
zhōng chǐ dù
  • mesoscale
中尺度[zhōng chǐ dù]
  1. GPS观测资料应用于中尺度数值预报模式的初步研究

    Preliminary study on applying GPS observations to mesoscale numerical weather prediction model

  2. 中尺度系统的模拟Doppler图像

    Simulated Doppler images of mesoscale system

  3. 中尺度数值预报模式预报水汽与GPS观测的比较研究

    A Comparison Study of Precipitable Water Simulated by NWP and GPS Observations

  4. 这里是该文的第一部分,将E-P通量理论引入到中尺度对称扰动的动力学模型中,重新定义E-P通量为倾斜E-P通量。

    Here is Part I. The E-P flux theory is applied to the dynamic model of mesoscale symmetric disturbances .

  5. DEM及数字地形分析中尺度问题研究综述

    A Review on the Scale Issue in DEMs and Digital Terrain Analysis

  6. 第三,采用f平面、非静力平衡、滤声波模式,讨论了中尺度垂直环流非线性摄动分析及演变方程。

    Third , we study nonlinear perturbation analysis of mesoscale vertical circulation and evolution equation by means of f-plane .

  7. GRAPES中尺度模式对2005年长江流域重大灾害性降水天气过程预报性能的检验分析

    Validation of 2005 heavy rain events over the Yangtze River Basin forecast by grapes

  8. 暴雨的形成与地面流场上中尺度辐合系统、卫星云图上中β尺度对流系统(MβCSs)等密切相关。

    The rainstorm forming is closely related to the mesoscale convergence system in surface stream field and meso - β - scale convective system in satellite cloud picture .

  9. 一次降雪过程的中尺度模式(MM5)站点预报试验

    Forecast Experiment of Meso-scale Model ( MM5 ) to Station on a Snow Process

  10. 使用国家卫星气象中心的AMSU资料分析了淮河流域发生的中尺度云团中降水最可能出现的位置。

    The probable position of mesoscale convective precipitation is analyzed with AMSU data .

  11. 结果表明,湿Q矢量散度场的分布反映了次级环流的方向和强弱,暴雨出现在中尺度环流明显增强时。

    The results show that the distribution of wet % Q % - vector indicates the direction and intensity of the secondary circulation . The heavy storm rain may occur when the mesoscale circulation enhanced .

  12. 中尺度动能以及两种尺度风场相互作用的动能,随MCS发展(减弱)而增加(减小);

    The kinetic energy of the mesoscale motion and of the interaction between large-and meso-scale flow fields increases ( decreases ) with the MCS 's development ( fading );

  13. 四种积云对流参数化方案模拟的海平面气压场差别较大,其中GR方案较好地模拟出造成这次暴雨的高低压系统和中尺度气旋。

    The simulative sea level pressure of four CPSs showed large difference , in which the GR scheme had better simulated the high , low systems and mesoscale cyclone .

  14. 用常规地面和高空资料考察了发生在1992年7月23&24日的中尺度对流复合体(MCC)的环流结构。

    The circulation of MCC ( Mesoscale Convective Complex ) that occurred in 23 24 July 1992 are examined by conventional surface and upper air data .

  15. 通过分析中尺度波的结构发现,台风内的中尺度波动具有重力惯性波和涡旋Rossby波的混合特征。

    Through analyzing the structure of the waves in typhoon , we found that the waves possess the mixed features of gravity inertial waves and vortex Rossby waves .

  16. 本文通过耦合CFD(计算流体力学)模式和中尺度天气模式,模拟了甘肃省榆中县城区的大气流动和污染物扩散。

    The airflow and dispersion of a pollutant in a complex urban area of Yuzhong , Gansu , China , were numerically examined by coupling a Computational Fluid Dynamics ( CFD ) model with a mesoscale weather model .

  17. HPF由于其强大的计算功能和拥有数组分配、新数据并行的特点,在发展高分辨率中尺度数值预报模式和其它气象实时业务中发挥重要作用。

    Because of its formidable computation function HPF plays the vital role in development of high resolution mesoscale numerical forecast model and other meteorological real-time services .

