
wài jiāo hù zhào
  • diplomatic passport
  1. 她使用外交护照。

    She is using a diplomatic passport .

  2. 这对若热似乎也不公平,在外交护照的帮助下他已顺利通过边检。

    It also seemed unfair to Jorge , who had meanwhile sailed through , helped by his diplomatic passport .

  3. 非盟委员会将进一步分别与各国协商,讨论哪些科学家可以获得外交护照。

    The AU commission will further consult with individual states on which scientists are selected .

  4. 在北京机场,如果持有亚太经合组织的旅行身份证,可以走外交护照专用通道,那里排队比较短。

    In Beijing , an APEC travel I.D.enables the holder to queue in the shorter lines normally reserved for diplomatic passport holders only .

  5. 外交护照是一种能够迅速通关的文件,持照官员每次希望访问另一个非盟成员国的时候,他们不需要申请签证。

    These act as fast-track entry documents so that officials do not need to apply for visas each time they wish to visit another AU member country .

  6. 非洲联盟的成员国支持了一项给科学家颁发外交护照的提案,这可能会让科学家更容易在非洲大陆旅行。

    [ ADDIS ABABA ] Member states of the African Union ( AU ) have backed a proposal to provide scientists with diplomatic passports that would make it easier for them to move around the continent .

  7. 扎尔达里先生要高级专员帮父亲安排一个“随行教员”的职位,这样,他就能拥有一份可以养家的薪水和一本外交护照,而无须通过寻求政治庇护的手段才能留在英国。

    Mr Zardari told the high commissioner to give my father a post as education attach é so he would have a salary to live on and a diplomatic passport so he would not need to seek asylum to stay in the UK .