
wài bīn
  • foreign guest/visitor
外宾 [wài bīn]
  • [foreign guest;foreign visitor] 外国宾客

  1. 安排几场演出招待那些外宾。

    Stage shows were laid on to entertain the foreign guests .

  2. 他绕桌子走了一圈,和所有的外宾都碰了杯。

    He walked around the table touching glasses with all the foreign guests .

  3. 她领着外宾参观了工厂。

    She showed the foreign visitors round the factory .

  4. 外宾们站着不动约莫有一分多钟之久,张口凝视着这个世界奇迹--长城。

    For more than one minute our foreign guests remained standing still gaping at this wonder of the world -- the Great Wall .

  5. 那天晚上他们设宴招待外宾。

    That evening they held a feast in honour of some foreign guests .

  6. 请把外宾的话翻译一下。

    Please interpret the comments of our foreign guest .

  7. 当晚总经理设座国际饭店宴请外宾。

    In the evening the general manager gave a banquet at the international hotel in honour of the foreign guests .

  8. 外宾们十分喜爱湖上的景色

    The foreign guests revelled in the scenery of the lake .

  9. 用车把外宾从机场送到旅馆

    The foreign guests were motored from the airfield to the hotel .

  10. 作为今年G20峰会的主办城市,中国东部浙江省省会杭州市计划在峰会期间为外宾提供带有双语标识的公共自行车租赁服务。

    Hangzhou , the host city of this year 's G20 summit , is preparing to offer bilingual bicycle rental services for foreigners visiting the provincial capital of eastern China 's Zhejiang province . The rentals will be facilitated through specially-made bilingual cards , to be delivered to foreign guests attending the summit in September .

  11. 所有游客及外宾都必须拥抱和亲吻泰国人。

    All visitors and foreigners must hug and kiss Thai people .

  12. 外宾:我要买两张明天去北京的特快车票。

    I want to buy two express tickets for Beijing tomorrow .

  13. 他们请外宾共进午餐。

    They requested that the foreign visitors have lunch with them .

  14. 热烈欢迎外宾提出建议和意见。

    Warmly welcome valuable suggestions and opinions from the foreign guests .

  15. 并非所有外宾均符合入境规定。

    Not all foreign visitors satisfy / fulfil legal entry requirements .

  16. 我被送到医院六层的外宾门诊部。

    I was escorted up to the foreigners'department on the6th floor .

  17. 外宾:请放在一边。再拿些好的茶具来看看。

    Put it aside and show me a good tea set .

  18. 外宾们十分喜爱湖上的景色。

    The foreign guests reveled in the scenery of the lake .

  19. 他们陪外宾游览杭州名胜。

    They escorted the foreign guests round the sights of Hangzhou .

  20. 一些外宾正在访问他们学校。

    Some foreign guests are on a visit in their school .

  21. 学生们手执彩旗欢迎外宾。

    The students held colorful flags to greet the foreign guests .

  22. 外宾:我想到一些有文物古迹的城市观光。

    I want to visit some Chinese cities with cultural relics .

  23. 外宾希望到曹州牡丹园参观。

    The foreigners wish to visit Peony Yard of Cao Zhou .

  24. 外宾:请问,中转可以买到卧铺票吗?

    Excuse me , does transfer service offer berth tickets ?

  25. 我们大家热情地欢迎这几位外宾。

    We all welcomed these foreign guests with open arms .

  26. 外宾:我想在去上海途中游览杭州。

    I should like to visit Hangzhou on the way to Shanghai .

  27. 那些外宾在公园里停下来看看四周。

    The foreign guests paused to look round the park .

  28. 他说他要的是外宾伸出大拇指来。

    He said he wanted to see him stick up his thumb .

  29. 他们举办了一次文艺演出来招待外宾。

    They got up a dramatic performance to entertain the foreign guests .

  30. 外宾们乘着一辆轿车来到旅馆。

    The foreign visitors rolled up to the hotel in a limousine .