是他所作,口传于世,后经民间流浪歌手整理加工而成书
She wrote an essay on Homer .
The legal conceptions of archaic age of the Greeks are known to us through the epic works of Homer and the poetry of hesiod .
He wrote a brilliant saga of the rise and collapse of a bank in Oklahoma .
" This is Hesiod , of course , a younger contemporary poet , we believe , with Homer , " Soupios says .
He observed that Homer was still admired after two thousand years .
Several school in Oklahoma made the some move earlier this year , and some them told CBS News Reports that more teachers wanted to teach there after the change .
Homer Iliad and Milton 's Paradise Lost are epics .
Homer 's epic is not just composed of harridan wives and brave men .
Keats is referring to epic poetry when he mentions Homer 's " proud demesne " .
Loosely based on the Amanda Knox case , Stillwater stars a brawny3 , bearded , baseball-capped Matt Damon as Bill Baker4 , an oil worker who lives in Stillwater , Oklahoma .
Mr. Wood went on to study computer science and math at Oklahoma Christian University .
Plato Vs. Homer The First Confrontation Merging between Philosophy and Literature in the Western Civilization
After all , Homer addressed similar issues three millenniums ago .
Homer , his clueless father , is unmoved .
Vance Fried , of Oklahoma State University , recently conducted a fascinating thought experiment , backed up by detailed calculations .
CNOOC has been investing aggressively in unconventional oil and gas deposits in North America , signing two multibillion-dollar shale oil deals with Chesapeake energy of Oklahoma during the past year .
Polis at Homer 's Times
He has an artistic side , though , loving to paint and draw , recalls Ted Norton , a classmate at Oklahoma Christian University .
NPR 's Kirk Siegler reports friends and family remember nine-year-old Antonia Candelaria as the rain fell in south Oklahoma City .
Reese Monhundro , I think , in Still Water , Oklahoma , 10:03 pm , A man arrested for DUI on July 31st , told a cop the stop sign turned red too fast for him to stop .
Oklahoma City 's Paul George says that while being named to the All-Star Game for an injured DeMarcus Cousins is a great opportunity , he wishes he got in another way .
Kaitlin Nootbaar , a straight-A Oklahoma high school student , is being denied her diploma because she used the word " hell " in her graduation speech as valedictorian , and she and her parents are furious .
The son of a musician father and a school-teacher mother , Ryan Tedder grew up in a religious family in rural Oklahoma .
For stress to be most beneficial , it 's important to find meaning in your work , says Debra Nelson , a management professor at Oklahoma State University who has been studying stress for 30 years .
He achieved notoriety for his injection of a massive dose of LSD into an elephant at the Oklahoma Zoo , the elephant died when West tried to revive it by administering a combination of drugs .
Aubrey McClendon and Tom Ward of Oklahoma were land-leasing specialists ; they managed to build the nation 's second-largest gas producer by leading the charge into shale fields .
Melvin Moran , whose company owns stripper wells in Oklahoma , said it costs thousands of dollars a year to keep one pumping .
Nashala Hearn , who joins us from Muskogee , Oklahoma , took a stand for that right at an early age .
It said last year that inherent logistical flaws caused by the WTI contract delivery point at Cushing , Oklahoma , frequently led to a disconnect from international markets .
That narrative persisted until last June , when Mr. Durant , who had spent eight years dutifully toiling in small-market Oklahoma City for the Thunder , became one of the most heavily courted free agents in league history .