  18. 利用中尺度数值模式ARPS研究了分层流动大气中的非线性山脉重力波。

    Characteristics of non-linear mountain gravity waves and atmospheric ship waves generated by three-dimensional multi-layer flow over an isolated mountain were investigated using the numerical model , ARPS .

  19. 同化AMSU资料使温度场和风场增强,更清楚的显示出中尺度低涡系统发生和演变的过程。

    AMSU data increased the quantity of temperature and wind , could clearly revealed the occurrence and change of the low vortex which lead to the rainfall .

  20. 其生命史约为12小时,水平尺度为100~200km,为典型的β中尺度系统。

    The life cycle of meso-scale system is about 12 hours , and the horizontal scale is from 100 to 200 km , it is a typical meso - β weather system .

  21. 本文利用改进了水汽输送方案的中尺度模式MM4对三次暴雨过程作了试验,这三次过程包括两次长江中下游特大暴雨和一次华北暴雨。

    In this paper , the moisture transport algorism of mesoscale model MM4 is improved by adding positive definite moisture transport schemes with high accuray .

  22. MαCS发生在低层切变线南侧的中尺度辐合线(或辐合中心)上,并在减弱阶段演变为明显的低涡结构;

    The M α CS occurred over the mesoscale convergence line ( or convergence center ) located south of a shear line in the lower-level jet ( LLJ ) field during its occurrence and development and became a clear low vortex during its weakening and dissipative stage .

  23. 用中尺度数值模式(MM5v3.7)模拟了2005年6月25&26日河南一次强降水天气过程。

    Using the fifth-generation PSU / NCAR Meso-scale Model ( MM5V3.7 ), a rainstorm on June 25 to 26,2005 in Henan Province is successfully simulated .

  24. 采用Barnes带通滤波方法分离出中尺度天气系统表明,500hPa上的中尺度低压扰动系统和700hPa上的中尺度低涡是产生这次暴雨天气过程的直接的天气系统。

    The analysis of mesoscale system shows that disturbing mesoscale low pressure system at 500 hPa and mesoscale vortex at 700 hPa are directly influential systems which caused the heavy rain process .

  25. 利用非静力中尺度数值模式(MM5V2),试验预报辽宁省空气污染气象条件。

    Experiment is done to make potential prediction of air pollution in Liaoning Province with non-hydrostatic mesoscale model ( MM5V2 ) with increased levels near the ground .

  26. 广东省中山市气象局引进中国移动通信公司的GRPS无线业务通讯技术,取代常规电话拨号方式,用于完成中尺度灾害性天气监测网中22个自动气象站观测资料的采集和传输。

    The China Mobile GRPS wireless communication technology was adopted instead of the routine telephone dial mode in the collection and transmission of observation data of 22 automatic weather stations .

  27. 风速垂直廓线的线性和非线性分布激发产生的中尺度重力惯性波和涡旋Rossby波,在切变基流中有可能发生不稳定而导致暴雨天气过程的产生。

    The results suggested that terrain can enhance the precipitation , the linear and nonlinear distribution of wind profiles would generate mesoscale gravity inertia wave and vortex-Rossby wave , which could possibly become instable in the shear base flow and result in the rainstorm .

  28. 在华东中尺度试验期间,捕获到一个发生在固始地区的雨团,我们取水平格距为20km,垂直分为十一层,用倒平方公式对该雨团地区的气象资料进行诊断分析。

    A rain cluster was detected in a mesoscale experiment in East China . The formula of inverse square is used here to diagnose information concerning the domain with 20 km interval horizontal grids and 11 vertical levels .

  29. 暴雨发生前,尺度相互作用制造项GKMS起最重要的作用,大尺度动能制造项次之,中尺度动能制造项消耗少量的动能;

    Before the torrential rain , GKMS played the most important role , and GKS the second , whereas GKM dissipated a few energy .

  30. 通过10年(1983&1992年)卫星云图资料的分析,综合归纳了东北地区中尺度对流复合体(NMCC)的基本特征及其发展演变过程。

    He essential features of mesoscale convective complex in Northeast China ( NMCC ) and it 's developing process were induced by analysing the satellite cloud pictures of ten years .