
  • 网络atmospheric convection
  1. 高原积雪异常会导致高原上空大气垂直运动的扰动,扰动传播到下游致使我国长江流域和西太副高所在区域大气对流运动发生变化。

    The changes of snow cover excites disturbances of the atmosphere vertical motion , as the disturbances spread to downstream area , which certainly stirs the atmospheric convection changes over the Yangtze River valley and the Western Pacific Subtropical High .

  2. 大气对流的Hamilton系统的突变理论分析

    An Analysis of Catastrophe Theory of Hamilton Systems of the Convection in Atmosphere

  3. 利用尺寸为150cm×150cm×60cm室内对流水槽模拟了大气对流边界层的发生和发展。

    Generation and evolution of the atmospheric convective boundary layer are simulated in laboratory convective water tank with the dimension of 150 cm × 150 cm × 60 cm .

  4. 利用室内对流水槽(150cm×150cm×60cm)模拟了大气对流边界层,以实验获取的平均温度廓线数据和光斑图像为基础对夹卷通量进行了参数化研究。

    The convective boundary layer development in laboratory simulation tank ( 150 cm × 150 cm × 60 cm ) is simulated to study the parameterization of entrainment heat flux .

  5. 大气对流边界层光传输的实验室模似

    Laboratory Simulation of Light Propagation in Atmospheric Convective Boundary Layer

  6. 具有周期变化的热源时大气对流系统的混沌现象

    Chaos Phenomena of Convection System in Atmosphere with Heat Source of Periodic Variation

  7. 周期强迫作用下大气对流、惯性运动的特性

    The Properties of Free Convective and Inertial Motion in Atmosphere Under Periodic Forcing

  8. 大气对流边界层中热力湍流过程的研究

    Studies on process of the thermal turbulence in the atmospheric convective boundary layer

  9. 大气对流对土壤内热和水分迁移影响的数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Heat and Water Transfer in Unsaturated Soil With Air Convection

  10. 大气对流边界层中的涡漩结构

    Vortex motions in the atmospheric convective boundary layer

  11. 大气对流的阻尼模型

    A resistance model of the convection in atmosphere

  12. 大气对流对土壤内热湿迁移影响的实验研究

    Experimental study on heat and moisture transfer in unsaturated soil caused by air convection

  13. 本文利用室内水槽模拟均匀下垫面大气对流边界层。

    In this paper , flat-underlying-surface convective boundary layer is simulated in laboratory simulation tank .

  14. 太阳辐照、大气对流下未饱和土壤中热质迁移过程的实时仿真研究

    Simulation of heat and mass transfer in unsaturated soil under solar radiation and air convection

  15. 并对大气对流条件下土壤内热和水分迁移进行了数值模拟。

    Numerical simulation was carried out for one dimensional heat and water migration by air convection .

  16. 采用大涡模拟方法研究了存在逆温层的情况下大气对流边界层的湍流特性。

    The turbulent characteristics in convective boundary layer topped temperature inversion were numerically investigated in terms of large eddy simulation .

  17. 反馈偏弱的可能原因是模式中热带大气对流和云对海表温度变化的敏感性比真实大气要偏弱。

    The weakness may be caused by weaker sensitivity of tropical convection and cloud-to-SST change of coupled ocean-atmosphere models than real ocean-atmosphere .

  18. 大气对流通过大气层内大规模气流运动进行的热量或其它大气属性的传递,尤指通过向上的气流运动。

    The transfer of heat or other atmospheric properties by massive motion within the atmosphere , especially by such motion directed upward .

  19. 南海夏季风爆发与海温和大气对流的低频变化

    The onset of the South China Sea Summer Monsoon and low frequency change of sea surface temperature and convective activities in the atmosphere

  20. 它爆发的强度还与爆发期间大气对流的30~60天振荡到达南海的位相有关;

    The strength of SCSSM is also related to the phase of30 ~ 60 day oscillation of TBB arrived over SCS during the onset period of SCSSM .

  21. 通过数值计算和实验测量,获得了不同大气对流速度作用下土壤中温度、含水率分布。

    The temperature , volumetric water content and water table evaporation strength in varied air convection velocity were obtained by means of numerical simulation and experimental measurement .

  22. 利用室内水槽模拟大气对流边界层,并用多探头测量和光学方法测量分析夹卷层的夹卷过程和温度场结构。

    A water convection tank is used to simulate the atmospheric convective boundary layer , and the entrainment processes and temperature structure are analyzed with help of multi-probe temperature sensors and optics method .

  23. 本文在大气对流运动基本方程组中引进具有周期变化的热源,研究了大气对流系统的强迫对流问题。

    In this paper The problem of forced convection of convection system in atmosphere is studied when heat source of periodic variation is added into the basic equations of convection motions in atmo - sphere .

  24. 利用湍流池模拟大气对流边界层的光传输,同时测量了到达角起伏和光路上的温度脉动。

    With the help of the turbulent cell , an experiment is carried out to simulate light propagation in atmospheric convective boundary layer . At the same time , fluctuation of arrival angle and fluctuation of temperature are sampled .

  25. 锋区900hPa以下是一个大气弱对流不稳定区,向上气层变为潮湿中性直至400hPa,等θse线基本上呈垂直分布;

    The stability conditions of the front zone turn into the moist neutral above 900 hPa from the weak convective unstable under 900 hPa ;

  26. 大气中对流的分岔和突变模型

    A model of bifurcation and catastrophe of the convection in atmosphere

  27. 偏北、偏西和偏南的低层气流在浙江地区汇合诱发了大气的对流不稳定,从而新生出中尺度对流云团。

    The convergence of low-level air from the north , west and south of the Zhejiang area induces convective instability near Zhejiang to produce a mesoscale cloud cluster .

  28. 在总结过去研究结果的基础上,对特强沙尘暴的发生机制进行了进一步的理论分析,探讨了大气强对流对特强沙尘暴(黑风)形成的作用;

    Based on the past research works we theoretically analyzed the formation mechanism of heavy dust storm and discussed the action of atmospheric strong advection to heavy dust storm ( black wind ) .

  29. 本文论证熵平衡方程可用来判断大气中对流和降水的发生,非线性热力学理论中的超熵产生可用来判断天气系统的产生。

    This paper proves that the entropy equilibrium equation can be used to diagnose the generation of the convection and precipitation in the atmosphere , and that the excess entropy production in the non-linear thermodynamical theory can be used to diagnose the generation of weather systems .

  30. 大气中的对流模型

    A model of the convection in atmosphere