- 网络diplomatic power;power of diplomacy

Have legislative and financial powers , and the right to monitor the right of diplomatic .
In 1917 , the United States joined the Allies and further improved the relationship with the United Kingdom which mastered the right of Foreign Affairs to the Canadian Department .
Usually the parent company , the management headquarters of the Group Company , can exert the management right inside the company and diplomatic right outside the company by using the name of Group Company .
In the early 20th century , " Jiandao " question , being made use of by Japan after its control over Korea , turned into a bargaining article for Japan to snatch a lot of rights and interests in Manchuria and Mongolia .
He was about to say " diplomatic immunity . "
On Origins of Conflicts between President and Congress in Foreign Policy Decision Making
The Source and Nature of the Fight between American President and the Congress for Dominance in Foreign Policy Making
To establish overseas investment insurance , to support fully and reliably , to supervise properly and to use diplomatic protection are four legal terms that our government should adopt to protect overseas direct investment .
The legal protection of international investment is one of the key items in International Investment Law . It includes the standards of treatment for foreign investment and the investor , state responsibilities , the right to apply for diplomatic protection , nationalization and compensation , etc.
Exercise of the right of subrogation correspondingly divided into two modes , one is based on bilateral investment protection agreements in the relevant regulations , through litigation or arbitration manner ; Then there through diplomatic protection , through diplomatic means to achieve the right of subrogation .