
A Multiple Analysis on Choice of Foreign Currency Statements Translation Methods
Research on the Theory of Foreign Currency Statement Translation
Current Rate Method And Temporal Method Of Foreign Currency Transformation In Financial Statement
An Theoretical Perspective of Methods of Foreign Currency Statement Translation and the Research on Our Country 's Translation Standard
Foreign currency statement translation is one of the most vexing and controversial technical issues in the international accounting .
In the statement , it is still a hot question in international accounting on how to make foreign currency transformarion .
After analyzing several different methods , the article puts forward another accounting dealing way on the profit and loss of conversion the foreign currency report forms .
The choice of foreign currency statements translation methods is one of the three major issues of financial accounting . The focus of this issue concentrates on the choice between temporal method and current rate method .
During the argument of temporal method and current rate method , the latter exceeds the former temporarily , it is also the current choice of methods of Translation of Foreign Currency Financial Statements in Chinese enterprises .
In terms of accounting policies , foreign currency exchange , pricing fluctuation , choice of merging policies , transferring prices and auditing quality , the paper reveals the problems in the analysis of the financial report of transnational corporations .
Foreign currency statement translation , which is primarily aimed at consolidated financial statement and the difficult point of which mainly focus on choosing the translation methodologies , is one of the most vexing and controversial technical issues in the international accounting .
An Exploration of the Foreign Currency Financial Statement Translation Method
This article makes a deep study on the foreign currency financial statement translation methods and their application and explores the concrete applying method that meets China 's national situations .